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Forum Name Long-Term Projects
Topic subjectSplitting up conjurers angels, much like demons are
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=58&topic_id=25
25, Splitting up conjurers angels, much like demons are
Posted by Brian S on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dear Santa Zulg! All I'd want for Christmas is.....


Divide Angels up similarly to how demons are divided up so that each type of Angel would have a different personalities, likes, dislikes, and skill sets. Give a reason for Chaotic Good Conjurer’s as well as expanding on the utility of the class more. As of now, there isn’t to much difference between a Winged Angel and a Lesser Archangel. Just more mana, and not really any new skills to it. Here is my suggestions for the Angels.

Winged Angel: Angel of the Skies. Prefers the open skies, and gets upset with being indoors. Skill set would be more focused to open area and lightning attacks. Lightning Bolt, Pillar of Heaven, Forked Lightning, Buffet. Its attack is Shocking Blast.

Radiant Angel: Angel of the Light. Its standard attack is Searing Light. Skill set would be light focused. Color Spray, Prismatic Spray, Sunray, Flash. During the day, it would attack more often and powerful, but at night, would use its skills less and its damage would be decreased.

Terrible Angel: Angel of Anger. This Angels focus would be on pure destruction. Every skill would be Area of Effect spells. Fire & Brimstone, Pillar of Lightning, Fireball, Holy Word, Turn Undead. Has the Least HP of all the Angels. Also give its powers an effect that would protect those who are Good from its attacks.

Lesser Archangel: Standard Angel as is now with Sanctuary. Does not like being on the back row of battle and will often charge in against evil foes. Will not attack Neutrals or Goods. Attack would be Wrath, with a skill set of Wrath, Divine Retribution, Light of Heaven. Decrease of damage against neutrals by 50% or more. This Angel is only used for fighting evil.

Another thing is to remove Protective Shield as a power of the upper tiers and give it as a standard spell such as Control Translucence or Dimensional Shift. I myself don’t understand the reasoning every mage but a conjurer gains a bash protection spell, but conjurers who don’t solely rely on archon/devil. If a warrior see’s a conjurer with a demon/angel, its instant bash them down time.
26, RE: Santa' Zulg!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm unSantaly, so I probably shouldn't respond to these. Anyway!

Re: Angel Variety. Breaking angels out like demons is something we've certainly talked about. I think Scarabaeus even drew up specs for it. Maybe Santa Zulg will get ambitious and implement them. ;)

Re: No protective shield; it's just part of the risk and balance of different servitor choice. A conjurer with an archon is very hard to kill, but they also basically shouldn't kill anyone decent. A conjurer with an angel has a lot more killing power, but also a lot less defense and more risk.

Typically, when I've run with angels or demons and someone has bashfested on me, my next command after unlagging has been 'get all corpse' or the assorted selected looting experience. YMMV. :)