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Forum Name Long-Term Projects
Topic subjectPoison darts
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=58&topic_id=154
154, Poison darts
Posted by Calion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It'd be nice if assassins' poison darts were changed to be more useful so that they cause no yell/echo for the victim. The victim would only notice they've been hit on the hour, or if they happened to check their affects before this. Also apply a short re-use timer so that the assassin can't just spam the darts until one hits. IMO their use is currently way too situational, because you will immediately lose any element of surprise you might have had.

Additionally, to make them even more useful you could allow the darts to be thrown even if the victim can see you. In this case combat would always start (except against an unconscious victim).