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Forum Name Cabal Wars
Topic subjectMORTAL LEADERS - Wed Feb 24 19:50:43 2010
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=54&topic_id=1228
1228, MORTAL LEADERS - Wed Feb 24 19:50:43 2010
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM


BATTLECommander of BattleKnacnar
BATTLEDrillmaster of BattleNurok
EMPIREImperial War MasterAdarmar
EMPIREImperial Dread LordJeikdurr
EMPIREImperial High PriestDamgril
EMPIREImperial Shadow LordJazon
FORTRESSMarshall of the FortressArlettien
FORTRESSCaptain of the BrigadeNnaeshuk
FORTRESSElder Prophet of the Light---
FORTRESSCardinal of the Golden Sun---
GRINNING SKULLChieftain of the Grinning SkullsBolg
HERALDHigh Herald of the Eternal Star---
NEXUSMeter of Mind---
NEXUSRhyme of ResistanceKochoinua
OUTLANDERSunwarden of Thar-Eris---
OUTLANDERHarbinger of Thar-ErisLylesse
OUTLANDERNightreaver of Thar-ErisFaarifior
SCIONChancellor of Eternal Night---
SCIONAdvisor to the ChancellorDartis
TRIBUNALProvost MagistrateLamayinn
TRIBUNALProvincial MagistrateIrinam
TRIBUNALProvincial Magistrate---
TRIBUNALProvincial Magistrate---
Thieves GuildGodfather of Voralian City---
Thieves GuildKingpin of GaladonMeeko
Thieves GuildSpymaster of Blackclaw---
Thieves GuildBandit King of Hamsah Mu'tazzDevian
Thieves GuildEnforcer of DagdanVontruk