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Topic subjectMy favorite tribunal chaos.
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595, My favorite tribunal chaos.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

** Here is the scene: Benvale strikes Barduk at market square. They fight for a bit. I watch. Suddenly Socherion comes and casts a form of fireball, look what happens. Tribunals use my tripping him to death as the fallout excuse. Even though I was defending myself. They argue becuase it was a control firebal i'm responsible for my groupmates actions. Thus the looting of all my things. I was never warranted. And none of the imperials were ever deputized. They were acting on autoassist. **

Benvale yells 'Die, Socherion, you sorcerous dog!'
Socherion utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
You yell 'Die, Socherion, you sorcerous dog!'
Socherion's fireball *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Socherion's fireball decimates a transplendant archon!
A water elemental yells 'Die, Socherion, you sorcerous dog!'
Socherion's fireball maims a water elemental!
Socherion's fireball hits Benvale.
The gods protect Turk from Socherion.
Tcatama yells 'Die, Socherion, you sorcerous dog!'
Socherion's fireball hits Tcatama.
Socherion has a few scratches.

<735hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Barduk has arrived.
Socherion has a few scratches.

<735hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
[FORTRESS] a Maran Tara'bal: Intruder! Intruder! Treslith is raiding the Cabal!
A water elemental's drowning maims Socherion!
A water elemental's drowning maims Socherion!
A transplendant archon's searing light DISMEMBERS Socherion!
A transplendant archon's searing light DISMEMBERS Socherion!
Your wrath devastates Socherion!
Your burst of energy decimates Socherion!
Your wrath decimates Socherion!
You parry Socherion's punch.
You parry Socherion's punch.
You dodge Barduk's crushing force.
You dodge Barduk's crushing force.
You dodge Barduk's crushing force and close in for a concealed attack!
Your wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Barduk!
You parry Barduk's crushing force.
Barduk's crushing force DISMEMBERS you!
You parry Drozhurrb's infernal power.
You dodge Drozhurrb's infernal power.
You dodge Barduk's crushing force.
Barduk's crushing force EVISCERATES you!
You parry Barduk's crushing force.
You dodge Barduk's crushing force.
You parry Barduk's crushing force.
You dodge Drozhurrb's infernal power.
Drozhurrb's infernal power EVISCERATES you!
Tcatama's divine power maims Socherion!
Tcatama's claw DISMEMBERS Socherion!
Tcatama's divine power MUTILATES Socherion!
Tcatama's divine power MUTILATES Socherion!
Oblain's slice maims Benvale!
Socherion is gushing blood.

<581hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Benvale has fled!
Socherion is gushing blood.

<581hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl> trip
You trip Socherion and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Socherion.
[FORTRESS] a Maran Tara'bal: Intruder! Intruder! Gelhardt is raiding the Cabal!
Socherion is gushing blood.

<581hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
You fail to get in one more shot as Barduk flees.
Barduk leaves east.
Barduk has fled!
Socherion is gushing blood.

<581hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
A water elemental has left.
A transplendant archon has left.
Your wrath mauls Socherion.
Your wrath mauls Socherion.
Socherion dodges your wrath.
You parry Socherion's punch.
You parry Rahidlean's shocking bite.
You dodge Oblain's slice.
Oblain's slice MASSACRES you!
You dodge Oblain's slice.
You dodge Rahidlean's shocking bite.
You dodge Rahidlean's shocking bite.
A long titanium spear glows a dim red in Rahidlean's hands!
You parry Drozhurrb's infernal power.
You parry Drozhurrb's infernal power.
Tcatama's divine power devastates Socherion!
Tcatama's claw EVISCERATES Socherion!
Tcatama's claw MUTILATES Socherion!
You dodge Oblain's slice.
Oblain's slice MANGLES you!
Socherion is writhing in agony.

<424hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl> trip
With a short hop, Rahidlean deals a powerful kick to your torso.
Rahidlean's side kick MASSACRES you!
Socherion is writhing in agony.

<349hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl> trip

Drozhurrb narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You scream in agony as plague sores erupt from your skin.
Socherion is writhing in agony.

<349hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Your wrath decimates Socherion!
Your burst of energy misses Socherion.
Your wrath decimates Socherion!
You parry Socherion's punch.
You parry Socherion's punch.
You parry Rahidlean's shocking bite.
You dodge Rahidlean's shocking bite and close in for a concealed attack!
Your wrath EVISCERATES Rahidlean!
A long titanium spear glows a dim red in Rahidlean's hands!
Drozhurrb's infernal power DISMEMBERS you!
Tcatama's divine power devastates Socherion!
Tcatama's claw MUTILATES Socherion!
Tcatama's claw maims Socherion!
You parry Oblain's slice.
Oblain's slice MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You dodge Oblain's slice.
Socherion is convulsing on the ground.

<199hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Barduk has arrived.
Socherion is convulsing on the ground.

<199hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl> flee

Barduk leaves south.
Drozhurrb narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Socherion is convulsing on the ground.

<199hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Oblain tries some fancy axe-work, but is only partially successful.
Oblain's brutal attack misses you.
Oblain's brutal attack DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Socherion is convulsing on the ground.

<139hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Socherion grumbles and growls. You wonder what's wrong...
Socherion is convulsing on the ground.

<139hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl> You trip Socherion and he goes down!
Your trip scratches Socherion.
Socherion is convulsing on the ground.

<139hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Your wrath decimates Socherion!
Socherion is stunned, but will probably recover.
Your burst of energy MUTILATES Socherion!
Socherion is DEAD!!
You hear Socherion's death cry.
You parry Rahidlean's shocking bite.
You dodge Rahidlean's shocking bite.
A long titanium spear glows a dim red in Rahidlean's hands!
You parry Drozhurrb's infernal power.
You dodge Oblain's slice and close in for a concealed attack!
Your wrath MANGLES Oblain!
You dodge Oblain's slice.
Oblain's slice DISMEMBERS you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Rahidlean has a few scratches.

<83hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
You manage to evade Rahidlean's side kick.
Rahidlean's side kick misses you.
Rahidlean has a few scratches.

<83hp 593m 827mv 13719tnl>
Drozhurrb narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Drozhurrb has assailed you with the demons of Hell!
Drozhurrb's torments *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

609, RE: My favorite tribunal chaos.
Posted by ForsoothAnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been seeing some very piss-weak stuff from tribunal recently, and this just takes the cake. Send a note to tribunal and get their asses demoted. Or booted.