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Topic subjectI don't log fights, so you all should be happy these are around...
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52, I don't log fights, so you all should be happy these are around...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Audriel: Huh. Hero's raked in about $18 million for its first week.

Valguarnera: Nothing really up against it.

Qaledus: Five star reviews across the board helps too

Valguarnera: Except Baby Geniuses 2, which Grurk told me was the best movie he's ever seen five times.

Grurk: 6

Valguarnera: Sorry sir.

Quezzumpliet: Baby Geniuses 2? and here I thought the first one stood on its own as a revolution in child films

Valguarnera: I heard the love scenes are amazing.

Qaledus: Only if you're you.

The Infernal Gateway (Room 13001)

Valguarnera: I have moved myself to Hell for that comment.

Audriel: Valg that's terrible.

Eshval: Now this is getting creepy.

Drokalanatym (53): whoops, I'm ####k all wizi.

Arvam (53): I feel like archiving the ####k all wizi comment just because my mature self laughs at the word ####k

Drokalanatym (53): I'm like the profanity barn.

Drokalanatym (53): think of me as like the pottery barn, with cursing.

Arvam (53): I missed the profanity barn.

You say 'Don't worry, you'll be in the archive soon enough.'
Cytherea says 'Oh crap'

Cytherea says 'Last place I want to be for saying something stupid.'

You say 'I'm in there a lot. :p'

Cytherea says 'Well, I am sure Innis watched me plenty of times to say I did/said something stupid.'

Cytherea gives Innis a crooked smile.

Innis says to Cytherea 'All is recorded when you werent looking.'

Cytherea snickers softly.

(Newbie) Ahdre: what does it mean "You feel your body start to regain its material form."?

Cytherea: You were a ghost, and starting to unghost so to speak.

Cytherea says 'Oh crap'

Ordasen says 'I still want to play a herald who has a tuanatia Donkey show'

Desmonn says 'A tijuana?'

Ordasen says 'Whatever'

You laugh heartily.

Desmonn says 'Wow...that was really close even.'

You say 'I couldn't figure out what the hell tuanatia was.'

Ordasen says 'Like I ####king speak or go to mexico'

Ordasen says 'I'll let you know when I care'

Ordasen nods.

Desmonn says 'Theres a donkey show in almost every border town.'

Rokk (7030) is PRAYING for: Rokk give mage head War God!

(DEATH 53) (1 assassin) Aviantoreal killed by (NPC) Simon the veteran at 3759 by beating

Drokalanatym (53): sometimes simon just can't take passing out those jugs any more

Arvam (57): Drunk at work is always fun

Sebeok (57): work at drunk is more funner

Eshval: How come our file on mudsex says 'see herald'?

Arvam: You know..

Sebeok: heh

Eshval: Actually, there are some darned nice Heralds these days.

(HERALD) Arvam: We haven't had a mudsex problem in forever.

(59 Arial CRE) (PK) (Wizi 51) (HERALD) Arvam Raenau the Eternal, Diamond Eye in the Sky
(51 Human Bar) (PK) (HERALD) Sessha Rivenhjeld the Drunken Nymph of the Glade, High Herald of the Eternal Star
(41 H-Elf Shf) (PK) (HERALD) Eerolyin the Sorceress of Transformation

Players found: 3

Arvam: Oh ####k

Arvam: (HERALD) Arvam: We haven't had a mudsex problem in forever.

Eshval: archive?

Sebeok: that's classic

Eshval: Smoove.

Arvam: Man, there's mortals on too

Qaledus: whois ma

Qaledus coughs loudly.

Arvam: I know who my ma is.
53, The Herald Mudsex thing...
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Still brings tears of laughter to my eyes whenever I read it.

Also, on the the glowstick one before, it might be a little funnier to note that I was the drunken girl who needed hands free (for beer) and had to put the glow stick somewhere! This was right after Daevryn and I had started dating, I hadn't even played CF at the time! One guy said to me..."Don't you think that's an inappropriate place to put a glowstick" and the guy next to me said "Honey, you don't listen to him, you put that thing wherever you want!" Good (drunken) times!