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Topic subjectGiving my most harmful enemy a fight, the outtie bard!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=332
332, Giving my most harmful enemy a fight, the outtie bard!
Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<table width=100% border=0 bgcolor=black>
<tt><font color=white>


<font color="pink">You stumble over a taut vine!</font>
A weighty log swings down from the trees above!
<font color="pink">A falling log's impact <font color="red">devastates</font> you!</font>

<709hp 1143m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>faerie fog</u>'
<font color="blue">Someone sings 'Demon wings and frightful things
The dimmest minds will cloud;
Within this grand, oh frightful land
Where terrors do abound.
A chilling sound I call for you
To delight and confound you assembled few!'
</font>You stand fast against your fears.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">MUTILATES</font> someone!</b>
Someone dodges your smash.
<font color="darkgreen">Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<709hp 1143m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c neuro

Someone dodges your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> someone!</b>
OuttieBard steps out from his cover.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<709hp 1143m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You failed to appreciably disrupt OuttieBard's mind.
<b>Your neurological disruption <font color="red">injures</font> OuttieBard.</b>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<709hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c b
OuttieBard dodges your smash.
OuttieBard parries your smash.
<b>Your pendant writhes against your chest.</b>
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
<font color="pink">You feel better!</font>
<font color="pink">You close the gap in your defense with a spin of your staff.</font>
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<739hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c i
OuttieBard calls upon a huge gray wolf to help him.
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf moves in to attack you!</font>
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">misses</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<711hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c biolu

<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="pink">OuttieBard's stab <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<671hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You lost your concentration.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<671hp 1041m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c gil
OuttieBard has fled!
OuttieBard leaves west.

<671hp 1041m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c gil

<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.</font>

<644hp 1041m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> A huge gray wolf's neck sprouts gills.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.</font>

<644hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> sl
OuttieBard has arrived.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.</font>

<644hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> slow

<font color="blue">OuttieBard sings 'Demon wings and frightful things
The dimmest minds will cloud;
Within this grand, oh frightful land
Where terrors do abound.
A chilling sound I call for you
To delight and confound you assembled few!'
</font><font color="yellow"><b>You yell '<u>The end of the world draws near! The nightmare abominations are among us!</u>'</b></font>
<font color="pink">A phantasmal killer's mental assault <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.</font>

<634hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
A huge gray wolf's bite is unable to penetrate some spider-skin leggings.
<font color="pink">A huge gray wolf's bite <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">misses</font> a huge gray wolf.</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">EVISCERATES</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.</font>

<619hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> A huge gray wolf seems to become more alert as his movements
return to normal speed.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.</font>

<619hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> f
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
<font color="pink">You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.</font>
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">misses</font> a huge gray wolf.</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">EVISCERATES</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<font color="pink">You sweep a huge gray wolf's legs from under him!</font>
<b>Your trip <font color="red">devastates</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.</font>

<619hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disru
<font color="blue">OuttieBard sings 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
<font color="pink"></font>OuttieBard's reverberating blast <font color="red">MUTILATES</font> you!</font>
<font color="yellow"><b>You yell '<u>Help! OuttieBard attacked me!</u>'</b></font>
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.</font>

<581hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt orga
You find yourself protected by breastplate of a dwarven ribcage against a phantasmal killer's mental
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">MASSACRES</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="pink">OuttieBard's stab <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<568hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>' jich (lol, wrong bard going in head)
They aren't here.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf has some small but disgusting cuts.</font>

<568hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>'
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">MASSACRES</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">misses</font> a huge gray wolf.</b>
<font color="pink">You sweep a huge gray wolf's legs from under him!</font>
<b>Your trip <font color="red">devastates</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<568hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>' OuttieBard
<font color="pink">You violently disrupt OuttieBard's organs!</font>
<b>Your disruption <font color="red">MANGLES</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<568hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
<font color="pink">A phantasmal killer's mental assault <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.</font>
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<b>Your gauntlets begin to shudder violently!</b>
An explosive charge blasts from your finger tips!
<b>Your explosive blast <font color="red">MASSACRES</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
<b>Your smoking gauntlets sizzle and spark.</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<557hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
<font color="blue">OuttieBard sings 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'
The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<561hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
<font color="pink">You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.</font>
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> a huge gray wolf!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">A huge gray wolf is gushing blood.</font>

<561hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
A huge gray wolf flees back into the wilderness in pain.

<561hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c ne
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
A phantasmal killer parries your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">scratches</font> a phantasmal killer.</b>
<font color="pink">OuttieBard's stab <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">You close the gap in your defense with a spin of your staff.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.</font>

<551hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
<font color="pink">You are hungry.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.</font>

<552hp 934m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>' OuttieBard
<font color="pink">A phantasmal killer's mental assault <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<font color="pink">A phantasmal killer's mental assault <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">misses</font> a phantasmal killer.</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">scratches</font> a phantasmal killer.</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.</font>

<534hp 934m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>' OuttieBard
<font color="blue">OuttieBard sings 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'
The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.
<font color="darkgreen">A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.</font>

<538hp 934m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>' OuttieBard
<font color="pink">You violently disrupt OuttieBard's organs!</font>
OuttieBard clutches frantically at his chest!
<b>Your disruption <font color="red">=== OBLITERATES ===</font> OuttieBard!</b>
OuttieBard passes out from the intense pain!
<font color="darkgreen">A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.</font>

<538hp 864m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> !
<font color="pink">A phantasmal killer's mental assault <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">scratches</font> a phantasmal killer.</b>
A phantasmal killer parries your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">scratches</font> a phantasmal killer.</b>
<font color="darkgreen">A phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.</font>

<528hp 864m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c neuro OuttieBard

<font color="pink">A phantasmal killer's mental assault <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
<font color="pink">You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.</font>
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">scratches</font> a phantasmal killer.</b>
<font color="yellow"><b>A phantasmal killer is DEAD!!</b></font>
<font color="pink">You receive 1 experience points.</font>

<font color="lime"><518hp 864m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> OuttieBard yells '<u>Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!</u>'</font>
<font color="pink">You violently disrupt OuttieBard's nervous system.</font>
OuttieBard's limbs appear heavy and slow.
<b>Your neurological disruption <font color="red">EVISCERATES</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<518hp 764m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
OuttieBard parries your smash.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<518hp 764m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c neuro

OuttieBard parries your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">maims</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<518hp 764m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You failed to appreciably disrupt OuttieBard's mind.
<b>Your neurological disruption <font color="red">wounds</font> OuttieBard.</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">maims</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="pink">OuttieBard's stab <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ
OuttieBard parries your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">misses</font> OuttieBard.</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard's stab swings wide as you meet it with a spin.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>'

OuttieBard has fled!
OuttieBard leaves west.

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> On whom?

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> w
dA Bend in a Crumbling Road

<508hp 664m 480mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df
They aren't here.

<508hp 664m 480mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
<font color="pink">People near you:</font>
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> Izuhlzin A Bend in a Crumbling Road
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> OuttieBard The Feanwyyn Weald

<508hp 664m 480mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> n
wThe Feanwyyn Weald

A large, handsome buck wanders through the forest, alert for any dangers.
A somber half-elf in a simple green tunic moves furtively through the trees.

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
scna all
<font color="pink">People near you:</font>
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> Izuhlzin The Feanwyyn Weald
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> OuttieBard The Feanwyyn Weald

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> Huh?

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> scan all
<font color="pink">You scan north.</font>
<font color=yellow><b><i>***** Range 1 *****</font></b></i>
A massive cloud giant drags two logs behind him as he slowly makes his way
towards the river.

<font color="pink">You scan south.</font>
<font color=yellow><b><i>***** Range 4 *****</font></b></i>
A small yellow bird sits in a tree singing to the forest.

<font color="pink">You scan east.</font>
<font color=yellow><b><i>***** Range 1 *****</font></b></i>
A slender elf in a simple green tunic stalks the woods looking for defilers.

<font color="pink">You scan west.</font>
<font color=yellow><b><i>***** Range 1 *****</font></b></i>
A white-tailed hawk soars on the updrafts, looking for prey below.

<font color="pink">You scan up.</font>
<font color="pink">You scan down.</font>

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> e

<font color="pink">You are hungry.</font>
<font color="pink">You no longer feel in control of your translucence.</font>
<font color="pink">You feel solid again.</font>

<509hp 689m 503mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
The Feanwyyn Weald

A slender elf in a simple green tunic stalks the woods looking for defilers.

<509hp 689m 496mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> scan all
<font color="pink">People near you:</font>
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> Izuhlzin The Feanwyyn Weald
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> OuttieBard Under a Large Bridge Outside of Galadon


<510hp 713m 297mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimw
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Murky River

<510hp 713m 297mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> w
The Murky River

<510hp 713m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shims
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> s
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 285mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimw
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 285mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> w
wThe Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 278mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
<font color="pink">usPeople near you:</font>
<font color="yellow"><b>(PK)</b></font> Izuhlzin The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 278mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shims
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 278mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> s
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimw
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimn
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shime
<font color="pink">You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .</font>
The Feanwyyn Weald

A yellow pear is here, ripe and delicious looking.
A juicy green apple lies in the grass.
(Camouflaged) (WANTED) OuttieBard is sleeping here.

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> e
c The Feanwyyn Weald

A yellow pear is here, ripe and delicious looking.
A juicy green apple lies in the grass.

<510hp 713m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>faerie fog</u>'
<font color="pink">You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.</font>

<510hp 701m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> !
<font color="pink">You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.</font>

<510hp 689m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> !
<font color="pink">You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.</font>
OuttieBard is revealed!
OuttieBard is covered with glowing purple dust.

<510hp 677m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df
<font color="lime">OuttieBard yells '<u>Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!</u>'</font>
<font color="pink">You violently disrupt OuttieBard's nervous system.</font>
OuttieBard stares at you oddly, unable to concentrate.
<b>Your neurological disruption <font color="red">MUTILATES</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<510hp 577m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
OuttieBard dodges your smash.
OuttieBard parries your smash.
<font color="pink">You stop OuttieBard's stab just before it reaches you.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<510hp 577m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> d
The rain ceases.

The magical aura fades away.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.</font>

<511hp 591m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df

<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">decimates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your pendant writhes against your chest.</b>
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
<font color="pink">You feel better!</font>
<font color="pink">OuttieBard's stab <font color="red">injures</font> you.</font>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<544hp 591m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You violently disrupt OuttieBard's nervous system.
<b>Your neurological disruption <font color="red">MASSACRES</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is gushing blood.</font>

<544hp 491m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is writhing in agony.</font>

<544hp 491m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c '<u>disrupt organ</u>'

OuttieBard parries your smash.
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="pink">OuttieBard's stab <font color="red">hits</font> you.</font>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is writhing in agony.</font>

<532hp 491m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You violently disrupt OuttieBard's organs!
<b>Your disruption <font color="red">*** DEMOLISHES ***</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is writhing in agony.</font>

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
OuttieBard parries your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.</font>

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df

<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
OuttieBard parries your smash.
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
OuttieBard's stab is unable to penetrate breastplate of a dwarven ribcage.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.</font>

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">devastates</font> OuttieBard!</b>
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.</font>

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You failed to appreciably disrupt OuttieBard's mind.
<b>Your neurological disruption <font color="red">wounds</font> OuttieBard.</b>
OuttieBard is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
<font color="darkgreen">OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.</font>

<532hp 321m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> l in c
<font color="pink">A small bird flits through the trees above you.</font>
<b>Your smash <font color="red">DISMEMBERS</font> OuttieBard!</b>
<font color="yellow"><b>OuttieBard is DEAD!!</b></font>
OuttieBard splatters blood on your armor.
OuttieBard peels off a pair of tight leather pants, taking in a relieved breath.

<532hp 321m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> l in corpse
The corpse of OuttieBard contains:
a crude water skin made from the burnt corpse of Behgrokar
a golden ring set with a dragonseye
a small coral ring
a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
(Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
a cask of pale, dwarven ale
( 3) rotting linen bandages
a sandy-brown desert cloak
a pair of tight leather pants
(Humming) a set of bagpipes
an iron ring set with a white moonstone
(Glowing) a black mitre
the chitinous shell of a rainbow runner
a cured hide sack made from the corpse of Xzina
a large key
an elegant silver rapier
( 2) a defeathered quail
a potion of flying

<532hp 321m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> tell jut take your things
The clouds disappear.
<font color="pink">You slowly float to the ground.</font>

<536hp 345m 318mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe<font color="cyan">You tell OuttieBard '<u>take your things</u>'</font>
OuttieBard tells you '<u>we should have been paying better attention</u>'

Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Edit: You missed a spot. ***

You stumble over a taut vine!
A weighty log swings down from the trees above!
A falling log's impact devastates you!

<709hp 1143m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'faerie fog'
Someone sings 'Demon wings and frightful things
The dimmest minds will cloud;
Within this grand, oh frightful land
Where terrors do abound.
A chilling sound I call for you
To delight and confound you assembled few!'
You stand fast against your fears.
Your smash MUTILATES someone!
Someone dodges your smash.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<709hp 1143m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c neuro

Someone dodges your smash.
Your smash devastates someone!
OuttieBard steps out from his cover.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.

<709hp 1143m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You failed to appreciably disrupt OuttieBard's mind.
Your neurological disruption injures OuttieBard.
OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.

<709hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c b
OuttieBard dodges your smash.
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
You close the gap in your defense with a spin of your staff.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.

<739hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c i
OuttieBard calls upon a huge gray wolf to help him.
A huge gray wolf moves in to attack you!
A huge gray wolf's bite misses you.
A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
OuttieBard has some small but disgusting cuts.

<711hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c biolu

A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard's stab hits you.
OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671hp 1043m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You lost your concentration.
OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.

<671hp 1041m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c gil
OuttieBard has fled!
OuttieBard leaves west.

<671hp 1041m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c gil

A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.

<644hp 1041m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> A huge gray wolf's neck sprouts gills.
A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.

<644hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> sl
OuttieBard has arrived.
A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.

<644hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> slow

OuttieBard sings 'Demon wings and frightful things
The dimmest minds will cloud;
Within this grand, oh frightful land
Where terrors do abound.
A chilling sound I call for you
To delight and confound you assembled few!'
You yell 'The end of the world draws near! The nightmare abominations are among us!'
A phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
A huge gray wolf is in perfect health.

<634hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
A huge gray wolf's bite is unable to penetrate some spider-skin leggings.
A huge gray wolf's bite injures you.
Your smash misses a huge gray wolf.
Your smash EVISCERATES a huge gray wolf!
A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.

<619hp 1006m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> A huge gray wolf seems to become more alert as his movements
return to normal speed.
A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.

<619hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> f
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your smash misses a huge gray wolf.
Your smash EVISCERATES a huge gray wolf!
You sweep a huge gray wolf's legs from under him!
Your trip devastates a huge gray wolf!
A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.

<619hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disru
OuttieBard sings 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
OuttieBard's reverberating blast MUTILATES you!

You yell 'Help! OuttieBard attacked me!'
A huge gray wolf has a few scratches.

<581hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt orga
You find yourself protected by breastplate of a dwarven ribcage against a phantasmal killer's mental
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your smash DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!
Your smash MASSACRES a huge gray wolf!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard's stab injures you.
A huge gray wolf has some small but disgusting cuts.

<568hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ' jich (lol, wrong bard going in head)
They aren't here.
A huge gray wolf has some small but disgusting cuts.

<568hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ'
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your smash MASSACRES a huge gray wolf!
Your smash DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!
Your smash misses a huge gray wolf.
You sweep a huge gray wolf's legs from under him!
Your trip devastates a huge gray wolf!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.

<568hp 986m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ' OuttieBard
You violently disrupt OuttieBard's organs!
Your disruption MANGLES OuttieBard!
A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.

<568hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
A phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your defensive spin deflects a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your smash DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!
Your smash DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!
Your gauntlets begin to shudder violently!
An explosive charge blasts from your finger tips!
Your explosive blast MASSACRES a huge gray wolf!
Your smoking gauntlets sizzle and spark.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.

<557hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
OuttieBard sings 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.
A huge gray wolf is covered with bleeding wounds.

<561hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
You parry a huge gray wolf's bite.
Your smash DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!
A huge gray wolf dodges your smash.
Your smash DISMEMBERS a huge gray wolf!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
A huge gray wolf is gushing blood.

<561hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
A huge gray wolf flees back into the wilderness in pain.

<561hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c ne
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
A phantasmal killer parries your smash.
Your smash scratches a phantasmal killer.
OuttieBard's stab hits you.
You close the gap in your defense with a spin of your staff.
A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<551hp 916m 457mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
You are hungry.
A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<552hp 934m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ' OuttieBard
A phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
A phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
Your smash misses a phantasmal killer.
Your smash scratches a phantasmal killer.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<534hp 934m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ' OuttieBard
OuttieBard sings 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.
A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<538hp 934m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ' OuttieBard
You violently disrupt OuttieBard's organs!
OuttieBard clutches frantically at his chest!
Your disruption === OBLITERATES === OuttieBard!
OuttieBard passes out from the intense pain!
A phantasmal killer is gushing blood.

<538hp 864m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> !
A phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
Your smash scratches a phantasmal killer.
A phantasmal killer parries your smash.
Your smash scratches a phantasmal killer.
A phantasmal killer is convulsing on the ground.

<528hp 864m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c neuro OuttieBard

A phantasmal killer's mental assault hits you.
Your defensive spin deflects a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You parry a phantasmal killer's mental assault.
You try to convince yourself despite your fear that a phantasmal killer only exists in your mind.
A phantasmal killer flickers momentarily.
Your smash scratches a phantasmal killer.
A phantasmal killer is DEAD!!
You receive 1 experience points.

<518hp 864m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> OuttieBard yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
You violently disrupt OuttieBard's nervous system.
OuttieBard's limbs appear heavy and slow.
Your neurological disruption EVISCERATES OuttieBard!
OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.

<518hp 764m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
OuttieBard parries your smash.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.

<518hp 764m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c neuro

OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your smash maims OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<518hp 764m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You failed to appreciably disrupt OuttieBard's mind.
Your neurological disruption wounds OuttieBard.
Your smash maims OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
OuttieBard's stab hits you.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash misses OuttieBard.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard's stab swings wide as you meet it with a spin.
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ'

OuttieBard has fled!
OuttieBard leaves west.

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> On whom?

<508hp 664m 484mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> w
dA Bend in a Crumbling Road

<508hp 664m 480mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df
They aren't here.

<508hp 664m 480mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
People near you:
(PK) Izuhlzin A Bend in a Crumbling Road
(PK) OuttieBard The Feanwyyn Weald

<508hp 664m 480mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> n
wThe Feanwyyn Weald

A large, handsome buck wanders through the forest, alert for any dangers.
A somber half-elf in a simple green tunic moves furtively through the trees.

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
scna all
People near you:
(PK) Izuhlzin The Feanwyyn Weald
(PK) OuttieBard The Feanwyyn Weald

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> Huh?

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> scan all
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A massive cloud giant drags two logs behind him as he slowly makes his way
towards the river.

You scan south.
***** Range 4 *****
A small yellow bird sits in a tree singing to the forest.

You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
A slender elf in a simple green tunic stalks the woods looking for defilers.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A white-tailed hawk soars on the updrafts, looking for prey below.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<508hp 664m 476mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> e

You are hungry.
You no longer feel in control of your translucence.
You feel solid again.

<509hp 689m 503mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
The Feanwyyn Weald

A slender elf in a simple green tunic stalks the woods looking for defilers.

<509hp 689m 496mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> scan all
People near you:
(PK) Izuhlzin The Feanwyyn Weald
(PK) OuttieBard Under a Large Bridge Outside of Galadon


<510hp 713m 297mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimw
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Murky River

<510hp 713m 297mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> w
The Murky River

<510hp 713m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shims
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> s
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 285mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimw
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 285mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> w
wThe Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 278mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> whe
usPeople near you:
(PK) Izuhlzin The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 278mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shims
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 278mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> s
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimw
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shimn
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Feanwyyn Weald

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> shime
You grasp the crystal and focus your thoughts upon it . . .
The Feanwyyn Weald

A yellow pear is here, ripe and delicious looking.
A juicy green apple lies in the grass.
(Camouflaged) (WANTED) OuttieBard is sleeping here.

<510hp 713m 271mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> e
c The Feanwyyn Weald

A yellow pear is here, ripe and delicious looking.
A juicy green apple lies in the grass.

<510hp 713m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'faerie fog'
You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.

<510hp 701m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> !
You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.

<510hp 689m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> !
You conjure a cloud of purple smoke.
OuttieBard is revealed!
OuttieBard is covered with glowing purple dust.

<510hp 677m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df
OuttieBard yells 'Heelp ssoomeeoonee iiss aattaackiing mee!'
You violently disrupt OuttieBard's nervous system.
OuttieBard stares at you oddly, unable to concentrate.
Your neurological disruption MUTILATES OuttieBard!
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<510hp 577m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
OuttieBard dodges your smash.
OuttieBard parries your smash.
You stop OuttieBard's stab just before it reaches you.
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<510hp 577m 264mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> d
The rain ceases.

The magical aura fades away.
OuttieBard is covered with bleeding wounds.

<511hp 591m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df

Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash decimates OuttieBard!
Your pendant writhes against your chest.
The power of your protections interfere with an etched dragonscale pendant's healing.
You feel better!
OuttieBard's stab injures you.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<544hp 591m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You violently disrupt OuttieBard's nervous system.
Your neurological disruption MASSACRES OuttieBard!
OuttieBard is gushing blood.

<544hp 491m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is writhing in agony.

<544hp 491m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> c 'disrupt organ'

OuttieBard parries your smash.
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your defensive spin deflects OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard's stab hits you.
OuttieBard is writhing in agony.

<532hp 491m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You violently disrupt OuttieBard's organs!
Your disruption *** DEMOLISHES *** OuttieBard!
OuttieBard is writhing in agony.

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> df

Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
OuttieBard parries your smash.
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
OuttieBard's stab is unable to penetrate breastplate of a dwarven ribcage.
OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
Your smash devastates OuttieBard!
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
You parry OuttieBard's stab.
OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.

<532hp 421m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> You failed to appreciably disrupt OuttieBard's mind.
Your neurological disruption wounds OuttieBard.
OuttieBard is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
OuttieBard is convulsing on the ground.

<532hp 321m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> l in c
A small bird flits through the trees above you.
Your smash DISMEMBERS OuttieBard!
OuttieBard is DEAD!!
OuttieBard splatters blood on your armor.
OuttieBard peels off a pair of tight leather pants, taking in a relieved breath.

<532hp 321m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> l in corpse
The corpse of OuttieBard contains:
a crude water skin made from the burnt corpse of Behgrokar
a golden ring set with a dragonseye
a small coral ring
a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
(Glowing) a thin black belt etched with crimson runes
a cask of pale, dwarven ale
( 3) rotting linen bandages
a sandy-brown desert cloak
a pair of tight leather pants
(Humming) a set of bagpipes
an iron ring set with a white moonstone
(Glowing) a black mitre
the chitinous shell of a rainbow runner
a cured hide sack made from the corpse of Xzina
a large key
an elegant silver rapier
( 2) a defeathered quail
a potion of flying

<532hp 321m 291mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> tell OuttieBard take your things
The clouds disappear.
You slowly float to the ground.

<536hp 345m 318mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> wheYou tell OuttieBard 'take your things'
OuttieBard tells you 'we should have been paying better attention'