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Topic subjectHunsobo's rage delete (almost)
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254, Hunsobo's rage delete (almost)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Probably shouldn't have gone to defend against 4, one of them Enarn...***

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: The Imperial Throne Room

A steaming pile of the Imperial Warlock's entrails is lying here.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Enarn is here, fighting the Imperial Prelate.
(Pink Aura) (Translucent) (White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Miko is here, fighting the Imperial Prelate.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Zephon is here, fighting the Imperial Assassin.
The Imperial Assassin stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(White Aura) The Imperial Prelate stands here defending the Imperial Throne.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: Zephon is far too small to aim at properly.

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Enarn's smash EVISCERATES the Imperial Prelate!
Enarn's ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Enarn's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Enarn's dispel evil MASSACRES the Imperial Prelate!
Miko's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Prelate!
Miko's punch misses the Imperial Prelate.
Zephon's punch MANGLES the Imperial Assassin!
Zephon's punch MASSACRES the Imperial Assassin!
Zephon's punch MANGLES the Imperial Assassin!
The Imperial Assassin grabs hold of Zephon's wrist and twists it violently!
With a sickening crunch, the Imperial Assassin applies kotegaeshi to Zephon's wrist!
The Imperial Assassin's kotegaeshi mauls Zephon.

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: di
Rashiid tells you 'Efen yah want wrath ring'

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: di ena
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The magic of your detect invis spell unravels.
The magic of your protection from good spell unravels.
The magic of your giant strength spell unravels.
The magic of your ironskin spell unravels.
The magic of your pass door spell unravels.
The magic of your fly spell unravels.
The magic of your enfeeble spell unravels.
The magic of your hobble spell unravels.
You injure Enarn.
You maul Enarn.
Enarn parries your acidic bite.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: di enarn
A cloud of dust fills the room.
You yell 'Help! Miko just threw dust in my eyes!'
Miko dodges your acidic bite.
The Imperial Prelate appears to be blinded.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: di enarn
Your kicked dirt misses Enarn.
The Imperial Assassin narrowly escapes the wrath of Zephon's rising phoenix kick.
Zephon's rising phoenix kick misses the Imperial Assassin.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at the Imperial Assassin.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Enarn's smash DISMEMBERS the Imperial Prelate!
Enarn's smash misses the Imperial Prelate.
Miko's punch DISMEMBERS the Imperial Prelate!
Miko's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Prelate!
Miko's punch maims the Imperial Prelate!
Miko's punch DISMEMBERS the Imperial Prelate!
Zephon's punch MASSACRES the Imperial Assassin!
Your acidic bite wounds Enarn.
Enarn parries your acidic bite.
Enarn parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds Enarn.
The Imperial Prelate's slash decimates Zephon!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Lothlorian yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Assassin!'
the Imperial Assassin: Intruder! Intruder! Lothlorian is raiding the Cabal!
The Imperial Assassin maims Lothlorian!
Lothlorian yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Imperial Prelate!'
The Imperial Prelate devastates Lothlorian!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Enarn starts aiming at you!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your skin loses its magical firmness.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You yell 'Die, Lothlorian, you sorcerous dog!'
Lothlorian narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1103 (100%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: dou

Enarn's smash MUTILATES you!
You parry Enarn's smash.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Miko's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Prelate!
Lothlorian's crush MASSACRES the Imperial Assassin!
Zephon's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** the Imperial Assassin!
Zephon's punch EVISCERATES the Imperial Assassin!
Enarn parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls Enarn.
Your acidic bite mauls Enarn.
Your acidic bite wounds Enarn.
Enarn parries your acidic bite.
You wrap flames around Enarn, charring his exposed flesh!
Your pillar of fire burns Enarn.
Bright silvery-white flames flare brightly across Enarn's wounds.
The Imperial Assassin brings the heel of his foot down hard on the shoulder blade of Zephon!
You hear bones crack as the Imperial Assassin's axe kick lands heavily on Zephon!
The Imperial Assassin's axe kick maims Zephon!
The Imperial Prelate's slash decimates Zephon!
Enarn has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1063 (96%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
A cloud of dust fills the room.
You yell 'Help! Miko just threw dust in my eyes!'
You are blinded!
Someone dodges your acidic bite.
Your swords get crossed as you try to double thrust.
Your thrust misses someone.
Your thrust misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1063 (96%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your flesh grows painfully tender and soft.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1063 (96%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1063 (96%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's smash.
Someone's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Someone's dispel evil *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Someone's punch maims someone!
Someone's punch MASSACRES someone!
Someone's punch EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!
Someone's punch MANGLES someone!
Someone's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone deflects your acidic bite with its defensive spin.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Your acidic bite wounds someone.
Someone's slash decimates someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::929 (84%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: q return

Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::929 (84%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
You parry someone's smash.
You dodge someone's smash.
Someone's punch devastates someone!
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!
Your acidic bite wounds someone.
Sensing the stench of human blood, something slashes hungrily at someone!
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Someone dodges your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Someone's slash devastates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::929 (84%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Blinding pain erupts in your head and spine, stunning you momentarily.
Someone's neurological disruption jolts you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::909 (82%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone tells you 'Der is a sword in der dat is nice too'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::909 (82%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's smash.
Someone's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Someone's dispel evil *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Someone's punch DISMEMBERS someone!
Someone's punch EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's punch *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
Someone's punch MASSACRES someone!
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
You wrap flames around someone, charring its exposed flesh!
Someone's skin chars and splits under the intense heat!
Your pillar of fire singes someone!
Bright silvery-white flames flare brightly across someone's wounds.
Someone brings the heel of its foot down hard on the shoulder blade of someone!
Someone's axe kick maims someone!
Someone's slash decimates someone!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::766 (69%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::766 (69%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's smash.
Someone's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Someone's dispel evil MASSACRES you!
Someone's punch EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's punch MUTILATES someone!
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!
Someone's hammer unleashes a bolt of lightning!
Someone thrusts its hand forward as a brilliant shaft of lightning lurches towards someone.
Someone's lightning bolt MASSACRES someone!
Someone's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Your acidic bite wounds someone.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite wounds someone.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Someone's slash devastates someone!
Someone's slash decimates someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::695 (63%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: You quaff a potion of returning.
The attempt failed.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::695 (63%)::100%::55%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: Someone utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Your innards are wracked with agony as someone disrupts them!
Your lungs convulse, and you fight for air!
Someone's disruption === OBLITERATES === you!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::473 (42%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's smash and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite wounds someone.
Your view of the sky becomes clear as your legs are swept out from under you by someone!
Someone's trip mauls you.
Someone's punch EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's punch misses someone.
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!
Someone's punch MASSACRES someone!
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Someone deflects your acidic bite with its defensive spin.
Seizing upon a flaw in someone's tactics, you kick dirt toward its eyes!
Someone is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches someone.
Someone seals someone's wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone seals its wounds with a crimson fire.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::450 (40%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: q
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::450 (40%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: q t
Someone tells you 'Da sword dat does cone of cold'
With a series of short and powerful leaps, someone delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to its foes!
Like a rising phoenix, someone's powerful kicks streak through the air towards someone!
Someone's rising phoenix kick *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Like a rising phoenix, someone's powerful kicks streak through the air towards someone!
Someone's rising phoenix kick MUTILATES someone!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::450 (40%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: q teleportation
Someone's smash DISMEMBERS you!
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's smash.
Someone's punch EVISCERATES someone!
Someone's punch devastates someone!
Someone's punch misses someone.
Someone's crush MASSACRES someone!
Someone's punch MASSACRES someone!
Someone's punch *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Your acidic bite decimates someone!
Your acidic bite wounds someone.
Someone parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite mauls someone.
You wrap flames around someone, charring its exposed flesh!
Your pillar of fire burns someone.
Bright silvery-white flames flare brightly across someone's wounds.
Someone's slash decimates someone!
Someone narrows its eyes and glares in someone's direction.
Someone looks very uncomfortable.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::390 (35%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM::: q teleportation

Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::390 (35%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::390 (35%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::
Someone utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Your innards are wracked with agony as someone disrupts them!
Stabbing pains race through your heart!
Someone's disruption === OBLITERATES === you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
You pass out from the intense pain!

:::172 (15%)::100%::44%::27100::civilized::9 PM:::

The power of the Imperial Codex fades away.
The pain in your lungs keeps you from getting enough air!
Your head clears, and you feel able to wake yourself.
Your asphyxiation wounds you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

*** Wake, q teleportation. Do it. ***

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

*** No, don't spam q teleportation! Wake first! ***

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: In your dreams, or what?

:::192 (17%)::95%::43%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone's disruption === OBLITERATES === you!
You have been KILLED!!

You feel the spirit of the Bear leave you.
You are no longer resistant to poison.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Better stand first.

*** Idiot. ***

:::1 (0%)::0%::35%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Better stand first.

:::1 (0%)::0%::35%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Better stand first.

:::1 (0%)::0%::35%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Better stand first.

:::1 (0%)::0%::35%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: Better stand first.

:::1 (0%)::0%::35%::27100::civilized::10 PM::: wake
You stand up.

*** Snip ***
*** Me acting like a whiny bitch ***

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: get all coThe Imperial Throne Room

A steaming pile of the Imperial Prelate's entrails is lying here.
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The torn-out heart of Hunsobo is lying here.
A steaming pile of the Imperial Warlock's entrails is lying here.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Enarn is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Miko is here.
(Translucent) Zephon is here.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: get all corpse
You get the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the hide of the Ancient White Dragon from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the orb from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a small fishing boat from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a sapphire periapt from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get an emerald periapt from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the orb from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a girth of lobster plates from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a fire opal ring from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a pair of darkened leggings from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the amulet of Moudrilar from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a jagged short sword from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get Cloak of the bear-kin from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a pair of knife-like arm bands from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a nacreous mask of lizard skin from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a sickly green wand from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond from the corpse of Hunsobo.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM:::
Enarn nods.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM:::
Lothlorian closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Lothlorian's feet rise off the ground.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'wzhabaruq ghixuio'.
Someone seems to become more alert as its movements return to normal speed.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: 'so

Enarn utters the words, 'wzhabaruq ghixuio'.
Zephon seems to become more alert as his movements return to normal speed.
Zephon seems to relax and his movements return to normal speed.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: You say 'so'

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: 'dat all me gonna gets back?
You say 'dat all me gonna gets back?'
Zephon concentrates for a moment and bandages his wounds.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: You are carrying:
(Glowing) a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
a nacreous mask of lizard skin
a pair of knife-like arm bands
Cloak of the bear-kin
a jagged short sword
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
the amulet of Moudrilar
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
a fire opal ring
a girth of lobster plates
(Glowing) the orb
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM:::
Lothlorian raises an eyebrow.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: 'me smashed yous guys how many timeses, not take stu
Enarn says 'Once they wear what they wish they can return what they will.'

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: 'me smashed yous guys how many timeses, not take stuffs
Rashiid tells you 'Not bein interested?'

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: 'me smashed yous guys how many timeses, not take stuffs?
You say 'me smashed yous guys how many timeses, not take stuffs?'

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: shrug
You shrug.

:::27 (2%)::5%::36%::27100::civilized::12 AM::: reply busy
Zephon whispers to you 'I was too weak to even take anything.'

:::39 (3%)::7%::42%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: reply busy gittin' smasheds
You tell Enarn 'busy gittin' smasheds'

:::39 (3%)::7%::42%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: Enarn says 'Bracers and swords I guarentee you will not.'
Miko steps out of the shadows.
Miko tells you 'I took two potions and your coins. You have shown me well enough in the past, that I shall show you the
same honor.'

:::39 (3%)::7%::42%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel less tired.

:::39 (3%)::7%::48%::27100::civilized::1 AM:::
Rashiid tells you 'Who killed yah'

:::39 (3%)::7%::48%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'yuh den.
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel armored.

:::39 (3%)::7%::48%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'yuh den. Dat answer me needed
'You say 'yuh den. Dat answer me needed'

:::39 (3%)::7%::48%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'Me dones wit' dis
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel less tired.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'Me dones wit' dis craps.
You say 'Me dones wit' dis craps.'

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: l
The guts of the Imperial Warlock decomposes.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: l
The Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

A steaming pile of the Imperial Prelate's entrails is lying here.
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The torn-out heart of Hunsobo is lying here.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(Translucent) Enarn is here.
(Translucent) Zephon is here.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: d
Enarn says 'Tired of them biting me.'

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: drop all
You drop a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond.
You drop a sickly green wand.
You drop a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots.
You drop a nacreous mask of lizard skin.
You drop a pair of knife-like arm bands.
You drop Cloak of the bear-kin.
You drop a jagged short sword.
You drop the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon.
You drop the amulet of Moudrilar.
You drop a pair of darkened leggings.
You drop a fire opal ring.
You drop a girth of lobster plates.
You drop the orb.
You drop an emerald periapt.
You drop a sapphire periapt.
You drop a small fishing boat.
You drop the orb.
You drop a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You drop the hide of the Ancient White Dragon.
You drop the girdle of endless space.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tire
Enarn shrugs indifferently.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of figh
Criles has arrived.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of fight all yo
Enarn yells 'Die, Criles, you sorcerous dog!'
Criles utters the words, 'buarjwuizgqunsoqz'.
A pink, luminescent secretion oozes from Enarn's skin.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of fight all yous
Enarn says 'Your choice.'

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of fight all yous gu
Enarn's smash wounds Criles.
Enarn's smash wounds Criles.
Miko steps out of the shadows.
Miko's punch injures Criles.
Zephon's punch wounds Criles.
Criles roars and reddens with fury as she presses her attack!
Criles's smash mauls Enarn.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tir
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Enarn yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired
Striking with her thumb and forefinger, Miko hits Criles in the throat!
Miko's tiger claw injures Criles.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of al
Enarn utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of alwa
Rashiid tells you 'I bein at inn efen yah wanten ta talk.'

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of always
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Enarn.
Enarn's smash MUTILATES Criles!
Enarn's smash EVISCERATES Criles!
Criles's smash misses Enarn.
Miko's punch EVISCERATES Criles!

:::39 (3%)::7%::55%::27100::civilized::1 AM::: 'tired of always have
Criles has fled!
Criles leaves down.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'tired of always have fights yous guys
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'aYou say 'tired of always have fights yous guys'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'all alone
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Enarn.
Enarn's smash devastates the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch MUTILATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'all alones
You say 'all alones'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'den when ONE TIME me
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Enarn!
Enarn's smash devastates the Nightwalker!
Enarn sweeps the Nightwalker's legs out from under it!
Enarn's trip injures the Nightwalker.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'den when ONE TIME me gets smashed
You say 'den when ONE TIME me gets smashed'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Enarn.
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch devastates the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch MUTILATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Enarn.
A golden pillar of light erupts under Enarn as his wounds are healed!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: l

The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The Imperial Inquisitor stretches out its hand and places it upon your head.
You feel righteous.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: The Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

A small girdle lies here, looking very empty.
A large white dragon hide lies here.
A metal canteen lies here on the ground.
( 2) (Glowing) A glowing orb floats unmoving here.
A little wooden fishing boat sits here, leaning to one side.
A small sapphire periapt is here.
A small engraved emerald glitters here.
A large pile of greenish plates lie on the ground.
A dark ring, set with an opal the color of fire, lies here.
(Glowing) (Humming) A pair of darkened leggings is lying here.
An amulet with the insignia of Moudrilar sits here.
A large green dragon hide lies here.
A short sword with a jagged blade is here.
A large hide from a skinned bear lies here.
A pair of armbands with wicked, knife-like protrusions have been left here.
A nacreous mask of lizard skin has been left here.
A pair of dragonscale boots lined with steel lie here.
(Glowing) A sickly green wand is here.
(Glowing) A smooth wand of steel, tipped with a luminescent clear gem, is here.
A steaming pile of the Imperial Prelate's entrails is lying here.
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The torn-out heart of Hunsobo is lying here.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(Pink Aura) (Translucent) Enarn is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(Translucent) Miko is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(Translucent) Zephon is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
With a series of short and powerful leaps, Zephon delivers powerful rising crescent kicks to his foes!
Like a rising phoenix, Zephon's powerful kicks streak through the air towards the Nightwalker!
Zephon's rising phoenix kick decimates the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Enarn says 'Bad timing for the most part'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch misses the Nightwalker.
Miko's punch mauls the Nightwalker.
Zephon's punch DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'bah.
You say 'bah.'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Enarn!
Enarn's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Enarn's dispel evil DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch MUTILATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Quickly spinning on her heel, Miko delivers a crushing kick against the Nightwalker!
Miko's double spin kick EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
Completing her spin, Miko brings her other foot around for another devastating strike against the Nightwalker!
Miko's double spin kick EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: get all
You get the girdle of endless space.
You get the hide of the Ancient White Dragon.
You get a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.
You get the orb.
You get a small fishing boat.
You get a sapphire periapt.
You get an emerald periapt.
You get the orb.
You get a girth of lobster plates.
You get a fire opal ring.
You get a pair of darkened leggings.
You get the amulet of Moudrilar.
You get the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon.
You get a jagged short sword.
You get Cloak of the bear-kin.
You get a pair of knife-like arm bands.
You get a nacreous mask of lizard skin.
You get a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots.
You get a sickly green wand.
You get a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond.
You get the guts of the Imperial Prelate.
You can't take that.
You get the heart of Hunsobo.
You can't take that.
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Enarn!
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch maims the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Quickly spinning on his heel, Zephon delivers a crushing kick against the Nightwalker!
Zephon's double spin kick MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Completing his spin, Zephon brings his other foot around for another devastating strike against the Nightwalker!
Zephon's double spin kick MUTILATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
The Nightwalker's claw decimates Enarn!
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Enarn.
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Enarn's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Enarn's dispel evil MASSACRES the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: rest
You rest.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: l
The Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(Pink Aura) (Translucent) Enarn is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(Translucent) Miko is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(Translucent) Zephon is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Enarn says 'Usually I need to fight the empress a bard and shaman at once.'
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Enarn.
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Enarn's ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Miko's punch DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Enarn.
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Enarn's smash MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Enarn's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Enarn's dispel evil EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch EVISCERATES the Nightwalker!
Miko's punch misses the Nightwalker.
Miko's punch MUTILATES the Nightwalker!
Zephon's punch mauls the Nightwalker.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: '
The Nightwalker steps into the shadows and fades from view.

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'two.
You say 'two.'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'meb
Enarn says 'Like that is fun.'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM::: 'mebbe threes.
You say 'mebbe threes.'
Zephon whispers 'Oh yes, i got killed by all four of you before.'

:::61 (6%)::10%::60%::27100::civilized::2 AM:::
Zephon shivers uncomfortably.
Enarn's thirst hits him.

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: 'm
Enarn utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'.
Enarn turns translucent.

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: 'feh. goes.

The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: You say 'feh. goes.'

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: dismiss
You wave a hand in a dismissive manner.
The heart of Hunsobo decomposes.

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: l
The Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(Pink Aura) (Translucent) Enarn is here.
(Translucent) Zephon is here.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> ---
<worn on finger> ---
<worn around neck> ---
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> ---
<worn on head> ---
<worn on face> ---
<worn on legs> ---
<worn on feet> ---
<worn on hands> ---
<worn on arms> ---
<worn about body> ---
<worn about waist> ---
<worn around wrist> ---
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> ---
<worn as shield> ---
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: in

Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Enarn.
Enarn grins slightly, looking refreshed and licking his lips.
You are carrying:
the guts of the Imperial Prelate
(Glowing) a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
a nacreous mask of lizard skin
a pair of knife-like arm bands
Cloak of the bear-kin
a jagged short sword
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
the amulet of Moudrilar
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
a fire opal ring
a girth of lobster plates
(Glowing) the orb
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM:::
Rashiid tells you 'yah be wanten ring?'

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: wear
Lothlorian gets a blank stare on his face. What could he be wondering about?

:::99 (10%)::15%::66%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: wear all
You hold a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond in your hands.
You wear a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots on your feet.
You wear a nacreous mask of lizard skin on your face.
You wear a pair of knife-like arm bands on your arms.
You wear Cloak of the bear-kin about your body.
You feel the spirit of the Bear enter you.
You wield a jagged short sword.
A jagged short sword feels like a part of you!
You wear the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon on your body.
You feel resistant to poison.
You wear the amulet of Moudrilar around your neck.
As you slide the amulet over your neck, you feel a sense of calm come over
you, your mind focuses and you feel a sense of clarity pulse through you.
You wear a pair of darkened leggings on your legs.
You wear a fire opal ring on your left finger.
You wear a girth of lobster plates about your waist.

:::99 (8%)::14%::63%::27100::civilized::3 AM:::
Zephon leaves down.
Enarn leaves down.

:::99 (8%)::14%::63%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: in
You are carrying:
the guts of the Imperial Prelate
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
(Glowing) the orb
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::99 (8%)::14%::63%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: drop guts
You drop the guts of the Imperial Prelate.

:::99 (8%)::14%::63%::27100::civilized::3 AM::: sac guts
The gods give you 0 copper coins for your sacrifice of the guts of the
Imperial Prelate.

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: eq
Rashiid tells you 'Efen not I goin ta go do some stuff'

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: eq
iYou are using:
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn on finger> ---
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
<worn on head> ---
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> ---
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> ---
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a jagged short sword
<held in hand> (Glowing) a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: in
You are carrying:
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
(Glowing) the orb
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: reply me gonna probably go way for goods
You tell Enarn 'me gonna probably go way for goods'

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: t lo
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: t zephon who tooks stuffs den, Enarnguy?
You tell Zephon 'who tooks stuffs den, Enarnguy?'

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
Enarn tells you 'Don't.'

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM:::
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
The Imperial Inquisitor stretches out its hand and places it upon your head.

:::128 (11%)::19%::69%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: reply wasn't meanin' talk you
reply was tYou tell Enarn 'wasn't meanin' talk you'

:::140 (12%)::21%::70%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: reply was tellin rashiid.
You tell Enarn 'was tellin rashiid.'

:::140 (12%)::21%::70%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: keepreply clear
You stop keeping your reply. To clear all replies from others, use noreply.

:::140 (12%)::21%::70%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: reply
Enarn tells you 'So, still don't.'

:::140 (12%)::21%::70%::27100::civilized::4 AM::: reply bahs.
Zephon tells you 'Yes, he was the only one i saw take three things.'

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: t zephon me missin' muches more den threes
whYou tell Zephon 'me missin' muches more den threes'

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: where
The Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Throne Room

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: get clear girdle
q clear
exam You get a clear potion from the girdle of endless space.

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: exam corYou quaff a clear potion.
Your eyes tingle.
Your eyes tingle as they begin to see raw magic.

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: exam corpse
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Hunsobo contains:

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: sl
You go to sleep.

:::174 (15%)::26%::75%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 63 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 63 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 15 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 15 hours.

:::179 (16%)::28%::76%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: in
You are carrying:
(Magical) (Glowing) a sickly green wand
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) an emerald periapt
(Magical) a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
(Magical) the girdle of endless space

:::179 (16%)::28%::76%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn on finger> ---
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
<worn on head> ---
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> ---
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> ---
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a jagged short sword
<held in hand> (Magical) (Glowing) a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::179 (16%)::28%::76%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: in
You are carrying:
(Magical) (Glowing) a sickly green wand
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) an emerald periapt
(Magical) a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
(Magical) the girdle of endless space

:::179 (16%)::28%::76%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: waek

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: wake
wYou wake and stand up.

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: wear whie
You do not have that item.

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: wear white
You are no longer resistant to poison.
You stop using the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon.
You wear the hide of the Ancient White Dragon on your body.
You feel resistant to cold.

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: l
who pk

The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: tThe Imperial Throne Room
You stand in a room designed to intimidate the greatest leaders in
the Realm. Four pillars rise to a domed ceiling. Each pillar
representing a Sect of the Empire. The floor is a polished black
marble with the words of the Imperial Law inscribed in gold so
that they are forever present in the eyes of visiting dignitaries.
At the center of room stands the Imperial Throne, equidistant from
all of the pillars, showing equal support for each Sect but belonging
to none. A stairway leads back down to the fortress.

The corpse of Hunsobo is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The Throne of the Emperor rests here in the center of the room.
(White Aura) The Imperial Inquisitor keeps a watchful eye on the Empire.

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: t People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Throne Room

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: t *51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady,
Imperial War Master

Players found: 1

:::268 (24%)::37%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: t zephon me missin' etched
Zephon tells you 'Atleast you did not get it as bad as i did...when all four of you killed me.'

:::277 (25%)::40%::83%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: af
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 61 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 61 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'detect magic' for 13 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 13 hours.

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: where
who People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Imperial Throne Room

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: who pk
*51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady,
Imperial War Master

Players found: 1

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn on finger> ---
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
<worn on head> ---
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> ---
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> ---
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a jagged short sword
<held in hand> (Magical) (Glowing) a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t zephon enarnguy took Humansunderses yuh?
They aren't here.

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: reply enarnguy took Humansunderses yuh?
You tell someone 'enarnguy took Humansunderses yuh?'

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: gr
tHunsobo's group:
<51 War> Hunsobo 26% hp 42% mana 88% mv 586900 xp

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: t kholav me lost lots.
You tell Kholav 'me lost lots.'

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: rest
You rest.

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: who pk
*51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady,
Imperial War Master

Players found: 1

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: eq
iYou are using:
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn on finger> ---
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
<worn on head> ---
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> ---
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> ---
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a jagged short sword
<held in hand> (Magical) (Glowing) a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: in
You are carrying:
(Magical) (Glowing) a sickly green wand
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) an emerald periapt
(Magical) a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(Magical) the girdle of endless space

:::296 (26%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
The Imperial Inquisitor closes its eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!

:::313 (28%)::42%::88%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: rem wand
You stop using a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond.

:::325 (29%)::47%::89%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: drop wand
You drop a steel wand tipped with a flawless diamond.

:::325 (29%)::47%::89%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: drop wand
You drop a sickly green wand.
Zephon tells you 'I'm sure he destroyed them, which means you can get them again, I'm sure.'

:::325 (29%)::47%::89%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: You are carrying:
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) an emerald periapt
(Magical) a sapphire periapt
a small fishing boat
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(Magical) the girdle of endless space

:::325 (29%)::47%::89%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: who pk
*51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady,
Imperial War Master

Players found: 1

:::360 (32%)::52%::95%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: who group
<47 Human Nec> Lieonus the Spectre
<49 Human Ran> Golanth the Ranger of the Seasons
<51 Felar Ran> Wraol the Dweller of the Wilds
<51 Human Tra> Enarn the High Wizard of the Arcane
<51 Arial War> Eulinda GreenFeather the Exasperating Hussy of the Village
<51 Human Hea> Kholav Ichtathen the Affirmation of Life, Provost Magistrate
<51 Human Tra> Criles the High Sorceress of the Arcane, Scholar of the Night
<44 Felar Ran> Njrrn the Guardian of the Earth
<51 Human Asn> Miko the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
<50 Elf Hea> Lothlorian the Conduit of Miracles
*51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady, Imperial War Master
<51 Svirf War> Rashiid Gemcutter the Legend of the Battlefield

Players found: 12

:::360 (32%)::52%::95%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
You feel a shudder in your Cabal Power!
The Imperial Inquisitor: Miko has given our item to the Watcher.

:::360 (32%)::52%::95%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: quit
Your guildmaster will be pleased to hear of your keen observations. You
have earned 75 experience points this session.

You feel more accomplished in the world of commerce. You have earned 300 experience points this session.

Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...

*** I was pissed about losing my pimp set. But I was also pissed that so much had been taken, when I had left Fortress chars really nice things (like Defiance). ***
*** Some will say "yes but you only left stuff you couldn't use" which isn't exactly true, but even if it was, stuff got taken from my corpse that was unusable ***
*** these folks (etched dragonscale pendant for example). The eq was a pisser, but moreso at this point I had been basically the only Imperial logged in during ***
*** my timeslot, regularly against 4 or more fort, 3 or more ragers, and a smattering of scion/outlander. The only ally I had was Kholav who couldn't do much due***
*** to not wanting a war, and at that point Nexus always said things were balanced so they couldn't help. I logged off, cussed and such for about an hour(?) and ***
*** pondered logging back in to delete. Enarn's "don't" helped a little, but more important was the thought of a fire giant bashspec with a ton of skills that I ***
*** had perfected, a tattoo, War Master, etc etc. A week later I looked back and decided that the fact that I almost deleted over this made me a giant schmuck. ***

*** So later that same night I log back in, and I'm still pissed, but cooled down a bit. ***

:::1093 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: di outer
A Maran Tara'bal is blinded by the dirt in its eyes!
Your kicked dirt grazes a Maran Tara'bal.
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Your cleave DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: targ loth
#Ok. $target is now set to {loth}.

A Maran Tara'bal wipes the dirt from its eyes.
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
You open a massive wound in a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave misses a Maran Tara'bal.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::91%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your flurry MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your flurry MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your flurry MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You open up another wound in a Maran Tara'bal.
Your flurry MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: where
who pk

Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You stop a Maran Tara'bal's searing light with a solid blow.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Standing Before the Fortress of Light
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: *51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of
Iunnalady, Imperial War Master
<47 Human Nec> (PK) Lieonus the Spectre
<51 Felar Ran> (PK) Wraol the Dweller of the Wilds
<51 Human Tra> (PK) Enarn the High Wizard of the Arcane
<51 Human Hea> (PK) Kholav Ichtathen the Affirmation of Life, Provost Magistrate
<50 Elf Hea> (PK) Lothlorian the Conduit of Miracles

Players found: 6
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
A Maran Tara'bal's searing light nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: scan s
You scan south.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (65% - 70%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave DISMEMBERS a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal dodges your slice.
Your cleave MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: flur
You start a vicious series of attacks with your swords.
Your flurry MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your flurry MASSACRES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your flurry MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MANGLES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at a Maran Tara'bal.
A Maran Tara'bal is surrounded by a white aura.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::73%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: l
di lo
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: di loth

Enarn has arrived.
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The magic of your protection from good spell unravels.
The magic of your fly spell unravels.
The magic of your detect magic spell unravels.
The magic of your detect invis spell unravels.
The magic of your enfeeble spell unravels.
The magic of your hobble spell unravels.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at a Maran Tara'bal.
A golden pillar of light erupts under a Maran Tara'bal as its wounds are healed!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Your body is weakened by the strain of the neurological disruption.
Enarn's neurological disruption alarms you!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1063 (97%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
300, Revenge
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tokonwa tells you 'Enarn is in the island,'

You tell Tokonwa ''lone?'

Tokonwa tells you 'Writhing, alone.'

*** HOT DIGGITY DAMN! Wake up group! snip running ***

You tell your group 'enarn writhin' alone at nexiplace'

Kholav says 'they are at war?'

You shrug.

Waserax tells the group 'He won't be writhing for long.'

Balkaran tells you 'Enarn sleeps two steps south of the Abolisher.'

Tokonwa tells you 'He sleeps. Be quick.'

Kholav sits down and rests.

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: Near the Prismatic Veil

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Waserax Near the Prismatic Veil
(PK) Kholav Sea of Despair
(PK) Hunsobo Near the Prismatic Veil

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::civilized::5 AM:::
A pinpoint of light expands from the prismatic veil, forming an iridescent courier.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: People near you:
Balkaran A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Zesam The Eye of the Storm
Tokonwa A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Enarn A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Waserax Inside a Magical Rift
(PK) Hunsobo Inside a Magical Rift

:::1019 (96%)::100%::63%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::62%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::62%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

(Invis) (Translucent) A moving refraction in space forms a vaguely humanoid outline.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::62%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::61%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: The Base of the Nexus Island

Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::61%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Within a Sand and Rock Garden

Several chunks of uncut gemstones lie scattered in an aesthetic pattern.
A green shrub with tiny petals sinks its roots into the sand.
A chunk of platinum shaped like a large rock is stacked here.
A platinum rake with a wide toothed comb lies here in the sand.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::61%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: Within a Sand and Rock Garden

A well-pruned bonsai tree grows in the sands here.
A chunk of platinum shaped like a large rock is stacked here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::60%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: A Sandy Oasis

A perfect blue pool of water sparkles in the middle of the oasis.
Several chunks of uncut gemstones lie scattered in an aesthetic pattern.
A brilliantly colored lotus blossoms in the sand.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::59%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: A Hall of Glass and Platinum

Tokonwa is here.
Balkaran is here.
Enarn is sleeping here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::58%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bt
Enarn yells 'H som o e is at a i g m !'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.

:::1019 (96%)::100%::58%::27100::civilized::5 AM::: bt

Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.

:::1030 (97%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You'll have to let him get back up first.

:::1030 (97%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt
You'll have to let him get back up first.

:::1030 (97%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

Enarn wakes and stands up.
You slam into Enarn, and send him flying!
Your bash mauls Enarn.
Enarn yells 'He p! n obo is bashing m '
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1030 (97%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

You parry Enarn's smash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice EVISCERATES Enarn!
Enarn's amulet starts to bubble and boil!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of acid drenches you.
Enarn's blast of acid wounds you.
Your slice MUTILATES Enarn!
Your slash MUTILATES Enarn!
Your slice EVISCERATES Enarn!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1011 (96%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.
Enarn seems to become more alert as his movements return to normal speed.
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1011 (96%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry Enarn's smash and return an attack of your own.
Your slice EVISCERATES Enarn!
Enarn's amulet becomes covered with frost!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of frost and ice threatens to encase you.
Enarn's blast of frost mauls you.
Your slice MASSACRES Enarn!
Enarn parries your slice.
Your slash misses Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::987 (93%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.
The fires of Hell are reflected in the eyes of Enarn, who sags with the burden of the damned!
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::987 (93%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt
Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Enarn and send him flying!
Your bash injures Enarn.
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::987 (93%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Zesam has arrived.
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::987 (93%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Enarn's smash injures you.
Enarn's smash hits you.
Your slice EVISCERATES Enarn!
Enarn parries your slash.
Enarn deflects your slice with his defensive spin.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::961 (91%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Zesam closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Enarn!
Waserax's torments EVISCERATES Enarn!
Enarn is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::961 (91%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt
Enarn utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Enarn is gushing blood. (45% - 50%)

:::961 (91%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

You parry Enarn's smash.
Your slice MASSACRES Enarn!
Your slice nearly breaks through Enarn's blocking blow.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::961 (91%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Enarn!
Waserax's torments MANGLES Enarn!
Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Enarn and send him flying!
Your bash hits Enarn.
Enarn is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::961 (91%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn's smash injures you.
Enarn's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Enarn's dispel evil maims you!
Enarn knocks your slice harmlessly to the side.
Enarn deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Enarn dodges your slash.
Enarn parries your slice.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Enarn!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::913 (86%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Zesam closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A calming warmth suffuses your body as Zesam heals your wounds.
Enarn is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::1003 (95%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt

Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Enarn!
Waserax's torments DISMEMBERS Enarn!
Enarn is convulsing on the ground. (10% - 15%)

:::1003 (95%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Enarn's smash hits you.
Your slice EVISCERATES Enarn!
Enarn deflects your slash with his defensive spin.
Your slash DISMEMBERS Enarn!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::991 (94%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Zesam closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
A calming warmth suffuses your body as Zesam heals your wounds.
Enarn is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: bt
Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Enarn and send him
Your bash mauls Enarn.
Enarn is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Enarn's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Enarn!
Waserax's torments EVISCERATES Enarn!
Enarn is DEAD!!
The Whip, 'Sting of Shokai' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Enarn's eye pops out of its socket.

*** Right here I did a tiny jig in my chair. ***

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Balkaran tries to grab something from the corpse, but Waserax smacks him upside the head and sends him stumbling

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: exam
Balkaran tries to grab something from the corpse, but Waserax smacks him upside the head and sends him stumbling

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: exam corpse

Balkaran gets the amulet of dragonkind from the corpse of Enarn.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat HThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat HunThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat HunsoThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat HunsobosThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat HunsobosWaserax gets an eagle inscribed staff from the corpse of Enarn.
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat HunsobosThe corpse of Enarn is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
The corpse of Enarn contains:
firewalker boots
an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe
a plain phylactery
(Magical) the elvish sash
(Glowing) a gleaming diamond circlet
the Bracelet of Longevity
(Magical) (Glowing) the pearl of power
a pair of golden dragonscale leggings
(Magical) (Humming) a pair of delicate silver gloves
(Magical) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
( 2) (Magical) a ring of stamina
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
( 2) (Magical) a thin silver bracelet
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) a sapphire periapt
(Magical) (Glowing) the helm of brilliance
a spider hide breastplate
(Magical) a blessed dagger named 'Heartseeker'
(Glowing) a necklace of prayer beads
(Magical) a many-branched wand, crafted from elk horn
(Magical) an emerald periapt
( 2) (Magical) a sleek black rod
( 3) (Magical) a sleek sienna rod
296 gold coins
882 copper coins

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: 'dat Hunsobos
You say 'dat Hunsobos'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: get all.coins co
Enarn tells you 'Huh.'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: get all.coins corpse
You get 296 gold coins from the corpse of Enarn.
You split 296 gold coins. Your share is 148 gold coins.
You get 882 copper coins from the corpse of Enarn.
You split 882 copper coins. Your share is 441 copper coins.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Waserax gets a necklace of prayer beads from the corpse of Enarn.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Tokonwa nods.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: get pearl corpse

Balkaran leaves north.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: You get the pearl of power from the corpse of Enarn.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: get
Zesam says 'I will ask that you do not steal his things.'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: get orb corpse
gThe orb: you can't carry that much weight.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: get
Vhloughvang tells you 'you got that bastid ?'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Tokonwa says 'Leave his things.'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM:::
Tokonwa nods.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::64%::27100::civilized::6 AM::: reply yuh

Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's bleeding decimates him!

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Throwing his arms out and twirling his hands at the wrist, Zesam bows to you.
You tell Vhloughvang 'yuh'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'me tak
Vhloughvang tells you 'earn ?'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'me takin' what me took
You say 'me takin' what me took'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'er wh
Vhloughvang tells you 'har har good work.'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'er what hi
Tokonwa thanks you heartily.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'er what him took
You say 'er what him took'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: in
You are carrying:
(Magical) (Glowing) the pearl of power
( 2) (Magical) a magenta potion
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) (Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Magical) a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Magical) (Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
(Magical) a potion of teleportation
(Magical) a potion of return
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Magical) (Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Balkaran has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: exam corpse
The corpse of Enarn is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
The corpse of Enarn contains:
firewalker boots
an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe
a plain phylactery
(Magical) the elvish sash
(Glowing) a gleaming diamond circlet
the Bracelet of Longevity
a pair of golden dragonscale leggings
(Magical) (Humming) a pair of delicate silver gloves
(Magical) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
( 2) (Magical) a ring of stamina
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
( 2) (Magical) a thin silver bracelet
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) a sapphire periapt
(Magical) (Glowing) the helm of brilliance
a spider hide breastplate
(Magical) a blessed dagger named 'Heartseeker'
(Magical) a many-branched wand, crafted from elk horn
(Magical) an emerald periapt
( 2) (Magical) a sleek black rod
( 3) (Magical) a sleek sienna rod

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: whoi balk
<18 Svirf War> Balkaran the Overseer

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'him took Hunsobo amulet
You say 'him took Hunsobo amulet'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: 'yous return?
You say 'yous return?'

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: where
People near you:
Marastron The Eye of the Storm
Balkaran A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Zesam A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Tokonwa A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Waserax A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Hunsobo A Hall of Glass and Platinum

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM::: get
Tokonwa nods.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Waserax closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Waserax is surrounded by a white aura.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Zesam leaves north.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::69%::27100::civilized::7 AM:::
Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
As Balkaran leans down to take something from the corpse, Waserax kicks him backwards.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Waserax roughly grabs Balkaran's wrist and pushes him back from the corpse!

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Balkaran gets a spider hide breastplate from the corpse of Enarn.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: in
You are carrying:
(Magical) (Glowing) the pearl of power
( 2) (Magical) a magenta potion
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) (Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Magical) a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Magical) (Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
(Magical) a potion of teleportation
(Magical) a potion of return
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Magical) (Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: where

Enarn has arrived.
People near you:
Marastron The Eye of the Storm
Balkaran A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Zesam The Eye of the Storm
Tokonwa A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Enarn A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Waserax A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Hunsobo A Hall of Glass and Platinum

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Enarn gets firewalker boots from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a plain phylactery from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets the elvish sash from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a gleaming diamond circlet from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets the Bracelet of Longevity from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a pair of golden dragonscale leggings from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a pair of delicate silver gloves from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a bracelet of woven gold from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a ring of stamina from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a thin silver bracelet from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets the orb from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a sapphire periapt from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a thin silver bracelet from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets the helm of brilliance from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a blessed dagger named 'Heartseeker' from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a many-branched wand, crafted from elk horn from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a ring of stamina from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets an emerald periapt from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a sleek black rod from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a sleek sienna rod from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a sleek sienna rod from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a sleek sienna rod from the corpse of Enarn.
Enarn gets a sleek black rod from the corpse of Enarn.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Balkaran looks at you.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: lore pearl
This treasure, the pearl of power, can be referred to as 'pearl power'.
It radiates light.
A magical aura surrounds it.
People of a dark heart cannot use it.
It is worth 16834 copper, and is of the 50th level of power.
When worn, it affects your ability to resist spells by -12 points, your durability by 50 points and
your mental power by 50 points.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Enarn wields a blessed dagger named 'Heartseeker'.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: wear pearl
You stop using a guardian sword.
You hold the pearl of power in your hands.
You are zapped by the pearl of power and drop it.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: no
Enarn holds a sleek black rod in his hands.
Enarn wears a ring of stamina on his left finger.
Enarn wears the helm of brilliance on his head.
Enarn wears a thin silver bracelet around his left wrist.
Enarn wears a thin silver bracelet around his right wrist.
Enarn wears the girdle of endless space about his waist.
Enarn wears a ring of stamina on his right finger.
Enarn wears a pair of delicate silver gloves on his hands.
Enarn wears a pair of golden dragonscale leggings on his legs.
Enarn wears a plain phylactery on his arms.
Enarn wears an Eagle Embroidered Silk Robe about his body.
Enarn wears firewalker boots on his feet.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: nod
You nod.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Enarn gets the pearl of power.
Enarn gets the eye of Enarn.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: du guardian
You dual wield a guardian sword.
A guardian sword feels like a part of you!

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: 'wanted see what it do
Enarn utters the words, 'oculoinfra waouq'.
You say 'wanted see what it do'

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: in
You are carrying:
( 2) (Magical) a magenta potion
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) (Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Magical) a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Magical) (Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
(Magical) a potion of teleportation
(Magical) a potion of return
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Magical) (Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'ajudirabra unsopaiqzwunsoh'.
Enarn's eyes seem to bulge and swirl momentarily.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: '
Tokonwa nods.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: 'dem took amulet
You say 'dem took amulet'

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: opint balk

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: l
A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Beneath your feet, the floor comprised of glass and platinum blocks has a
bit of sand scattered over it, clearly tracked in from the southern sandy
oasis. The rich scent of lotus blossoms and desert flowers is in the air,
along with something more powerful, less easily unidentified. It brings
to mind a memory of sulfur after a lightning bolt hits the ground, of
crashing waves scorched earth. It smells foreign, like something from
another plane. It is not unpleasant, merely difficult to place. The
glass and platinum hallway stretches to a glowing room to the north or
to the sandy oasis to the south. East and west the hallway stretches

The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
The corpse of Enarn is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
(Ghost) Enarn is here.
Balkaran is here.
(White Aura) Waserax is here.
Tokonwa is here.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::75%::27100::civilized::8 AM::: poi
Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: point balk
You point at Balkaran.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: in
You are carrying:
( 2) (Magical) a magenta potion
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) (Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Magical) a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Magical) (Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
(Magical) a potion of teleportation
(Magical) a potion of return
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Magical) (Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Enarn nods.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Enarn stops using a sleek black rod.
Enarn holds the pearl of power in his hands.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Tokonwa glances at Waserax.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Enarn stops using a thin silver bracelet.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: '
Enarn stops using a thin silver bracelet.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'm
Balkaran leaves north.
Waserax tells the group 'He was sort of rich, eh?'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'me ask dem return to Hunsobo
'You say 'me ask dem return to Hunsobo'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'since dat all yous had from Hunsobo
sYou say 'since dat all yous had from Hunsobo'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: shrug
You shrug.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: in
You are carrying:
( 2) (Magical) a magenta potion
(Magical) (Glowing) the orb
(Magical) (Glowing) a gray-colored potion
(Magical) a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Magical) (Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
(Magical) a potion of teleportation
(Magical) a potion of return
(Magical) the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Magical) (Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Waserax closes his eyes and hums for an instant.
Waserax is surrounded by a protective shield.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Enarn says 'Never ask the youths to return.'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: gt yuh
You tell your group 'yuh'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: l
A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Beneath your feet, the floor comprised of glass and platinum blocks has a
bit of sand scattered over it, clearly tracked in from the southern sandy
oasis. The rich scent of lotus blossoms and desert flowers is in the air,
along with something more powerful, less easily unidentified. It brings
to mind a memory of sulfur after a lightning bolt hits the ground, of
crashing waves scorched earth. It smells foreign, like something from
another plane. It is not unpleasant, merely difficult to place. The
glass and platinum hallway stretches to a glowing room to the north or
to the sandy oasis to the south. East and west the hallway stretches

The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
The corpse of Enarn is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
(Ghost) Enarn is here.
(White Aura) Waserax is here.
Tokonwa is here.

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'yuh
'welYou say 'yuh'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'well

Enarn wears the Bracelet of Longevity around his left wrist.
Waserax tells the group 'Bear in mind, he may have the others on the way.'

*** Um yeah good point! ***

You say 'well'

:::1053 (100%)::93%::80%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: 'me not took
You say 'me not took'
Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.
The heat starts affecting you again.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::85%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: where
A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Beneath your feet, the floor comprised of glass and platinum blocks has a
bit of sand scattered over it, clearly tracked in from the southern sandy
oasis. The rich scent of lotus blossoms and desert flowers is in the air,
along with something more powerful, less easily unidentified. It brings
to mind a memory of sulfur after a lightning bolt hits the ground, of
crashing waves scorched earth. It smells foreign, like something from
another plane. It is not unpleasant, merely difficult to place. The
glass and platinum hallway stretches to a glowing room to the north or
to the sandy oasis to the south. East and west the hallway stretches

The floor is spattered with fresh drops of blood.
The corpse of Enarn is here, unnaturally pale and gaunt.
(Ghost) Enarn is here.
(White Aura) Waserax is here.
Tokonwa is here.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::85%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: People near you:
Marastron The Eye of the Storm
Balkaran The Eye of the Storm
Zesam The Eye of the Storm
Tokonwa A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Enarn A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Waserax A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Hunsobo A Hall of Glass and Platinum

:::1053 (100%)::96%::85%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Enarn says 'It is a waste of rbeath.'

:::1053 (100%)::96%::85%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: A Sandy Oasis

A perfect blue pool of water sparkles in the middle of the oasis.
Several chunks of uncut gemstones lie scattered in an aesthetic pattern.
A brilliantly colored lotus blossoms in the sand.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::85%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Balkaran tells you 'You would not appreciate the amulet.'

:::1053 (100%)::96%::85%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Within a Sand and Rock Garden

A well-pruned bonsai tree grows in the sands here.
A chunk of platinum shaped like a large rock is stacked here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::84%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Within a Sand and Rock Garden

Several chunks of uncut gemstones lie scattered in an aesthetic pattern.
A green shrub with tiny petals sinks its roots into the sand.
A chunk of platinum shaped like a large rock is stacked here.
A platinum rake with a wide toothed comb lies here in the sand.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::83%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: The Base of the Nexus Island

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::82%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: reAlas, you cannot go that way.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::82%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: reply dragonkind? me appreciate
Tokonwa tells you 'My thanks.'

:::1053 (100%)::96%::82%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: t balk dragonkind? me appreciated when me had.
You tell Balkaran 'dragonkind? me appreciated when me had.'

:::1053 (100%)::96%::82%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::81%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: tInside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::81%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: t toInside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::81%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: t tok Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: t tok yuh
tYou tell Tokonwa 'yuh'

:::1053 (100%)::96%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: t tok me tank yous
You tell Tokonwa 'me tank yous'

:::1053 (100%)::96%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: d
Inside a Magical Rift

(Invis) (Translucent) A moving refraction in space forms a vaguely humanoid outline.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: People near you:
Marastron The Eye of the Storm
Balkaran The Eye of the Storm
Zesam The Eye of the Storm
Tokonwa A Hall of Glass and Platinum
Enarn A Hall of Glass and Platinum
(PK) Waserax Inside a Magical Rift
(PK) Hunsobo Inside a Magical Rift

:::1053 (100%)::96%::80%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: Inside a Magical Rift

(Invis) (Translucent) A moving refraction in space forms a vaguely humanoid outline.
(Invis) (Translucent) A moving refraction in space forms a vaguely humanoid outline.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::96%::79%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's leaking blood pools upon the ground.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.
The white aura around your body fades.
Your eyes are no longer sensitive to magical auras.
Your eyes no longer pierce the shroud of invisibility.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::84%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Near the Prismatic Veil

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::84%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Sea of Despair

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::83%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Tokonwa tells you 'I will return the favor a day soon.'

:::1053 (100%)::98%::83%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Waserax Sea of Despair
(PK) Hunsobo Sea of Despair

:::1053 (100%)::98%::83%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Sea of Despair

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::83%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Sea of Despair

A black seagull swoops down and snatches a fish from the water.
A pelican flies over the surface of the sea.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::82%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: Sea of Despair

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::82%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: s
Sea of Despair

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::81%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: whereSea of Despair

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Waserax Sea of Despair
(PK) Zephon Ashes of NoWhere
(PK) Hunsobo Sea of Despair
(PK) Mendecirith Ashes of NoWhere

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: targ zephon
#Ok. $target is now set to {zephon}.
gt mendie
taYou tell your group 'mendie'

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: targ mende
#Ok. $target is now set to {mende}.
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
btThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
People near you:
(PK) Waserax Sea of Despair
(PK) Zephon Ashes of NoWhere
(PK) Hunsobo Sea of Despair
(PK) Mendecirith Ashes of NoWhere

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: btThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: People near you:
(PK) Waserax Sea of Despair
(PK) Zephon The Dock
(PK) Hunsobo Sea of Despair
(PK) Mendecirith The Dock

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: The Dock

Zephon is here.
(White Aura) Mendecirith is here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: A Trail

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: btThe Dock

Zephon is here.
(White Aura) Mendecirith is here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::98%::78%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bt
Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Mendecirith and send her
Your bash grazes Mendecirith.
Mendecirith yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Mendecirith has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::1053 (100%)::98%::78%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bt
Mendecirith yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Mendecirith's direction.
A small halo of light appears behind Mendecirith as Waserax's supplication fails to affect her.

Waserax's cleave wounds Mendecirith.
Waserax's cleave injures Mendecirith.
Your slice maims Mendecirith!
Your slash EVISCERATES Mendecirith!
Your slash EVISCERATES Mendecirith!
Your slash EVISCERATES Mendecirith!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Mendecirith's punch.
You dodge Zephon's searing light.
Mendecirith has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1053 (100%)::98%::78%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bt

Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.
Mendecirith has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Waserax's cleave mauls Mendecirith.
Waserax's cleave devastates Mendecirith!
Your slice maims Mendecirith!
Your slash MUTILATES Mendecirith!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Mendecirith's punch.
Mendecirith is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You slam into Mendecirith, and send her flying!
Your bash hits Mendecirith.
Mendecirith is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Mendecirith's direction.
Mendecirith is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt

Waserax's cleave EVISCERATES Mendecirith!
Waserax's cleave DISMEMBERS Mendecirith!
You parry Zephon's searing light.
You parry Zephon's searing light.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Mendecirith!
Your slash *** DEMOLISHES *** Mendecirith!
Your slice MANGLES Mendecirith!
Your slice misses Mendecirith.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Mendecirith's punch.
You dodge Mendecirith's punch.
You parry Mendecirith's punch.
Mendecirith is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: targ zephon
#Ok. $target is now set to {zephon}.

Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Mendecirith's direction.
Waserax's cleave MASSACRES Mendecirith!
Waserax's cleave MASSACRES Mendecirith!
You parry Zephon's searing light.
You parry Zephon's searing light and return an attack of your own.
Your slice DISMEMBERS Zephon!
Your slice MANGLES Mendecirith!
Mendecirith is DEAD!!
A mace named 'the Sun Within the Storm' vaporizes, returning to its true owner.
Mendecirith's severed head plops on the ground.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
You fail to get in one more shot as Zephon flees.
Zephon has fled!
Zephon leaves.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: btThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: s
bA Trail

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
bThey aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
People near you:
(PK) Waserax A Trail
(PK) Zephon Sea of Despair
(PK) Hunsobo A Trail

:::1053 (100%)::99%::83%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: The Dock

Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Mendecirith.
The severed head of Mendecirith is lying here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::82%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: Sea of Despair

Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: bThe Dock

Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Mendecirith.
The severed head of Mendecirith is lying here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: exa
Waserax gets Five-Color Dragonscale Mail from the corpse of Mendecirith.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: exam corpse

Waserax gets 9 gold coins from the corpse of Mendecirith.
Waserax splits 9 gold coins. Your share is 4 gold coins.
Waserax gets 260 copper coins from the corpse of Mendecirith.
Waserax splits 260 copper coins. Your share is 130 copper coins.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Mendecirith.
The corpse of Mendecirith contains:
(Glowing) (Humming) mace of holy empowerment
the elvish sash
(Glowing) the helm of brilliance
(Humming) the shield of darkness
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of blue crystal
some fine silk robes embroidered with arcane symbols
(Humming) a pair of delicate silver gloves
( 2) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
a living Boa Constrictor
(Glowing) a pair of gleaming diamond leg guards
(Glowing) a medallion of reddish-gold
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
a pair of silver-lined sleeves
a cowhide knapsack
a forest colored cloak
a shell of purple-red chitin
the hide of the Ancient Blue Dragon
the hide of a desert troll
an icon of a dragon
(Glowing) the fiery mithril sabre named 'Phoenix Edge'
a potion of flying

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where
bPeople near you:
(PK) Waserax The Dock
(PK) Hunsobo The Dock

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get medallio
Waserax stops using a blood-stained tunic.
Waserax wears Five-Color Dragonscale Mail on his body.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get medallion corpse
getA medallion of reddish-gold: you can't carry that much weight.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get hide corpse
Waserax drops a blood-stained tunic.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get hide corpse
The hide of the Ancient Blue Dragon: you can't carry that much

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: in
You are carrying:
( 2) a magenta potion
(Glowing) the orb
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a potion of teleportation
a potion of return
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: in
You are carrying:
( 2) a magenta potion
(Glowing) the orb
(Glowing) a gray-colored potion
a brew with crushed kiadana rock
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a dragon boat
(Glowing) a shimmering blue potion
a potion of teleportation
a potion of return
the girdle of endless space
(Glowing) (Humming) the Sword of Wailing Souls
(Humming) Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver
a silver longsword with an iron horseshoe pommel
(Humming) a Tanic's dress blade

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: q magenta
You quaff a magenta potion.
You feel better!
You feel protected from good.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where

Waserax drops a mantle of frost.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: exam corpse
People near you:
(PK) Waserax The Dock
(PK) Hunsobo The Dock

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: Hewn limbs bleed near the mutilated corpse of Mendecirith.
The corpse of Mendecirith contains:
(Glowing) (Humming) mace of holy empowerment
the elvish sash
(Glowing) the helm of brilliance
(Humming) the shield of darkness
( 2) (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of blue crystal
some fine silk robes embroidered with arcane symbols
(Humming) a pair of delicate silver gloves
( 2) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
a living Boa Constrictor
(Glowing) a pair of gleaming diamond leg guards
(Glowing) a medallion of reddish-gold
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
a pair of silver-lined sleeves
a cowhide knapsack
a forest colored cloak
a shell of purple-red chitin
the hide of the Ancient Blue Dragon
the hide of a desert troll
an icon of a dragon
(Glowing) the fiery mithril sabre named 'Phoenix Edge'
a potion of flying

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get troll corpse
The hide of a desert troll: you can't carry that much weight.

:::1053 (100%)::99%::80%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Waserax continues to bleed from his wounds.
Waserax's bleeding injures him.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: get
Waserax closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Waserax gets a wild look in his eyes!

:::1053 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: get medallion corpse
You get a medallion of reddish-gold from the corpse of Mendecirith.

:::1053 (100%)::100%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: lore medallion
This treasure, a medallion of reddish-gold, can be referred to as 'medallion red gold reddish-gold reddish'.
It radiates light.
A magical aura surrounds it.
It is worth 6313 copper, and is of the 50th level of power.
When worn, it affects your ability to resist spells by -4 points and your dexterity by 1 points.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: drop medallion
You drop a medallion of reddish-gold.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: get boots c
Waserax gets a potion of flying from the corpse of Mendecirith.

:::1053 (100%)::91%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: get boots corpse
You get a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots from the corpse of

:::1053 (100%)::91%::86%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: wear boots

Waserax puts a potion of flying in a black robe of the Magi.
You stop using a pair of a red dragon's rear claws.
You wear a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots on your feet.

:::1053 (97%)::91%::82%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: drop red
You drop a pair of a red dragon's rear claws.

*** Pretty sure we went and retrieved the Codex after that. Not sure if we took the Orb, but I doubt it - Enarn and Mendecirith made a tough team for us. ***
310, I can't believe..
Posted by Balrahd. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't believe you didn't full loot him after his actions in the earlier log.
311, It was a while later (a few days, maybe a week)...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and I'd settled down. In addition he didn't really have any stuff I could make good use of. And to just loot the guy's shinies just 'cuz...meh. I could have, but I sorta remembered how that had made me feel. :P

I really wanted to kill that lowbie looter who took the dragonkind though. x(
317, RE: I can't believe..
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh really, what the ####. No one noticed I was a human? Thinking I took two humansunders? The extent of what I took right then if I recall, was an amulet, and told them to use the swords and bracers, which I think came out two seconds after they were already taken. Woo hoo. ####tard.
318, Speaking for myself, as a player...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If your gang kills me and loots the #### out of me, I'm not going to take the time to figure out that you only personally took one item, nor do I think most characters IC would split those hairs. (Honorguys, maybe?) I'm pretty much going to remember that you ganged and looted the #### out of me and treat you accordingly.

I mean, I'm just saying. I don't think you generally do differently as a player either?
331, RE: Speaking for myself, as a player...
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I do differentiate. There have been people party to massive gangs on me were I lost a metric #### ton of things, but I knew that that particular character didn't take much if anything, or they would happily fight me alone, #### like that. Maybe that's just me though.
290, We have all gone through our own rages like that...
Posted by Lightmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It puts it into perspective knowing other people feel the same way. The elites of this game are the ones that learn to respect their foes. (worthy foes that is) and let them get back on their feet again.

My last fortress experience was a year or so ago. It was getting boring with the lopsided fighting. (There were tons of fortress with no oposition.) DUring a raid to scion, we butchered a warrior(fire giant, cant remember the name) and proceeded to full loot/sac the guy. I think I deleted shortly thereafter.

Good logs.
276, That would have sucked...
Posted by Miko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if you had deleted over that. You still need more chances to bash me into the dirt on failed assassinate attempts =P. As my tell said in the log, I just got some return pots and money, and I was happy with that. All you ever took from me when I died. Glad you didn't delete then. At least we killed Criles right after you also ^ ^.

271, Been There, Brother!
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I almost pulled the trigger as Khar three times, though I think only one of them involved Enarn...:P

Glad I didn't, though.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

*** Email me your testimonials or two-line blurbs. Help our marketing efforts! ***
259, What a schmuck.
Posted by AnimalFarm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sometimes we just revert back to acting like a dork. Where's Maclochlan when we need him?
261, Ayep...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I look at that long and I'm like "dude, yer a tool."

It did help me, later, to not act like that, though (one reason I recommend reviewing logs of your own deaths after a few days - not only can you see what you did wrong pk-wise, but you can view your own RP honestly).

I don't think I ever logged stuff during my Maclochlan times, but I wouldn't be surprised if I had a few "bleh RP" moments with him too.
257, Cool to see it from your side.
Posted by nebel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always wondered what was going on there. I mean, I knew what happened, but not why everybody was milling about.
258, Who were you? Criles? (n/t)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
260, Yup. NT
Posted by nebel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
255, ...the rest
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1093 (100%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Your body is weakened by the strain of the neurological disruption.
Enarn's neurological disruption alarms you!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::1063 (97%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave misses a Maran Tara'bal.
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1063 (97%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: You're totally frozen!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1063 (97%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: You're totally frozen!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1063 (97%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: You're totally frozen!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::1063 (97%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Your cleave decimates a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave EVISCERATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn's amulet becomes covered in flames!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of flame erupts around you!
Enarn's blast of flame RAZES you!
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::993 (90%)::100%::74%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at a Maran Tara'bal.
A golden pillar of light erupts under a Maran Tara'bal as its wounds are healed!
The rain ceases.
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
A Maran Tara'bal continues to bleed from its wounds.
A Maran Tara'bal's bleeding decimates it!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::999 (91%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your skin begins to soften, then returns to normal.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::999 (91%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice maims a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn tries to disarm you with his quick moving staff!
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::999 (91%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at a Maran Tara'bal.
A golden pillar of light erupts under a Maran Tara'bal as its wounds are healed!
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::999 (91%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your skin begins to soften, then returns to normal.
A Maran Tara'bal is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::999 (91%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
Your slice devastates a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave MUTILATES a Maran Tara'bal!
Your cleave maims a Maran Tara'bal!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn's smash decimates you!
Your view of the sky becomes clear as your legs are swept out from under you by Enarn!
Enarn's trip injures you.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You parry a Maran Tara'bal's searing light.
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::957 (87%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your skin loses its magical firmness.
Someone glances at someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::957 (87%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave MUTILATES someone!
Your slice MUTILATES someone!
Your cleave MUTILATES someone!
Your cleave misses someone.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's smash.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone's searing light nearly strikes you before you turn it away.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::957 (87%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your mind clears and your body responds again.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::957 (87%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Your limbs become heavy and slow to respond as the pain wracks your body.
Someone's neurological disruption STAGGERS you!
Your cleave MUTILATES someone!
Your cleave devastates someone!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry someone's smash.
You dodge someone's smash.
You parry someone's searing light.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::903 (82%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave maims someone!
Someone dodges your slice.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You dodge someone's smash.
You parry someone's searing light.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone's kick wounds you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::884 (80%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone glances at someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::884 (80%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave maims someone!
Your slice EVISCERATES someone!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You dodge someone's smash.
Your view of the sky becomes clear as your legs are swept out from under you by someone!
Someone's trip wounds you.
Someone's ring of regeneration glows brightly!
You parry someone's searing light.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::866 (79%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your skin begins to soften, then returns to normal.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::866 (79%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::866 (79%)::100%::79%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave MUTILATES someone!
Your slice maims someone!
Your slice devastates someone!
Your cleave MUTILATES someone!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You knock someone's smash aside before it comes near you.
You parry someone's smash.
Someone's amulet becomes covered with frost!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of frost and ice threatens to encase you.
Someone's blast of frost DISMEMBERS you!
Someone's ring of regeneration glows brightly!
You parry someone's searing light.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::815 (74%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your flesh grows painfully tender and soft.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::815 (74%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::815 (74%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your cleave maims someone!
Your slice devastates someone!
Your slice maims someone!
Your cleave MUTILATES someone!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry someone's smash.
You knock someone's searing light aside before it comes near you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::815 (74%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::815 (74%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::815 (74%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Someone's neurological disruption jolts you.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::797 (72%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::797 (72%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone closes its eyes for a moment and nods at someone.
A golden pillar of light erupts under someone as its wounds are healed!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::797 (72%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your mind clears and your body responds again.
Your cleave EVISCERATES someone!
Your cleave devastates someone!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Someone's smash MUTILATES you!
Something emits a warm white glow!
You parry someone's searing light.
You parry someone's searing light.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Someone says 'Protect the light my brother.'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Someone moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Someone moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Someone moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Someone moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Your cleave devastates someone!
Your slice EVISCERATES someone!
Your cleave devastates someone!
Your cleave devastates someone!
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You dodge someone's smash.
You parry someone's searing light.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: You aren't fighting anyone.
Someone has arrived.

:::756 (69%)::100%::80%::27100::wilderness::11 AM::: You aren't fighting anyone.
The sky is getting cloudy.

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.

:::761 (69%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: You aren't fighting anyone.

:::761 (69%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: You aren't fighting anyone.

:::761 (69%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: You aren't fighting anyone.
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Enarn's neurological disruption DISTRESSES you!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::724 (66%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: No way! You are still fighting!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::724 (66%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: No way! You are still fighting!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::724 (66%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: No way! You are still fighting!
Your cleave mauls Enarn.
Your slice wounds Enarn.
Your cleave mauls Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Enarn's dispel evil MASSACRES you!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::653 (59%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: rem sword

Enarn parries your cleave.
Enarn parries your cleave.
Your slice decimates Enarn!
Your slice mauls Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn's ring of regeneration glows brightly!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::653 (59%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: rem sword
You stop using a gleaming moonstone sword.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::653 (59%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: You stop using a jagged short sword.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::653 (59%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: stun
You try to land a stunning blow on Enarn but miss.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::653 (59%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Your vision goes blurry as the pain wracks your body.
Enarn's neurological disruption RATTLES you!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::583 (53%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM:::
Your punch injures Enarn.
Your punch hits Enarn.
Enarn dodges your punch.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::583 (53%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM:::
Enarn deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch misses Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::583 (53%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Your innards are wracked with agony as Enarn disrupts them!
Pain rips through you as your throat convulses!
Enarn's disruption === OBLITERATES === you!
Enarn has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::357 (32%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM:::
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch injures Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn has some small but disgusting cuts. (85% - 90%)

:::357 (32%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: q return

Enarn parries your punch.
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch wounds Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn's smash MUTILATES you!
Enarn has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::315 (28%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: You're totally frozen!
Your punch hits Enarn.
Your punch wounds Enarn.
Enarn deflects your punch with his defensive spin.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn's smash EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Standing Before the Fortress of Light

(Whirling Blades) (White Aura) Lothlorian is here.
(White Aura) A huge figure in deep gray armor guards the gate.
You flee from combat!

:::272 (24%)::100%::84%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You're totally frozen!
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at a Maran Tara'bal.
A golden pillar of light erupts under a Maran Tara'bal as its wounds are healed!

:::272 (24%)::100%::84%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Zephon steps out of the shadows.
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Zephon!'
You parry Zephon's slice.
Zephon is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::272 (24%)::100%::84%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Enarn has arrived.
A Maran Tara'bal says 'Protect the light my brother.'
Zephon is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::272 (24%)::100%::84%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You're totally frozen!
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Your innards are wracked with agony as Enarn disrupts them!
Enarn's disruption *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A Maran Tara'bal moves to block your path.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Zephon is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::156 (14%)::100%::84%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Your mind clears and your body responds again.
Zephon is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::156 (14%)::100%::84%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Zephon deflects your punch with his shield.
Zephon deflects your punch with his shield.
Zephon parries your punch.
Zephon dodges your punch.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn's smash EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Redhorn Gate

You flee from combat!

:::113 (10%)::100%::84%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: You aren't fighting anyone.

:::118 (10%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: Near Redhorn Gate

A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.

:::118 (10%)::100%::84%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: In the Mountains

:::118 (10%)::100%::83%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: In the Foothills

:::118 (10%)::100%::83%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::118 (10%)::100%::83%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: In the Foothills

A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.

:::118 (10%)::100%::82%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::118 (10%)::100%::82%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: In the Mountains

:::118 (10%)::100%::82%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::118 (10%)::100%::82%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: In the Mountains

:::118 (10%)::100%::82%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: afIn the Mountains

:::118 (10%)::100%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: afAlas, you cannot go that way.

:::118 (10%)::100%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: afIn the Mountains

:::118 (10%)::100%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: afAlas, you cannot go that way.

:::118 (10%)::100%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: afIn the Mountains

:::118 (10%)::100%::81%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: afSouthern End of the Valley

:::118 (10%)::100%::80%::27100::wilderness::12 PM::: af
Southern End of the Valley

You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'disrupt organ' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'corporeal softening' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 6 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by -10 for 25 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 37 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 37 hours.
Skill: 'trip' modifies dexterity by -2 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'trip' modifies armor class by 60 for 0 hours.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: You need a boat to go there.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: You need a boat to go there.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: Alas, you cannot go that way.

:::122 (11%)::100%::85%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: af
You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'disrupt organ' for 20 hours.
Spell: 'corporeal softening' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 6 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by -10 for 25 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 37 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 37 hours.
Skill: 'trip' modifies dexterity by -2 for 0 hours.
Skill: 'trip' modifies armor class by 60 for 0 hours.

:::132 (12%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: air
You whisper 'some keyword that won't work because of disrupt organ'

:::132 (12%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: Southern End of the Valley
The small path turns here to lead north and west along the edge of the dark
lake which fills most of the valley floor. The dam which holds the lake along
its southern end is starting to give way here and a steady stream of water
has carved a path for itself downhill to the east. The path north hugs tight
along the tall cliffs surrounding the valley as if it wanted to keep away
from the lake. Tall reeds line the edges of the lake and its surface is
still and covered with scum.

:::132 (12%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Southern End of the Valley
(PK) Enarn In the Mountains
(PK) Lothlorian In the Mountains
(PK) Zephon In the Mountains

:::132 (12%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a potion of teleportation
a potion of return
a black breastplate
a wide, black leather belt
a black iron broadsword
a gleaming moonstone sword
a stone baton
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
(Glowing) the happy fun ball
an emerald periapt
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the other happy fun ball
the girdle of endless space

:::132 (12%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: q
Enarn has arrived.
Zephon has arrived.

:::132 (12%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: q tele
Zephon trips you and you go down!
Zephon's trip grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
You yell 'Help! Zephon just tripped me!'
Zephon deflects your punch with his shield.
Zephon parries your punch.
Zephon deflects your punch with his shield.
Zephon dodges your punch.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Zephon's slice.
You have become better at ironhands!
You parry Zephon's slice.
Moving quickly, you avoid Zephon's slice.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Zephon is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::127 (11%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: q teleportati
Enarn utters the words, 'eugfjsh afoai'.
Your innards are wracked with agony as Enarn disrupts them!
Enarn's disruption *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You are stunned, but will probably recover.

:::-2 (0%)::100%::86%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: q telepor
Zephon's slice MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You feel the spirit of the Bear leave you.
You are no longer resistant to cold.
You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!

*** Snip ***

:::76 (7%)::10%::92%::27100::wilderness::4 PM::: Southern End of the Valley

A pair of hard metal plated gloves lie here.
A silver-gray armored wrist band lies here on the ground.
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, dried blood caked over a slashed throat.
The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Lothlorian is resting here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Enarn is resting here.

:::76 (7%)::10%::92%::27100::wilderness::4 PM::: get all corpse
You get the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the hide of the Ancient White Dragon from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the orb from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a sapphire periapt from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the orb from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a girth of lobster plates from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a fire opal ring from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a pair of darkened leggings from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the amulet of Moudrilar from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a jagged short sword from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a nacreous mask of lizard skin from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a sickly green wand from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a stone baton from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a lead ring from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a gleaming moonstone sword from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a black iron broadsword from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a wide, black leather belt from the corpse of Hunsobo.
A black breastplate: you can't carry that much weight.
You get a potion of return from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get a potion of teleportation from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get 2 gold coins from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get 26 silver coins from the corpse of Hunsobo.
You get 60 copper coins from the corpse of Hunsobo.
Zephon tells you 'come to me.'

:::76 (7%)::10%::92%::27100::wilderness::4 PM:::
Enarn stands up.

:::76 (7%)::10%::92%::27100::wilderness::4 PM::: wear all

Enarn's body seems to grow less solid as his bones return to normal.

:::93 (9%)::13%::97%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: You hold a potion of teleportation in your hands.
You wear a wide, black leather belt about your waist.
You wield a black iron broadsword.
A black iron broadsword feels like a part of you!
You wear a lead ring on your left finger.
You wear a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots on your feet.
You wear a nacreous mask of lizard skin on your face.
You wear the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon on your body.
You feel resistant to poison.
You wear the amulet of Moudrilar around your neck.
As you slide the amulet over your neck, you feel a sense of calm come over
you, your mind focuses and you feel a sense of clarity pulse through you.
You wear a pair of darkened leggings on your legs.
You wear a fire opal ring on your right finger.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: l

Enarn leaves west.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: gSouthern End of the Valley
The small path turns here to lead north and west along the edge of the dark
lake which fills most of the valley floor. The dam which holds the lake along
its southern end is starting to give way here and a steady stream of water
has carved a path for itself downhill to the east. The path north hugs tight
along the tall cliffs surrounding the valley as if it wanted to keep away
from the lake. Tall reeds line the edges of the lake and its surface is
still and covered with scum.

A pair of hard metal plated gloves lie here.
A silver-gray armored wrist band lies here on the ground.
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, dried blood caked over a slashed throat.
The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Lothlorian is resting here.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: get all
You get a pair of titanium gauntlets.
You get a silver-gray bracer.
You can't take that.
You get the head of Hunsobo.
Lothlorian stands up.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: wear all
You wear a silver-gray bracer around your left wrist.
You wear a pair of titanium gauntlets on your hands.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: exam corpse
The corpse of Hunsobo is here, dried blood caked over a slashed throat.
The corpse of Hunsobo contains:
a black breastplate

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: w
Southern End of the Valley

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Southern End of the Valley
Enarn In the Foothills
Lothlorian Southern End of the Valley

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: e
Southern End of the Valley

The corpse of Hunsobo is here, dried blood caked over a slashed throat.
(White Aura) Lothlorian is here.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: reply ug?
You tell Zephon 'ug?'

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: e
wheOn Voralia's Tears

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: where

You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo On Voralia's Tears
Zephon On Voralia's Tears

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: scan s
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: s
On Voralia's Tears

(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: eyeb
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: l zeph
Cloaked in a torn, dark-grey robe, a male figure stands nearly
six feet tall. His frame is not overly large but it seems to suit
him well for his height. His arms and legs are well muscled and covered
with a thin, sparse layer of black hair. A long, tangled stream of
black hair flows behind this male. Asside from the hair behind him,
a tangled mess of hair is draped over his face. This hair mostly covers
his eyes but reaches just past his nose. Every glympse past his hair gives
a hint of the ordinary beauty of his face. His hairless chin and
slightly pointed ears tell you that he has elven blood in him.
His lips are thin and soft which almost contrasts his appearance.
The age of this half-elf is hard to determine by looks alone, his face
seems that of a mature adult but his eyes are what make him seem
much older.

As his hair shifts, his eyes can been seen for brief moments. Two deep,
purple eyes flecked with silver peer around him almost constantly.
Rarely seen from under the tangled mess, they seem to reflect what he sees.
Zephon, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.

Zephon is using:
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a blazing orange cloak
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a mantle of fire
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
<worn on head> the Helm of Ancient Red Dragonscales
<worn on legs> some leggings from the snow worm
<worn on feet> red-gold dragon boots
<worn on hands> (Humming) the blademaster's gloves
<worn on arms> a pair of armguards from the snow worm
<worn about body> a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
<worn about waist> a girdle of giant strength
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<mainhand wielded> a bright silver broadsword
<worn as shield> a shell of purple-red chitin

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM:::
Zephon gives you Cloak of the bear-kin.

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: in
You are carrying:
Cloak of the bear-kin
the head of Hunsobo
a potion of return
a gleaming moonstone sword
a stone baton
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
a girth of lobster plates
(Glowing) the orb
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the orb
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::93 (8%)::13%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: drop head
You drop the head of Hunsobo.

:::98 (9%)::15%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: wear cloak
You wear Cloak of the bear-kin about your body.
You feel the spirit of the Bear enter you.

:::98 (9%)::15%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: eyeb
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

:::98 (9%)::15%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a potion of return
a gleaming moonstone sword
a stone baton
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
a girth of lobster plates
(Glowing) the orb
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the orb
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::98 (9%)::15%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
<worn on head> ---
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> ---
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a wide, black leather belt
<worn around wrist> a silver-gray bracer
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a black iron broadsword
<held in hand> a potion of teleportation
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::98 (9%)::15%::92%::27100::wilderness::5 PM::: drop baton
You drop a stone baton.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: l
On Voralia's Tears
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to a
white city with a towering cathedral easily visible from a distance. On
both sides of the river, the banks are strewn with broken rocks and small
boulders. Beyond the rocky confines of the river, the rolling lands
gradually rise up and away from the river which weaves its way through
the countryside.

A short stone rod lies here on the ground.
The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM:::
Zephon gives you a pair of knife-like arm bands.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: g
You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::116 (10%)::17%::98%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: wear arm
nYou wear a pair of knife-like arm bands on your arms.

:::116 (10%)::17%::98%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: n
On Voralia's Tears

A short stone rod lies here on the ground.
The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: get rod
You get a stone baton.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: You are carrying:
a stone baton
a potion of return
a gleaming moonstone sword
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
a girth of lobster plates
(Glowing) the orb
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the orb
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM:::
Zephon gives you an ogre-horned helm.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: wear ogre
wYou wear an ogre-horned helm on your head.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: wear girth
You stop using a wide, black leather belt.
You wear a girth of lobster plates about your waist.

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a stone baton
a potion of return
a wide, black leather belt
a gleaming moonstone sword
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
(Glowing) the orb
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the orb
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::116 (10%)::17%::97%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: 'seem me leavin' stuffs for yous does mean sometins
You say 'seem me leavin' stuffs for yous does mean sometins'

:::121 (11%)::19%::98%::27100::wilderness::6 PM:::
Zephon whispers 'That transmuter seems to think we should take everything from you.'

:::121 (11%)::19%::98%::27100::wilderness::6 PM::: af
You are affected by:

:::136 (12%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: l
On Voralia's Tears
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to a
white city with a towering cathedral easily visible from a distance. On
both sides of the river, the banks are strewn with broken rocks and small
boulders. Beyond the rocky confines of the river, the rolling lands
gradually rise up and away from the river which weaves its way through
the countryside.

The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::136 (12%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: 'yuh. An' you call him ally.
You say 'yuh. An' you call him ally.'

:::136 (12%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: af
You are affected by:

:::136 (12%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::7 PM:::
Zephon whispers 'The healer and I do not agree.'

:::136 (12%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a stone baton
a potion of return
a wide, black leather belt
a gleaming moonstone sword
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
(Glowing) the orb
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the orb
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::136 (12%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: bers
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

:::238 (21%)::13%::95%::27100::wilderness::7 PM:::
You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::238 (21%)::13%::95%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: n
On Voralia's Tears

The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::238 (21%)::13%::95%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
<worn on head> an ogre-horned helm
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> a silver-gray bracer
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a black iron broadsword
<held in hand> a potion of teleportation
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::238 (21%)::13%::95%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: rem potion
You stop using a potion of teleportation.

:::238 (21%)::13%::95%::27100::wilderness::7 PM:::
Zephon whispers 'I did end up with a few of your things though.'

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: shrug
You shrug.

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: af
wYou are affected by:
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo On Voralia's Tears
Zephon On Voralia's Tears

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: On Voralia's Tears
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to a
white city with a towering cathedral easily visible from a distance. On
both sides of the river, the banks are strewn with broken rocks and small
boulders. Beyond the rocky confines of the river, the rolling lands
gradually rise up and away from the river which weaves its way through
the countryside.

The severed head of Hunsobo is lying here.
(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: sac head
The gods give you 0 copper coins for your sacrifice of the head of Hunsobo.

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: af
wYou are affected by:
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 6 hours.

:::247 (22%)::16%::96%::27100::wilderness::7 PM::: where
who pk
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo On Voralia's Tears
Zephon On Voralia's Tears
The clouds disappear.

:::268 (24%)::18%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: *51 Fire War* (PK) Hunsobo the Dutiful Disciple of Iunnalady,
Imperial War Master

Players found: 1

:::268 (24%)::18%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: in
You are carrying:
a stone baton
a potion of teleportation
a potion of return
a wide, black leather belt
a gleaming moonstone sword
(Glowing) a sickly green wand
a jagged short sword
(Glowing) the orb
a sapphire periapt
(Glowing) the orb
the hide of the Ancient White Dragon
the girdle of endless space

:::268 (24%)::18%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
<worn on head> an ogre-horned helm
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> a silver-gray bracer
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a black iron broadsword
<worn as shield> ---
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::268 (24%)::18%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: '
Zephon whispers 'You fight well.'

:::280 (25%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: 'out of a
You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::280 (25%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: 'out of all On Voralia's Tears

(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::280 (25%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: 'out of all fort
Zephon whispers 'Too bad it is for a poor cause.'

:::280 (25%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: 'out of all fortguys
'You say 'out of all fortguys'

:::280 (25%)::21%::100%::27100::wilderness::8 PM::: 'you one me most 'spect
'noYou say 'you one me most 'spect'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'not 'cuz return stuffs
You say 'not 'cuz return stuffs'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'tho dat good
'You say 'tho dat good'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'but you stick 'roun

You say 'but you stick 'roun'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM:::
:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'not
Zephon drinks water from a water skin.

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'not sleepy when odds bad
You say 'not sleepy when odds bad'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'dat w
You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'dat what HOn Voralia's Tears

(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'dat what Hunsobo
Zephon nods.

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'dat what Hunsobo 'spect
You say 'dat what Hunsobo 'spect'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: af
wheYou are affected by:
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 4 hours.

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo On Voralia's Tears
Zephon On Voralia's Tears

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'it whut Hunsobo have t
You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'it whut Hunsobo have do
On Voralia's Tears

(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: You say 'it whut Hunsobo have do'

:::298 (27%)::23%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: growl

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: get flight girdle

You feel the currents drag you along.
On Voralia's Tears

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: q fligYou get a potion of flight from the girdle of endless space.

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: q flightOn Voralia's Tears

(White Aura) Zephon is here.

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: q flight
You quaff a potion of flight.
Your feet rise off the ground.

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM:::
Zephon chuckles politely.

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: 'stupid river
You say 'stupid river'

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: You are affected by:
Spell: 'fly' for 9 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 4 hours.

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo On Voralia's Tears
Zephon On Voralia's Tears

:::305 (27%)::25%::100%::27100::wilderness::9 PM::: get opal girdle

The sky is getting cloudy.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: weYou get an opal wand from the girdle of endless space.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: wear opal
You hold an opal wand in your hands.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: zap self
You zap Hunsobo with an opal wand.
Your efforts with an opal wand produce smoke and sparks.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: zap self
You zap Hunsobo with an opal wand.
You feel yourself moving more slowly.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: eq

Zephon whispers 'I hope one day you see the wrong in your ways, Hunsobo.'

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: rem opal
put opYou are using:
<worn on finger> a lead ring
<worn on finger> a fire opal ring
<worn around neck> the amulet of Moudrilar
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> the hide of the Ancient Green Dragon
<worn on head> an ogre-horned helm
<worn on face> a nacreous mask of lizard skin
<worn on legs> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
<worn on hands> a pair of titanium gauntlets
<worn on arms> a pair of knife-like arm bands
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> a silver-gray bracer
<worn around wrist> ---
<mainhand wielded> a black iron broadsword
<held in hand> an opal wand
<tattooed> an incarnadine spiral

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: put opal You stop using an opal wand.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: put opal girdle
You put an opal wand in the girdle of endless space.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: l
wherOn Voralia's Tears
You are on top of a river whose cold blue waters rush out of the mountains
to the north, through the foothills that surround you, and south to a
white city with a towering cathedral easily visible from a distance. On
both sides of the river, the banks are strewn with broken rocks and small
boulders. Beyond the rocky confines of the river, the rolling lands
gradually rise up and away from the river which weaves its way through
the countryside.

Zephon is here.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo On Voralia's Tears
Zephon On Voralia's Tears

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: du
Zephon whispers 'You would make a strong ally.'

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: du jagged
You dual wield a jagged short sword.
A jagged short sword feels like a part of you!

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: 'Duty.
You say 'Duty.'

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'fly' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'slow' modifies dexterity by -1 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 25 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 10 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 10 for 3 hours.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: shrug
You shrug.

:::322 (29%)::27%::100%::27100::wilderness::10 PM::: sl
You go to sleep.

**** Later same night, still trying to retrieve ***

:::1093 (100%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: In the Foothills

Lothlorian is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Enarn is here.
A small, furry beast watches you from the safety of a snow drift.
You yell 'Die, Enarn, you sorcerous dog!'
Enarn utters the words, 'izjfahiouqar eugfjshuai'.
Your entire body explodes in pain, stunning you into helplessness!
Your body is weakened by the strain of the neurological disruption.
Enarn's neurological disruption stupefies you!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1057 (96%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Your cleave mauls Enarn.
Enarn parries your slice.
Your cleave injures Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Enarn's smash devastates you!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1028 (94%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: You're totally frozen!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::1028 (94%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Your cleave wounds Enarn.
Enarn parries your slice.
Enarn parries your slice.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You wrap flames around Enarn, charring his exposed flesh!
Enarn's skin chars and splits under the intense heat!
Your pillar of fire BROILS Enarn!
Bright silvery-white flames flare brightly across Enarn's wounds.
Enarn's smash decimates you!
Enarn's amulet becomes covered in flames!
With no discernable source, a magnificent deluge of flame erupts around you!
Enarn's blast of flame singes you!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::966 (88%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
You yell 'Die, Lothlorian, you sorcerous dog!'
Lothlorian narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::966 (88%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Enarn utters the words, 'qafsacandusar gayhunsouio'.
Your flesh grows painfully tender and soft.
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::966 (88%)::71%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM:::
Enarn parries your cleave.
Enarn parries your slice.
Enarn parries your cleave.
Your cleave injures Enarn.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportation
Enarn utters the words, 'oculoqarquyl'.
You feel your bones lose density and become more brittle.
Enarn parries your cleave.
Enarn parries your slice.
Your cleave injures Enarn.
Enarn parries your cleave.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportation
Lothlorian closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Enarn.
A golden pillar of light erupts under Enarn as his wounds are healed!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportationYou're totally frozen!
Enarn is in perfect health. (100% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportation
Your cleave mauls Enarn.
Your slice mauls Enarn.
Enarn deflects your slice with his defensive spin.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
You parry Enarn's smash.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportation
Vargraye has arrived.
A mountain lion has arrived.
The Treant has arrived.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportationYou're totally frozen!
Vargraye leaves.
The Treant leaves north.
A mountain lion leaves north.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportationYou're totally frozen!
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportationYou're totally frozen!
Enarn utters the words, 'eugszr waouq'.
The magic of your protection from good spell unravels.
The magic of your detect magic spell unravels.
The magic of your detect invis spell unravels.
The magic of your neurological disruption spell unravels.
The magic of your enfeeble spell unravels.
The magic of your hobble spell unravels.
Enarn has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

*** Awesome. ***

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportationIn the Foothills

You flee from combat!

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: q teleportation
You quaff a potion of teleportation.
A Narrow Rocky Path

:::975 (89%)::75%::40%::27100::wilderness::4 AM::: t enarn you stupid sometimes
You tell Enarn 'you stupid sometimes'

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: t enarn dat lucky for Hunsobo
get You tell Enarn 'dat lucky for Hunsobo'

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: get teleportation girdle
You get a potion of teleportation from the girdle of endless space.

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: af
wherYou are affected by:
Commune: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 12 for 24 hours.
Commune: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -6 for 24 hours.
Spell: 'decalcify' for 12 hours.
Skill: 'fly' for 8 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 8 hours.
Skill: 'watershield' for 8 hours.
Spell: 'corporeal softening' for 7 hours.

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Narrow Rocky Path

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: l
A Narrow Rocky Path
A narrow path winds its way along the face of the mountain. Glancing down,
you suddenly realize how high up you are as you look down on a broad canopy
of trees that grows more dense to the southeast. The path itself grows ever
more treacherous to the east, but seems to be well defined by tiny piles of
gray rock. You can follow the narrow path to the west or to the east.

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: where
telPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Narrow Rocky Path

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: tele
You get a purple pill from the girdle of endless space.

:::988 (90%)::77%::45%::27100::wilderness::5 AM::: You finish eating a purple pill.
A Grave

You steal a piece of Hunsobo's essence for yourself!
Your energy drain grazes you.
Enarn tells you 'Sure.'

*** He probably did it on purpose because he felt bad for me, but at the time I was still angry and wanted him to die. A lot. :P ***