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Forum Name Logs
Topic subjectSome random funny logs.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=746&mesg_id=746
746, Some random funny logs.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Zambirith: Does wearing armor affect spells?

Lyristeon: Certain armors can affect certain aspects of certain spells.

Yean chuckles politely.

You grin evilly.

Jorg: what level is balator?

Baerinika: you can type 'area balator' to see

Jorg: ty sir

Triithzandin: What if it was a girl?

Lyristeon: If you knew the girls up here, you would call them sir too. They scare the crap out of us.

Making a "tsk" noise, Baerinika wags her finger at you.

You chuckle politely.

Mortimer: lol

Pahrmehnt: You owe me a new keyboard, I just shot pepsi out of my nose.

Baerinika says 'That's probably fair'

Noellia <12670> is PRAYING for: I have discorvered my name is very close to some idiot pop star who has a sex tape... any chance I could change it to Noelle?

Lyristeon <53>: I don't know about that. Can we just ogle you a bit first?

Daevryn: My philosophy sort of is... as imms we should only boot people for stuff that is definitely against the rules of a cabal, can't possibly be justified by its dogma.

Daevryn: Ahem. That's not meant for this channel. Ignore that.

Daevryn: I'm awesome.

Yrillbink <30326> is PRAYING for: Lord Lyristeon! Shall you not come examine my newly acquired breasts?

Khasotholas <53>: That's like the third breast pray I've heard today from her/him

The Master of Mayhem (Lyristeon) <53>: Yeah, and he keeps praying for me to examine them. I am so not into man boobs.

Khasotholas <53>: heh, he's standing in a waterfall

Khasotholas <53>: Now that's just awesome

The Master of Mayhem (Lyristeon) <53>: Please stop...I don't need that vision of a fat hermaphrodite with man boobs and a thin, stringy haired, nearly bald guy running his hands over his head as he faces up into the water with no shirt on, white glistening skin...ACK!

You are carrying:
a sign is here

A wooden sign with scorch marks that say, 'Who Newbieflag trigger != active time' is here.

A sign is here is a treasure, made of sapphire, and weighs 0 pounds 1 ounces.

This being stands taller than the average human, yet slight of build. Its
shoulders are broader than an elf, but its hips too narrow. Its arms and
legs are disproportional, even lanky. Even the sleeves of its gown are too
short, exposing lean muscle. Its hands and forearms take on a redder hue
than the rest of its body, perhaps smoothed over burn scars. The rest of its
fair skin is soft and even toned. Only a few freckles break the smoothness
as they dance along this beings narrow nose. Its face is gaunt, with
cheekbones arching at sharp angles. Yet, its jaw line is smoothed over with
a feminine curve. Its lucid lips are full, but you cannot tell if they form
a pout or a smirk. Oval eyes peer at you accusingly. They are an odd shade
of gold offset by long dark eyelashes. Thin, perfectly arched eyebrows
gently frame this beings strange eyes. Long golden blonde hair cascades
down its back and shines as if it is well kept. You cannot tell if this
being has a slight bosom or if it only has large chest muscles. After
looking this being over, it is difficult to discern if it is pretty, handsome
or both.
Zesam, a male half-elf, is in perfect health.
Zesam does not appear to be carrying any money.

Zesam is using:
<worn on face> a sign that says, 'I have a newbieflag trigger.'
<worn about body> an elegant spidersilk dress
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a platinum bracer marked with a coil of glass
<worn around wrist> (Glowing) a platinum bracer marked with a coil of glass
<mainhand wielded> a whip woven of platinum thread
<tattooed> a diamond in the rough

Valguarnera <53>: Though Tatianna was criticizing Jutunn for carrying "material things", which I wasn't aware was against Outlander code.

Valguarnera <53>: Apparently they're supposed to run around with spears and loincloths.

Lyristeon <53>: If I had my way I would want it that way. I would also want nothing but females too!

Lyristeon <53>: But, if we are going to continue letting males in, I definitely don't like the loincloth idea.

Xryss: question why am I dual weilding a patato?

Zesam: You are holding it

Xryss: yes .. can you hold many items that do nothing?

Xryss: Thats funny.

Zesam: When you wear all, it puts things into slots by order

Linsaerali: You can only -HOLD- one item.

You say 'He should see some of the things we hold.'

Zesam says 'I think you should take the we out of that.'

Iukulli grins evilly.

Zesam says 'And make it a you.'

You give a giant male member to Zesam.

force zesam hold member

Zesam sighs.

Zesam holds a giant male member in his hands.

Zesam says 'Show off.'

You say 'I almost did 'The Fruity, Floofi Ancient' as my alias.'

Braemir chuckles politely.

You say 'I was dealing with an elf afterall.'

Braemir nods wisely.

You say 'Thpeak with a lithp and keep the pinky out.'

Braemir plants his feet, utters a brief prayer and prepares to stand fast against the darkness.

You chuckle politely.

You say 'I say that and you champion's stand. Homophobic?'

(Braemir used champion's stand as a trigger to keep from voiding out)

Kastellyn: Deathblow'd the #### out of Harol.

Lyristeon: That's borderline sexual harassment there.

Enlilth says 'I thought Cyrein's title was the unselfish taint for like a month now.'

You say 'That's because your head is so far up your ass and that's all you can see.'