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Topic subjectw Waserax vs. Brumble, Lothlorian, and Alzharakh
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728, w Waserax vs. Brumble, Lothlorian, and Alzharakh
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: scaPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo A Light Filled Corridor
(PK) Alzharakh A Gray Corridor
(PK) Brumble A Gray Corridor
(PK) Waserax A Light Filled Corridor

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: scan n
You scan north.
***** Range 2 *****
A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: gt two
You tell your group 'two'

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: s
sThe Council Chamber

Alzharakh is here.
(WANTED) Brumble is here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: s
Brumble leaves east.
Alzharakh leaves east.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: whereAlas, you cannot go that way.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Council Chamber
(PK) Alzharakh A Stone Corridor
(PK) Brumble A Stone Corridor
(PK) Waserax The Council Chamber

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM:::
Brumble has arrived.
Alzharakh has arrived.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: e
bA Stone Corridor

Waserax has arrived.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt

Waserax tells the group 'Company.'

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: The Council Chamber

Alzharakh is here.
(WANTED) Brumble is here.
Waserax has arrived.
Brumble leaves north.
Alzharakh leaves north.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: They aren't here.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: n
Alzharakh yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: n
btA Light Filled Corridor

Waserax has arrived.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1123 (100%)::94%::89%::27100::civilized::9 AM::: n
The Grand Temple

(Pink Aura) Alzharakh is here.
Waserax has arrived.

:::1123 (100%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bThey aren't here.

:::1123 (100%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bas alz
Springing forward, you send Alzharakh sprawling with a solid body
Your bash devastates Alzharakh!
Alzharakh yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Alzharakh has a few scratches. (90% - 95%)

:::1123 (100%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bas

You parry Alzharakh's punch.
Alzharakh's punch decimates you!
You knock Alzharakh's punch aside before it comes near you.
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Alzharakh!
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Alzharakh's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick MUTILATES Alzharakh!
Alzharakh is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1097 (97%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Alzharakh yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Alzharakh's direction.
The fires of Hell are reflected in the eyes of Alzharakh, who sags with the burden of the damned!
Alzharakh is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1097 (97%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Brumble has arrived.
Alzharakh is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1097 (97%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: targ alz
#Ok. $target is now set to {alz}.
Brumble tries some fancy axe-work, but just whacks his axes together.
Brumble's brutal attack misses you.
You yell 'Help! Brumble is trying to hack me to pieces!'
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
Alzharakh's punch MUTILATES you!
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
You parry Brumble's slice.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
Brumble's cleave EVISCERATES you!
You parry Brumble's slice.
Alzharakh parries your slice.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Alzharakh parries your slice.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Alzharakh is covered with bleeding wounds. (70% - 75%)

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bas

You get in one more shot on Alzharakh as he flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Alzharakh!
Alzharakh has fled!
Alzharakh leaves north.
Alzharakh yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bt
They aren't here.

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bt

Alzharakh yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bThey aren't here.
Brumble yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
The fires of Hell are reflected in the eyes of Brumble, who sags with the burden of the damned!

:::1009 (89%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bt

Brumble's slice devastates you!
You stop Brumble's cleave just before it reaches you.
You parry Brumble's slice.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble parries your slice.
Brumble parries your slice.
Brumble parries your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Brumble's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick maims Brumble!
Waserax's cleave EVISCERATES Brumble!
Brumble has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::979 (87%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: They aren't here.
Brumble has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::979 (87%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bas brumble
Brumble is far too small to aim at properly.
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
Pinpoints of light envelop Brumble, revealing his presence to all!
You parry Brumble's slice.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
With a quick twist Brumble moves to the side of your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Brumble!
Brumble twists himself around your slice.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Seizing upon a flaw in Brumble's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick DISMEMBERS Brumble!
Brumble has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::979 (87%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Brumble attempts to shatter your weapon, but it holds firm.
Brumble has some small but disgusting cuts. (80% - 85%)

:::979 (87%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Brumble's slice MUTILATES you!
Brumble's cleave maims you!
You parry Brumble's cleave.
You dodge Brumble's slice.
Brumble parries your slice.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Brumble!
Brumble has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::908 (80%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: trip
His feet aren't on the ground.
Brumble has some small but disgusting cuts. (75% - 80%)

:::908 (80%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
You dodge Brumble's slice.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
You parry Brumble's slice.
Brumble parries your slice.
Your slice MANGLES Brumble!
Your slice MANGLES Brumble!
Brumble parries your slice.
Brumble parries your slice.
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::908 (80%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Brumble breaks your weapon with a mighty blow from his axe!
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::908 (80%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::908 (80%)::96%::94%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: wi s
Brumble expands back to normal size.
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::919 (81%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: wi souls
You wield the Sword of Wailing Souls.
The Sword of Wailing Souls feels like a part of you!
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::919 (81%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Brumble's slice decimates you!
You parry Brumble's cleave.
Brumble's cleave maims you!
You parry Brumble's slice.
Waserax's cleave EVISCERATES Brumble!
Brumble parries your cleave.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble parries your cleave.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (55% - 60%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bas
Springing forward towards Brumble, you find only air meeting you and
fall on your face!
Your bash misses Brumble.
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Brumble!
Waserax's torments MASSACRES Brumble!
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Alzharakh yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
Brumble is covered with bleeding wounds. (50% - 55%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
You parry Brumble's slice.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
You parry Brumble's slice and return an attack of your own.
Your cleave MANGLES Brumble!
You parry Brumble's slice.
Brumble dodges your cleave.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble parries your cleave.
Brumble parries your cleave.
You wrap flames around Brumble, charring his exposed flesh!
Brumble's skin chars and splits under the intense heat!
Your pillar of fire RAZES Brumble!
Brumble is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bas

Alzharakh yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Watcher!'
Brumble whirls an axe named 'The Punisher' impressively, but fails to hit you.
Brumble's whirling axe misses you.
Brumble is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Alzharakh has arrived.
Brumble is gushing blood. (35% - 40%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Brumble!
Waserax's torments MASSACRES Brumble!
Brumble is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::859 (76%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Brumble's slice decimates you!
Brumble's cleave MUTILATES you!
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
Alzharakh's punch maims you!
You dodge Alzharakh's punch.
Your cleave MANGLES Brumble!
Brumble parries your cleave.
Brumble is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::756 (67%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Alzharakh weakens Waserax with a blow to a vital area.
Alzharakh's blow to a vital area hits Waserax.
Waserax yells 'Help! Alzharakh punched me!'
Brumble is writhing in agony. (25% - 30%)

:::756 (67%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Brumble!
Waserax's torments *** DEVASTATES *** Brumble!
Brumble is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::756 (67%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: ba
You parry Brumble's slice.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
You parry Brumble's slice.
Brumble dodges your cleave.
Brumble dodges your slice.
Brumble dodges your cleave.
Your cleave MANGLES Brumble!
Seizing upon a flaw in Brumble's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
Brumble is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Brumble.
Brumble is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::756 (67%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bas

You fail to get in one more shot as Brumble flees.
Brumble has fled!
Brumble leaves north.

:::756 (67%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!

:::756 (67%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: But you aren't fighting anyone!
Alzharakh laces his fingers together and hammers his fists at you!
Alzharakh's crushing blow leaves you dazed!
Alzharakh's crushing blow devastates you!
Alzharakh is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::726 (64%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Alzharakh yells 'Die, Waserax, you sorcerous dog!'
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Alzharakh's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Alzharakh!
Waserax's torments MANGLES Alzharakh!
Alzharakh is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::726 (64%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: ba
Alzharakh's punch MUTILATES you!
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
Alzharakh dodges your cleave.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** Alzharakh!
Alzharakh dodges your cleave.
Alzharakh dodges your slice.
Alzharakh is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::688 (61%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bas
Leading with your shoulder, you slam into Alzharakh and send him
Your bash injures Alzharakh.
Alzharakh is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::688 (61%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
You parry Alzharakh's punch.
Alzharakh dodges your cleave.
Alzharakh meets your slice with a resounding impact.
Alzharakh dodges your cleave.
Alzharakh dodges your cleave.
Alzharakh is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::688 (61%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: exam corpse
gt him b
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Alzharakh's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Alzharakh!
Waserax's torments MANGLES Alzharakh!
Alzharakh is DEAD!!
You hear Alzharakh's death cry.

:::688 (61%)::97%::99%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: gt him broke new sword
gt him pay for dat
The withered, pale remains of Alzharakh's corpse are here.
The corpse of Alzharakh contains:
a thick belt of woven gold
a pair of silver-tipped feathered ribbons
a dark, avian's black leather mask
a braided silver bracer
a suit of black leather armor
some leggings from the snow worm
a water skin
( 2) a brass-studded collar
( 2) a tarnished silver ring
an open-faced steel helm
midnight dragon armguards
a pair of black leather gloves
a fine leather bracer
a large sack
(Humming) a pair of black enameled gauntlets
(Humming) a black enameled breastplate
a pair of leather boots with talons
an ogre-horned helm
(Glowing) the shaman's mace
a small steel key
a small copper key
10 gold coins
75 silver coins
111 copper coins

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You tell your group 'him broke new sword'

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You tell your group 'him pay for dat'

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get all.coins corpse
wYou get 10 gold coins from the corpse of Alzharakh.
You get 75 silver coins from the corpse of Alzharakh.
You get 111 copper coins from the corpse of Alzharakh.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Brumble The Altar Room
(PK) Waserax The Grand Temple

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
Brumble arrives suddenly.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas
Brumble leaves north.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: scan n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: where

Waserax tells the group 'bash him'

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Brumble The Hall of Light
(PK) Waserax The Grand Temple

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: scan n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
(Pink Aura) (WANTED) Brumble is here.
A massive Maran Tara'bal is here, watching.
(White Aura) A large man stands here, dressed in the robes of an Acolyte.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brum
bas brum
bas brum
bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: nodThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: nod
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brumYou nod.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brumThey aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
They aren't here.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum
bas brum
They aren't here.
Brumble arrives suddenly.

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: You slam into Brumble, and send him flying!
Your bash mauls Brumble.
Brumble yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Brumble is gushing blood. (30% - 35%)

:::706 (62%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
You parry Brumble's slice.
Brumble's slice devastates you!
You parry Brumble's slice.
Your cleave MANGLES Brumble!
Brumble deflects your slice with careful timing.
Brumble parries your cleave.
His feet aren't on the ground.
Waserax's cleave EVISCERATES Brumble!
Brumble is writhing in agony. (20% - 25%)

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bt
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Brumble's direction.
Waserax calls forth the demons of Hell upon Brumble!
Waserax's torments *** DEVASTATES *** Brumble!
Brumble is convulsing on the ground. (5% - 10%)

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: bas brum

You parry Brumble's slice.
You parry Brumble's cleave.
You parry Brumble's slice.
Brumble parries your cleave.
Your cleave MASSACRES Brumble!
Brumble dodges your cleave.
Brumble is convulsing on the ground. (0% - 5%)

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM:::
You get in one more shot on Brumble as he flees.
Your parting blow MANGLES Brumble!
Brumble is DEAD!!
Brumble's leg is sliced from his dead body.

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: exam corPeople near you:
(PK) Hunsobo The Grand Temple
(PK) Waserax The Grand Temple

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: exam corpse
They aren't here.

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: tThey aren't here.

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: t The corpse of Brumble is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Brumble contains:
a pine raft
a serpent-scale bracer
a red plumed battlehelm
a potion of lightness
a cowhide knapsack
an axe named 'The Punisher'
an ornate silver battle-axe
(Glowing) a pair of sturdy wooden shinpads
a pair of black steel gauntlets
a pair of silver-lined sleeves
a bracelet of chained star rubies
( 2) (Glowing) a demon-headed talisman
(Glowing) a mantle of water
a topaz stone necklace
an elaborate beaded onyx belt
a large emerald ring
the boots of stealth
a small coral ring
a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
a tankard of beer
(Invis) (Glowing) a crystalline shard
a sturdy steel breastplate
a silver coin
10 copper coins

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: t br
Waserax gets a silver coin from the corpse of Brumble.
Waserax splits 20 copper coins. Your share is 10 copper coins.
Waserax gets 10 copper coins from the corpse of Brumble.
Waserax splits 10 copper coins. Your share is 5 copper coins.

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: t brumble not should have broke sword
You tell Brumble 'not should have broke sword'

:::677 (60%)::99%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: get ax
Waserax says 'Shinpads protect against poison'

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: get axe corpse
dYou get an axe named 'The Punisher' from the corpse of Brumble.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: drop axe

Brumble tells you 'oops'

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: You drop an axe named 'The Punisher'.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: sac axe
The gods give you 7 copper coins for your sacrifice of an axe named
'The Punisher'.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: g
Alzharakh has arrived.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: get axe corpse
dYou get an ornate silver battle-axe from the corpse of Brumble.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: drop axe
sYou drop an ornate silver battle-axe.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: sac ax
Alzharakh gets a thick belt of woven gold from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a pair of silver-tipped feathered ribbons from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a dark, avian's black leather mask from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a braided silver bracer from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a suit of black leather armor from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets some leggings from the snow worm from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a water skin from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a brass-studded collar from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a brass-studded collar from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a tarnished silver ring from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets an open-faced steel helm from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets midnight dragon armguards from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a pair of black leather gloves from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a tarnished silver ring from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a fine leather bracer from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a large sack from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a pair of black enameled gauntlets from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a black enameled breastplate from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a pair of leather boots with talons from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets an ogre-horned helm from the corpse of Alzharakh.
sac axAlzharakh gets the shaman's mace from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a small steel key from the corpse of Alzharakh.
Alzharakh gets a small copper key from the corpse of Alzharakh.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: sac axe
The gods give you 0 copper coins for your sacrifice of an ornate
silver battle-axe.

:::696 (61%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::1 PM::: exam corpse
The corpse of Brumble is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Brumble contains:
a pine raft
a serpent-scale bracer
a red plumed battlehelm
a potion of lightness
a cowhide knapsack
(Glowing) a pair of sturdy wooden shinpads
a pair of black steel gauntlets
a pair of silver-lined sleeves
a bracelet of chained star rubies
( 2) (Glowing) a demon-headed talisman
(Glowing) a mantle of water
a topaz stone necklace
an elaborate beaded onyx belt
a large emerald ring
the boots of stealth
a small coral ring
a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
a tankard of beer
(Invis) (Glowing) a crystalline shard
a sturdy steel breastplate

*** snip, couple moments later, Lothlorian shows up ***

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: bt
They aren't here.
Lothlorian arrives suddenly.

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You slam into Lothlorian, and send him flying!
Your bash hits Lothlorian.
Lothlorian yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Lothlorian has a few scratches. (95% - 100%)

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
You parry Lothlorian's crush.
Your cleave MASSACRES Lothlorian!
Your slice MANGLES Lothlorian!
Your cleave MANGLES Lothlorian!
Your slice MASSACRES Lothlorian!
Lothlorian is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Lothlorian's direction.
Lothlorian is covered with bleeding wounds. (60% - 65%)

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: bt

You parry Lothlorian's crush.
You parry Lothlorian's crush.
Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** Lothlorian!
Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** Lothlorian!
Your slice *** DEVASTATES *** Lothlorian!
Seizing upon a flaw in Lothlorian's tactics, you kick dirt toward his eyes!
Lothlorian is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!
Your kicked dirt scratches Lothlorian.
Lothlorian is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: You slam into Lothlorian, and send him flying!
Your bash injures Lothlorian.
Lothlorian is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Waserax narrows his eyes and glares in Lothlorian's direction.
Lothlorian is writhing in agony. (15% - 20%)

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
You parry Lothlorian's crush.
You knock Lothlorian's crush aside before it comes near you.
Your cleave misses Lothlorian.
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Lothlorian!
Your cleave *** DEMOLISHES *** Lothlorian!
Lothlorian is DEAD!!
Lothlorian's ear is sliced from his dead body.

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM::: exam corpse

Alzharakh has arrived.

:::709 (63%)::100%::99%::27100::civilized::2 PM:::
Waserax's thirst injures him.

Your rage ebbs.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::
Alzharakh scans north.
Alzharakh scans south.
Alzharakh scans east.
Alzharakh scans west.
Alzharakh scans up.
Alzharakh scans down.
Waserax gets 103 gold coins from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Waserax splits 103 gold coins. Your share is 51 gold coins.
Waserax gets 227 silver coins from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Waserax splits 227 silver coins. Your share is 113 silver coins.
Waserax gets 180 copper coins from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Waserax splits 180 copper coins. Your share is 90 copper coins.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: The corpse of Lothlorian is here, badly sliced and hacked.
The corpse of Lothlorian contains:
(Glowing) (Humming) the plate of protection
( 2) a magnificent cloak of snowy white fur
some fine silk robes embroidered with arcane symbols
(Glowing) (Humming) a thin belt engraved with arcane symbols
(Glowing) a shield of mirror-white dragonscales
a pair of spiked leggings
(Humming) a pair of delicate silver gloves
(Glowing) a chain of shining moonlight
a phylactery of fortitude
a mask of woven spider silk
firewalker boots
an aquamarine bracelet
(Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
(Glowing) the Orb of the Twilight Lords
(Humming) the tail of a drolem
a light gray leather backpack
a thin pale-golden ring
(Glowing) (Humming) a mace of annihilation
a hollow adamantite staff
a small glass prism
a ring engraved with the knight's horsehead

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: get
Alzharakh leaves north.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: get orb corpse
You get the Orb of the Twilight Lords from the corpse of Lothlorian.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: get phylactery corpse
You get a phylactery of fortitude from the corpse of Lothlorian.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: get mace corpse
droYou get a mace of annihilation from the corpse of Lothlorian.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: drop mace
saYou drop a mace of annihilation.

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM::: sac mace
The gods give you 20 copper coins for your sacrifice of a mace of

:::731 (65%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::3 PM:::
Waserax's thirst injures him.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: get
Waserax drinks water from a water jug.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: get
Waserax drinks water from a water jug.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: get tail corpse
You get the tail of a drolem from the corpse of Lothlorian.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: drop tai
Brumble has arrived.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: drop tail
sYou drop the tail of a drolem.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: sac tail

Waserax closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Waserax gets a wild look in his eyes!

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: The gods give you 25 copper coins for your sacrifice of the tail of
a drolem.
Brumble looks at you.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Brumble gets the ear of Lothlorian.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: l
A Light Filled Corridor
Stretching between the council chamber and the great temple this corridor
pulses with swirling light. Growing brighter to the north where the light
seems to spill out of a carved stone archway. There is a gentle warmth to
this corridor that seems pleasant, but unnatural. Looking around the corridor
you notice small veins of mithril within the wall. To the north a stone archway
leads to the temple, to the south the council chambers open up.

The corpse of Lothlorian is here, badly sliced and hacked.
(Ghost) Lothlorian is here.
(Ghost) Brumble is here.
Waserax is here.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM:::
Brumble gets the plate of protection from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a magnificent cloak of snowy white fur from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets some fine silk robes embroidered with arcane symbols from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a thin belt engraved with arcane symbols from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a shield of mirror-white dragonscales from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a pair of spiked leggings from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a pair of delicate silver gloves from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a chain of shining moonlight from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a mask of woven spider silk from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets firewalker boots from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets an aquamarine bracelet from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a bracelet of woven gold from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a magnificent cloak of snowy white fur from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a light gray leather backpack from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a thin pale-golden ring from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a hollow adamantite staff from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a small glass prism from the corpse of Lothlorian.
Brumble gets a ring engraved with the knight's horsehead from the corpse of Lothlorian.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: nod
You nod.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: wLothlorian smirks.
Waserax closes his eyes and hums for an instant.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: wear orb
You stop using Mael'nek, the Skullcleaver.
You hold the Orb of the Twilight Lords in your hands.
A tingling sensation radiates through your body.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: af
You are affected by:
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 21 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 21 hours.
Spell: 'protection from good' for 17 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 10 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -15 for 10 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 9 for 10 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'slow' modifies dexterity by -4 for -1 hours.

:::745 (66%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::4 PM::: 'dat for whut happen Hunsobo swords,
Alzharakh has arrived.

:::780 (69%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: 'dat for whut happen Hunsobo swords, Loth
Waserax tells the group 'That handy.'

:::780 (69%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::5 PM::: 'dat for whut happen Hunsobo swords, Lothguy.
You say 'dat for whut happen Hunsobo swords, Lothguy.'


Petty of me, I know.