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Topic subjectCouple Nilianisms
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=411&mesg_id=414
414, Couple Nilianisms
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

:::1169 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Hunsobo Arboria Town Square
(PK) Nilian Ruined Mage's Guild
Neikarin End of Guild Row

:::1169 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: targ nilian
#Ok. $target is now set to {nilian}.
Beginning of Guild Row

[Exits: north east south west]

:::1169 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: w
End of Guild Row

[Exits: north east south west]
Neikarin is here.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::97%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bRuined Mage's Guild

[Exits: east]
(White Aura) Nilian is here, fighting the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster.
(Pink Aura) (Ghostly) Your guildmaster is standing here.
Nilian's punch EVISCERATES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!

:::1169 (100%)::100%::97%::27100::civilized::10 AM::: bt

Nilian howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Nilian's burning, weeping sores wounds him.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: Nilian maneuvers his shield in front of you as you slam into him,
partially deflecting your powerful bash!
Your bash injures Nilian.
Nilian yells 'Help! Hunsobo is bashing me!'
Nilian is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: bt

Nilian's punch EVISCERATES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Your divine power DISMEMBERS Nilian!
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Nilian!
Nilian deflects your divine power with his shield.
Your divine power MASSACRES Nilian!
Your divine power DISMEMBERS Nilian!
Nilian is gushing blood.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Nilian's punch misses the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster.
Your divine power MASSACRES Nilian!
Nilian deflects your divine power with his shield.
Your divine power MASSACRES Nilian!
Your divine power DISMEMBERS Nilian!
You wrap flames around Nilian, charring his exposed flesh!
Your pillar of fire singes Nilian!
Bright silvery-white flames flare brightly across Nilian's wounds.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw decimates Nilian!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw decimates Nilian!
Nilian is convulsing on the ground.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: You slam into Nilian, and send him flying!
Your bash wounds Nilian.
Nilian is convulsing on the ground.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Nilian's punch EVISCERATES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Nilian smashes the edge of a shield emblazoned with a silver phoenix into the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster, knocking
the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster off her feet.
Nilian's shield jab EVISCERATES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Nilian deflects your divine power with his shield.
Nilian dodges your acidic bite.
Nilian deflects your divine power with his shield.
Your acidic bite DISMEMBERS Nilian!
Nilian is DEAD!!
You hear Nilian's death cry.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
You parry the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw.
You parry the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is writhing in agony.

:::1169 (100%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: exam corpse

Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster parries your divine power.
Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.
You parry the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw EVISCERATES you!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is writhing in agony.

:::1121 (95%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: The corpse of Nilian is here, riddled with small pits and burns.
The burnt corpse of Nilian contains:
some fine silk robes embroidered with arcane symbols
a breastplate of lobster plates
rune-covered silver armguards
a light gray leather backpack
(Glowing) the helm of brilliance
( 2) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
(Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of green crystal
a thin pale-golden ring
( 2) (Glowing) a necklace of prayer beads
(Humming) a pair of black enameled gauntlets
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
a belt with a fine platinum buckle
(Glowing) a shield emblazoned with a silver phoenix
a bottle of Starbreath Ale
( 3) a bright silver broadsword
(Glowing) a shimmering white longsword
(Glowing) a white spiritual hammer
a small glass prism
(Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
12 gold coins
10 silver coins
100 copper coins
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's cold touch drains some of your life away!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's deathly touch MASSACRES you!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is writhing in agony.

:::1053 (90%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: get all.coi
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Your acidic bite MANGLES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster dodges your divine power.
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
You dodge the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw EVISCERATES you!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is writhing in agony.

:::1007 (86%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: get all.coins corpse
You get 12 gold coins from the burnt corpse of Nilian.
You get 10 silver coins from the burnt corpse of Nilian.
You get 100 copper coins from the burnt corpse of Nilian.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is writhing in agony.

:::1007 (86%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
Your divine power *** DEVASTATES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster parries your acidic bite.
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster parries your acidic bite.
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
Seizing upon a flaw in the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's tactics, you swiftly kick her!
Your kick MUTILATES the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
You parry the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw.
You parry the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's claw.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is convulsing on the ground.

:::1007 (86%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM:::
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster parries your divine power.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster dodges your acidic bite.
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster parries your divine power.
Your divine power *** DEMOLISHES *** the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster!
The Necromancer's Lich guildmaster is DEAD!!
You receive 351 experience points.
You hear the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster's death cry.
You get 27 silver coins from the burnt corpse of the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster.
You get 12 copper coins from the burnt corpse of the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster.
The gods give you 17 copper coins for your sacrifice of the burnt corpse of the Necromancer's Lich guildmaster.

:::1007 (86%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::11 AM::: t nilian s


:::1028 (87%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: t nilian all stuffs be in corpse when returns
tYou tell Nilian 'all stuffs be in corpse when returns'

:::1028 (87%)::100%::100%::27100::civilized::12 PM::: t nilian minus golds
You tell Nilian 'minus golds'

**** Several Days Later ****

:::1128 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: where
wPeople near you:
(PK) Thos Rocky Plains
(PK) Aurenna Lush Farmland
(PK) Hunsobo Rocky Plains
(PK) Nilian Lush Farmland
(PK) Enarn Lush Farmland

:::1128 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: who pk
[51 Human Shf] (PK) Annaeia the Grand Mistress of Changelings
[46 Fire A-P] (PK) [EMPIRE] Thos the Harbinger of Death, Elite Imperial Warlock
[51 Elf Hea] (PK) Aurenna the Affirmation of Life
[51 Gnome Shf] (PK) Deedom Smallclan the Grand Master of Changelings
[50 Svirf War] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Progglesnort Nip the Champion of Ancient Ways, Magistrate of Galadon
*51 Fire War* (PK) [EMPIRE] Hunsobo the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
[51 Dwarf War] (PK) Drakgrak the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
[51 Gnome Inv] (PK) Tumarellen the Weaver of the Elements
[51 Elf Pal] (PK) Nilian Tel'Runna the Champion of the Virtues, Defiant to the Blood
[51 Human Hea] (PK) [TRIBUNAL] Kholav Ichtathen the Affirmation of Life, Provincial Magistrate
[49 Felar Ran] (PK) Kazee the Ranger of the Seasons
[48 Human Tra] (PK) Enarn the Master of Dimension

Players found: 12

:::1128 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: gt nilian
whYou tell your group 'nilian'

:::1128 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Thos Rocky Plains
(PK) Aurenna Rocky Plains
(PK) Hunsobo Rocky Plains
(PK) Nilian Rocky Plains
(PK) Enarn Rocky Plains

:::1128 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: targ nili
Thos utters the words, 'gjwwai'.
Nilian arrives suddenly.

:::1128 (100%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: targ nilian
#Ok. $target is now set to {nilian}.
Sensing your attack, Nilian places his a shield of pure light in
the way and returns a counter strike!
Nilian fades into existence.
Nilian's divine power MUTILATES you!
Nilian's divine power devastates you!
Nilian yells 'Help! Hunsobo just attacked me!'
Nilian is in perfect health.

:::1058 (93%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM:::
Nilian narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
Nilian's heavenly wrath EVISCERATES you!
Nilian is in perfect health.

:::1008 (89%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM:::
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Nilian!
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
You parry Nilian's divine power.
You parry Nilian's divine power.
You parry Nilian's divine power.
The central stone in Nilian's helm flashes brilliantly!
Nilian has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::1008 (89%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM:::
Thos sends Nilian sprawling with a powerful bash.
Thos's bash grazes Nilian.
Nilian yells 'Help! Thos is bashing me!'
Nilian has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::1008 (89%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM:::
Reacting quickly Nilian avoids your attack.
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
Knocking your acidic bite harmlessly aside, Nilian slides in an attack of his own.
Nilian's divine power MUTILATES you!
Seizing upon a flaw in Nilian's tactics, you swiftly kick him!
Your kick maims Nilian!
Nilian's divine power MUTILATES you!
Nilian's divine power EVISCERATES you!
Nilian's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Nilian's dispel evil MUTILATES you!
Nilian has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::846 (75%)::100%::98%::27100::wilderness::1 PM::: offhand
A shield of pure light won't budge!
Nilian has some small but disgusting cuts.

:::858 (76%)::100%::100%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Thos's infernal power MASSACRES Nilian!
Nilian deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Nilian!
Nilian deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
His feet aren't on the ground.
You execute the form Parting the Silk!
Nilian parries your acidic bite and retaliates with lightning quickness!
Nilian's divine power devastates you!
You drive Nilian's divine power back with your connecting blow.
You parry Nilian's divine power.
You parry Nilian's divine power and return an attack of your own.
Your acidic bite *** DEMOLISHES *** Nilian!
Nilian smashes the edge of a shield of pure light into your chest.
Nilian's shield jab mauls you.
Nilian's Amathylar, the Elven Blade of War glows a faint blue!
Nilian is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::804 (71%)::95%::100%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Thos sends Nilian sprawling with a powerful bash.
Thos's bash wounds Nilian.
Nilian is covered with bleeding wounds.

:::804 (71%)::95%::100%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Thos's infernal power MANGLES Nilian!
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Nilian!
Nilian deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
You execute the form The River Undercuts the Bank!
Nilian deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
You parry Nilian's divine power.
Nilian's divine power maims you!
Nilian is gushing blood.

:::770 (68%)::91%::100%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: scan all
Rocky Plains

[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!

:::770 (68%)::91%::99%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
An aggressive bear cub snarls at you.
An enormous sow bear stands here, defending her cubs.
A timid bear cub sits here, cowering behind his mother.

***** Range 4 *****
A spotted fawn sits here, waiting for its mother.
A demure doe stands here, attracting a buck.

You scan south.
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
Nilian is here.
Thos is here, fighting Nilian.
A sly looking human sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

:::770 (68%)::91%::99%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: Rocky Plains

[Exits: north east south west]
(Humming) A black circle of summoning is inscribed upon the ground.
Nilian is here, fighting Thos.
Thos is here, fighting Nilian.
A sly looking human sits in the brush here, keeping a careful eye.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: btAlas, you cannot go that way.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: bt
Reacting quickly Nilian avoids your bash.
Nilian is writhing in agony.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Thos sends Nilian sprawling with a powerful bash.
Thos's bash hits Nilian.
Nilian is writhing in agony.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: bt

Thos's infernal power DISMEMBERS Nilian!
Thos's infernal power MASSACRES Nilian!
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
Nilian deflects your acidic bite with his shield.
Your acidic bite MANGLES Nilian!
Nilian parries your acidic bite.
Nilian's divine power wounds Thos.
Nilian's divine power injures Thos.
Nilian's divine power injures Thos.
Nilian is convulsing on the ground.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Nyserroth steps out of the shadows.
Nilian is convulsing on the ground.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Your acidic bite MANGLES Nilian!
Nilian is DEAD!!
You hear Nilian's death cry.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Catching Nyserroth's motion as he reaches for the corpse, you smack him upside the head and send him stumbling forward.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: where

Nyserroth leans down to try to take something from the corpse and you plant your foot on his shoulder and kick him
They aren't here.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: People near you:
(PK) Thos Rocky Plains
Nyserroth Rocky Plains
(PK) Hunsobo Rocky Plains

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: Thos utters the words, 'uqzbarr'.
Mystic frost manifests itself at Thos's hands before he sends it forth in a frigid explosion of snow and ice.
The gods protect Nyserroth from Thos.
Thos's iceball === OBLITERATES === a wandering human ranger!
A wandering human ranger is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points.
You hear a wandering human ranger's death cry.
Thos gets a silver coin from the corpse of a wandering human ranger.
Thos gets 9 copper coins from the corpse of a wandering human ranger.

:::770 (68%)::91%::98%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: bers
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

:::872 (77%)::83%::94%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: l
exam corpse
whoi nyRocky Plains
Great plains stretch out all around you as a light wind blows across your face.
Far to the north are towering mountains and foothills, the rocky ground making
its way even this far south into the plains. Large boulders lie scattered
throughout the area, many bigger than a storm giant. The wild grass that grows
is quite green, although the rocky ground would make farming difficult. In the
shadow of a large rock you notice a small hole and tiny animal tracks around
it. To the north the plains gradually rise in to rolling hills. To the east
the rocks seem to thin out and the grass becomes thicker.

[Exits: north east south west]
The corpse of a wandering human ranger is here, the bluish flesh frostbitten and split.
The corpse of Nilian continues to liquefy in a small pool of acid.
(Humming) A black circle of summoning is inscribed upon the ground.
Nyserroth is here.
Thos is here.

:::872 (77%)::83%::94%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: whoi ny
The corpse of a wandering human ranger is here, the bluish flesh
frostbitten and split.
The corpse of a wandering human ranger contains:
(Glowing) a thin ring of wood
a ripped traveler's cloak
a worn tunic
sturdy leather boots
warm gauntlets of leather
a cracked steel axe with a wooden shaft

:::872 (77%)::83%::94%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: [35 H-Drw Asn] Nyserroth the Uki Goshi

:::872 (77%)::83%::94%::27100::wilderness::2 PM:::
Thos gets 25 gold coins from the burnt corpse of Nilian.
Nyserroth sacrifices the corpse of a wandering human ranger to the gods.

:::872 (77%)::83%::94%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: s
Thos gets Amathylar, the Elven Blade of War from the burnt corpse of Nilian.

:::872 (77%)::83%::94%::27100::wilderness::2 PM::: e


:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: exam corpse
whThe corpse of Nilian continues to liquefy in a small pool of acid.
The burnt corpse of Nilian contains:
(Glowing) a shining Udgaardian paladin's breastplate
( 2) (Humming) a bracelet of woven gold
( 2) (Glowing) a necklace of prayer beads
(Glowing) the helm of brilliance
(Humming) a pair of black enameled gauntlets
a pair of steel lined dragonscale boots
(Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
a dirty blue surcoat, embroidered with the symbol of a phoenix
a ring of stamina
some embossed bracers
a light gray leather backpack
(Glowing) a shield of pure light
a bottle of Starbreath Ale
some unleavened bread
a belt of green dragonscales
( 2) a potion of transportation
a thin pale-golden ring
(Glowing) a demon-headed talisman
(Glowing) (Humming) the crystalline eldritch sword named 'Spirit Breaker'
an emerald periapt
a sealed copper canister
a large stone key
36 silver coins
3 copper coins

:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: where
People near you:
(PK) Thos Rocky Plains
(PK) Aurenna Rocky Plains
(PK) Hunsobo Rocky Plains
(PK) Enarn Rocky Plains

:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: g
Thos drops Amathylar, the Elven Blade of War.

:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: get all.coins c
Thos gets the crystalline eldritch sword named 'Spirit Breaker' from the burnt corpse of Nilian.

:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: get all.coins corpse

Nyserroth steps out of the shadows.
A moment too late, you notice Nyserroth reaching for something in the corpse and are unable to stop him.

:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: You get 36 silver coins from the burnt corpse of Nilian.
You get 3 copper coins from the burnt corpse of Nilian.

:::884 (78%)::85%::99%::27100::wilderness::3 PM::: bas en
Thos gets the crystalline eldritch sword named 'Spirit Breaker'.
