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Topic subjectDamolo v. Ildilintra
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=3029&mesg_id=3029
3029, Damolo v. Ildilintra
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Second fight with deaths. First one I got pwnt pretty hard, IIRC. I'll post that one too I think. ***

<1152/1152(100%) 654(100%) 1203(99%) civilized 8 PM>
People near you:
(PK) Ildilintra A Large Crossroads

<1152/1152(100%) 654(100%) 1203(99%) civilized 8 PM>
They aren't here.

<1152/1152(100%) 654(100%) 1203(99%) civilized 8 PM>
Sensing your attack, Ildilintra deftly avoids it and returns a counter strike!
Ildilintra fades into existence.
Ildilintra's smash MUTILATES you!
Ildilintra's smash MUTILATES you!
Ildilintra yells 'Help! Damolo just attacked me!'
Ildilintra is in perfect health.

<1073/1152(93%) 654(100%) 1203(99%) civilized 8 PM>
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your impale.
Ildilintra is in perfect health.

<1073/1152(93%) 654(100%) 1203(99%) civilized 8 PM>
Ildilintra narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
You feel unclean.
You tremble under the force of Ildilintra's wrath as it tears deeply into your soul.
Ildilintra's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Ildilintra is in perfect health.

<988/1152(85%) 654(100%) 1203(99%) civilized 8 PM>

Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
You dodge Ildilintra's smash.
A loud crack resounds in your throbbing head after the impact from Ildilintra's staff!
Ildilintra's blow STUNS you!

<988/1152(85%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Ildilintra is in perfect health.

<905/1152(78%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

You parry Ildilintra's smash.
You dodge Ildilintra's smash.
Holy tendrils lash out at you from Ildilintra's belt!
Ildilintra's lash mauls you.
Ildilintra's tendrils entangle your feet and send you to the ground!
You begin to get a feel for Ildilintra's preferred attacking movements.
Ildilintra deflects your acidic bite with her defensive spin.
Ildilintra deflects your acidic bite with her defensive spin.
Your acidic bite MUTILATES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra deflects your acidic bite with her defensive spin.
Ildilintra has a few scratches.

<884/1152(76%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra raises an eagle inscribed staff on high, and shouts an inspiring cry!
Ildilintra has a few scratches.

<884/1152(76%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
Your acidic bite maims Ildilintra!
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Ildilintra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<884/1152(76%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
You parry Ildilintra's smash.
Ildilintra's smash MASSACRES you!
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
Ildilintra tries to disarm you with his quick moving staff!
You understand Ildilintra's favorite defensive postures, and see her weaknesses.
Ildilintra parries your acidic bite.
Ildilintra deflects your acidic bite with her defensive spin.
Ildilintra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<815/1152(70%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
You tremble under the force of Ildilintra's wrath as it tears deeply into your soul.
Ildilintra's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
Ildilintra's smash MASSACRES you!
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's smash.
You parry Ildilintra's smash.
You develop awareness of Ildilintra's vital points, to better land harsh blows.
Ildilintra parries your acidic bite.
Ildilintra deflects your acidic bite with her defensive spin.
Ildilintra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<655/1152(56%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
You are affected by:
Spell: -1- 'detect invis' for 19 hours.
Commune: 'wrath' modifies save vs spell by 13 for 18 hours.
Commune: 'wrath' modifies hit roll by -6 for 18 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 7 for 12 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 5 for 12 hours.
Timer: 'physical sleep protection' for 4 hours.
Commune: 'protection from good' for 4 hours.
Ildilintra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<655/1152(56%) 654(100%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
You yell 'Beyond blood! Beyond bone! My life for the throne!'
You feel righteous as you shout 'Beyond blood! Beyond bone! My life for the throne!'
Ildilintra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<757/1152(65%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
You impale Ildilintra on the spear of the Nesstaktor!
Ildilintra can no longer find the strength to wield an eagle inscribed staff.
A spray of blood erupts from the new hole in Ildilintra's flesh!
Your impalement MASSACRES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra has some small but disgusting cuts.

<757/1152(65%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

You parry Ildilintra's punch.
You jump back, twirling your spear to deflect Ildilintra's punch.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's punch.
You parry Ildilintra's punch.
Ildilintra's ring flares with a bright white light!
Ildilintra's shocking grasp wounds you.
Ildilintra's necklace of prayer beads shines a bright white momentarily.
Ildilintra's dispel evil EVISCERATES you!
You now have a keen eye for Ildilintra's movements, and can predict where she will go.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<687/1152(59%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra wields a pincer staff.
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<687/1152(59%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Ildilintra keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Ildilintra keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<687/1152(59%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra maneuvers into a superior defensive position.
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<687/1152(59%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
wi You try to misdirect Ildilintra but she twists away.
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<687/1152(59%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
wi mace;
You dodge Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
You sense when Ildilintra will strike almost before she does, and time your own perfectly.
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Ildilintra keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Ildilintra keeps you at bay with her polearm.
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<687/1152(59%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
wi mace;du mace

Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Your defensive spin deflects Ildilintra's claw.
Ildilintra's ring flares with a bright white light!
Ildilintra's shocking grasp hits you.
You continue to observe Ildilintra, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Your acidic bite EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<675/1152(58%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Ildilintra's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<582/1152(50%) 624(95%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
You stop using the spear of the Nesstaktor.
You wield a long elvish mace.
A long elvish mace feels like a part of you!
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<582/1142(50%) 624(96%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
You dual wield a long elvish mace.
A long elvish mace feels like a part of you!
Ildilintra is covered with bleeding wounds.

<582/1142(50%) 624(96%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>
You bring a long elvish mace around with bone-shattering force!
Ildilintra can no longer find the strength to wield a pincer staff.
Your bone-shattering blow MASSACRES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra is gushing blood.

<582/1142(50%) 624(96%) 1103(91%) civilized 8 PM>

Ildilintra continues to bleed from her wounds.
Ildilintra's bleeding decimates her!
Ildilintra's punch EVISCERATES you!
Ildilintra's punch wounds you.
You parry Ildilintra's punch.
You dodge Ildilintra's punch.
Holy tendrils lash out at you from Ildilintra's belt!
Ildilintra's lash mauls you.
Ildilintra's tendrils entangle your feet and send you to the ground!
Ildilintra's ring flares with a bright white light!
Ildilintra's shocking grasp EVISCERATES you!
You continue to observe Ildilintra, and revel in how you may predict her every maneuver.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Ildilintra!
Your crush EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Your crush DISMEMBERS Ildilintra!
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Ildilintra is writhing in agony.

<456/1142(39%) 628(97%) 1170(96%) civilized 9 PM>
cran ild
Ildilintra narrows her eyes and glares in your direction.
Ildilintra's heavenly wrath MANGLES you!
Ildilintra is writhing in agony.

<360/1142(31%) 628(97%) 1170(96%) civilized 9 PM>
cran ildil

Ildilintra's punch MUTILATES you!
Ildilintra's punch devastates you!
You parry Ildilintra's punch.
You dodge Ildilintra's punch.
Ildilintra's ring flares with a bright white light!
Ildilintra's shocking grasp MUTILATES you!
Your crush EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Reacting quickly Ildilintra avoids your attack.
Your crush EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Your crush EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Your crush EVISCERATES Ildilintra!
Ildilintra is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Your crush DISMEMBERS Ildilintra!
Ildilintra is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Ildilintra.

<249/1142(21%) 628(97%) 1170(96%) civilized 9 PM>
g all.staff corpse
