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Topic subjectPart 10 (Finale)
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2980, Part 10 (Finale)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

*** CF comes back up. ***
*** Grinlague and I chat a little more about kinship and how I wouldn't actually need to go on a wood-elf murder spree for moonstone swords. ***

Grinlague tells you 'Huh. You've single handedly made me significantly less healthy today,
whereas I was hardly defeated at all before.'

You tell Grinlague 'I would gladly grant you respite from our conflict, if you would take it.'

Grinlague tells you 'Respite means admitting you are a better bladesman. Granted, I am aware that there is a good bit I could do to, even the field, so to speak.'

Grinlague tells you 'Though I still can't get over what, in my opinion, is a gross and horrible advantage in those blades.'

You tell Grinlague 'Would you feel any better if I claimed to have bested four or five dozen opponents before learning their secrets?'

Grinlague tells you 'Yes and no. I find killing magi at our title preposterously easy based on their...squishiness.'

Grinlague tells you 'I've killed a few myself with relative ease, including a few imperial necromancers who in my opinion should have squished me instead.'

You tell Grinlague 'I do not doubt that.'

Grinlague tells you 'So, in a sense, no, it does not make me feel better.'

*** While roaming around, I run into Wicolo again. This time he's not berserking. ***

Wicolo has arrived.

Wicolo says 'Ya'

Wicolo looks at you.

Wicolo says 'You mean'

Wicolo chuckles politely.

Aulrathdien crosses his blades in a formal bow.

You say 'That is true.'

Wicolo chuckles politely.

civilized <740hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 2 PM> where
People near you:
Boggdok A Large Crossroads
Busseltoff Along the Eastern Road
Gharotuer Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Grinlague Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Wicolo Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
Shen Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Aulrathdien Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon

*** Kind of expecting another gnome/orc double team here, but what can you do? I'm not going to run away from them. ***

Wicolo says 'Is rough fight fer sure'

Grinlague has arrived.

Grinlague looks at you.

Grinlague looks at Wicolo.

Grinlague says 'This is a strange gathering.'

Wicolo says 'Is'

You say 'Indeed it is.'

Wicolo chuckles politely.

Grinlague says 'I'm somewhat curious as to how it came to pass.'

You say 'He is not my enemy, truly.'

You say 'Nor you, should you turn aside from your chosen path.'

Wicolo chuckles politely.

Grinlague says to you 'It's a pity. I think the two of us could take you, having thought
about some potential strategies and having spilled a sizeable amount of blood in our

Wicolo says 'DInkin him nah gonna do dat'

You say 'You are probably correct.'

Wicolo says 'Is most time'

Wicolo says 'Me pretty smart orc'

Grinlague says to Wicolo 'I do hope you join in and assist me with the strategy I presented
you with.'

You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt barely scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone is in perfect health.

civilized <740hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> call spellb
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone is in perfect health.

civilized <740hp 428m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> flee

You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash and return an attack of your own.
Your chaotic blast MANGLES someone!
You parry someone's cleave.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <740hp 428m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> Someone gets in one more shot as you
Someone's parting blow EVISCERATES you!
You can't see a thing!
You flee from combat!

civilized <694hp 428m 994mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> e
You can't see a thing!

civilized <694hp 428m 993mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> Someone leaves west.

civilized <694hp 428m 988mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> ber
Someone has arrived.
Your pulse races as you are consumed by rage!

civilized <740hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM>
Someone leaves east.

civilized <740hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM>
Someone has arrived.

civilized <740hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM>
[BATTLE] someone: Mmann dribunnal

civilized <740hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> af

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
You parry someone's cleave.
You are affected by:
Skill: 'trophy' for 47 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -18 for 13 hours.
Power: 'resistance' modifies constitution by 1 for 7 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 6 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies armor class by 18 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies hit roll by 3 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'berserk' modifies damage roll by 7 for 5 hours.
Commune: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 1 hours.
Physical effect: 'dirt kicking' modifies hit roll by -4 for 0 hours.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <740hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> whe
You can't see a thing!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <740hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM>
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone's slash MUTILATES you!
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <700hp 398m 938mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 7 PM> di

You are thirsty.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Grinlague has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM> Grinlague is blinded by the dirt in his
Your kicked dirt scratches Grinlague.
Grinlague has some small but disgusting cuts.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM>
Grinlague's kicked dirt misses you.
Wicolo has arrived.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Grinlague dodges your chaotic blast.
Grinlague parries your slice.
Grinlague parries your slice.
You parry Grinlague's cleave and return an attack of your own.
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Grinlague!
You parry Grinlague's cleave.
Grinlague is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM>
Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
Grinlague parries your slice.
Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
You dodge Grinlague's cleave.
You parry Grinlague's slash.
You parry Grinlague's slash.
You swat Grinlague's slash away from you.
Grinlague is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM> ids
Grinlague is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM> dis

Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
Grinlague parries your slice.
Grinlague dodges your chaotic blast.
You dodge Grinlague's cleave.
Grinlague is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM> You slide "Taisangu" the blade of a
master assassin under a black iron broadsword and pull it from Grinlague's grasp with one
fluid motion!
You disarm Grinlague!
Grinlague is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <718hp 416m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 8 PM>
You get in one more shot on Grinlague as he flees.
Your parting blow *** DEMOLISHES *** Grinlague!
Grinlague has fled!
Grinlague leaves west.

[BATTLE] Boggdok: Where are ya Ubud?

People near you:
Boggdok Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
(PK) Wicolo Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Aulrathdien Along the Eastern Road

People near you:
(PK) Wicolo Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Aulrathdien Along the Eastern Road

Wicolo tells you 'Tried tell him'

Wicolo shrugs indifferently.

[BATTLE] Boggdok: I'm at the east gate.

You chuckle politely.

People near you:
(PK) Wicolo Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Aulrathdien Along the Eastern Road

You say 'For an orc, you're growing on me.'

*** Here we go again. ***

civilized <731hp 441m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 9 PM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Grinlague Beyond the Outskirts of Galadon
(PK) Wicolo Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Aulrathdien Along the Eastern Road

Grinlague has arrived.

Grinlague leaves east.

Grinlague has arrived.

Grinlague gets a black iron broadsword.

Grinlague wields a black iron broadsword.

Grinlague leaves west.

civilized <731hp 441m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 9 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Grinlague Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Wicolo Along the Eastern Road
(PK) Aulrathdien Along the Eastern Road

Wicolo says 'Him was tryin get me help told him we nah have much chance '

Wicolo shrugs indifferently.

Grinlague has arrived.

civilized <739hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
You can't see a thing!
Someone's kicked dirt scratches you.
You yell 'Someone just kicked dirt in my eyes!'
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <738hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's slash.
Someone's cleave DISMEMBERS you!
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <679hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM> di
Your kicked dirt misses someone.
Someone is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <679hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone hurls itself at you, slamming roughly into your body!
Someone's bash grazes you.
You yell 'Help! Someone is bashing me!'
You parry someone's defilement.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
Someone parries your slice and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's cleave MUTILATES you!
Someone parries your chaotic blast and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's cleave EVISCERATES you!
You parry someone's cleave and return an attack of your own.
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
You slip an attack towards someone after barely turning his cleave away.
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <579hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone tries to knock something to the ground, but fails.
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <579hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
You parry someone's defilement and return an attack of your own.
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's cleave and return an attack of your own.
Your chaotic blast MANGLES someone!
Someone is gushing blood.

civilized <579hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM> doublethr

You dodge someone's defilement.
You parry someone's slash.
Someone parries your chaotic blast and returns an attack of its own.
Someone's cleave EVISCERATES you!
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone barely turns your slice aside.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's slash.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave.
You parry someone's cleave and return an attack of your own.
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <535hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone presses you forcibly, bearing down on you!
Your chaotic blast *** DEVASTATES *** someone!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

*** Crushing assault is really good. Watch what happens from here. ***

civilized <535hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone's defilement DISMEMBERS you!
You dodge someone's defilement.
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
Someone dodges your slice.
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
You dodge someone's cleave.
Someone's cleave DISMEMBERS you!
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <427hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone's trip barely scratches you.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <427hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
You dodge someone's defilement.
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's defilement.
Someone dodges your chaotic blast.
Someone meets your slice with a resounding impact.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You dodge someone's cleave.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <427hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Someone's bash grazes you.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <420hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
You dodge someone's defilement.
You dodge someone's slash.
You dodge someone's slash.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your slice.
Someone parries your chaotic blast.
You dodge someone's cleave.
You remain safe as someone's cleave bounces harmlessly off of something.
Someone is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <420hp 474m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 10 PM>
Someone trips you and you go down!
Someone's trip scratches you.
You rub the dirt out of your eyes.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <433hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Wicolo's defilement MUTILATES you!
You deftly duck under Wicolo's slash.
Your chaotic blast nearly strikes Grinlague before he turns it away.
Grinlague dodges your slice.
Grinlague parries your slice.
Grinlague's cleave EVISCERATES you!
You twist yourself around Grinlague's slash.
You dodge Grinlague's cleave.
You dodge Grinlague's cleave.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <349hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Wicolo sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Wicolo's bash grazes you.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <342hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Ejomhei has arrived.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <342hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
Grinlague dodges your chaotic blast.
You deliver a blow of deadly force!
Grinlague parries your chaotic blast.
You dodge Grinlague's cleave.
Grinlague's slash EVISCERATES you!
You remain safe as Grinlague's slash bounces harmlessly off of greaves of finely wrought
mithril chain.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <293hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Ejomhei gets some imperial rations from the girdle of endless space.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <293hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Grinlague's trip misses you.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <293hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Ejomhei finishes eating some imperial rations.
You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
Wicolo's slash devastates you!
You flow to one side as Wicolo's defilement passes.
Grinlague dodges your chaotic blast.
Grinlague dodges your slice.
Grinlague nimbly sidesteps your chaotic blast.
You dodge Grinlague's cleave.
You nimbly sidestep Grinlague's slash.
You dodge Grinlague's slash.
Grinlague is writhing in agony.

civilized <261hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM> You try to strike the same spot with
both your swords.
Your thrust *** DEMOLISHES *** Grinlague!
Grinlague is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Your thrust misses Grinlague.
Grinlague is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <261hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM> Closing in, Wicolo savages your face
with his teeth!
Wicolo's savage feeding DISMEMBERS you!
Wicolo sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Wicolo's bash grazes you.
Seizing upon your moment of weakness, Wicolo brutally kicks you while you're down!
Wicolo's vicious attack hits you.
Ejomhei looks at you.
Grinlague is convulsing on the ground.

civilized <187hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
You move out of the range of Wicolo's slash.
Wicolo's defilement EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Grinlague!
Grinlague is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Grinlague.

civilized <138hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
[BATTLE] Boggdok: Anyone got food?

civilized <138hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM> e

You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
You dodge Wicolo's slash.
You dodge Wicolo's slash.
Wicolo dodges your chaotic blast.
Wicolo dodges your slice.
Your slice misses Wicolo.
Wicolo is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <138hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
[BATTLE] Ubudhizh: I do
Wicolo is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <138hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
Wicolo sends you sprawling with a powerful bash!
Wicolo's bash hits you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Wicolo is covered with bleeding wounds.

civilized <129hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM> flee

You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
You dodge Wicolo's slash.
Wicolo's defilement misses you.
You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
Your chaotic blast *** DEVASTATES *** Wicolo!
Your slice *** DEMOLISHES *** Wicolo!
Wicolo is gushing blood.

civilized <129hp 478m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 11 PM>
You dodge Wicolo's defilement.
You dodge Wicolo's slash.
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Wicolo!
Your slice MANGLES Wicolo!
Your chaotic blast *** DEMOLISHES *** Wicolo!
Wicolo is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Wicolo.

Wicolo tells you 'HA'

Wicolo tells you 'You fargin beast'

*** More guards start wandering down the road and I run for the Village since I'm in such poor shape. ***

You tell Wicolo 'Close.'

Grinlague tells you 'Frustrating.'

Wicolo tells you 'Should have whomped instead o bash'

You tell Wicolo 'If either of you had hit me just one more time.'

*** That's overselling it but not by much. ***

Grinlague tells you 'Though taking away your absurd ability to parry and riposte certainly
does seem to even the field out a bit.'

You tell Grinlague 'Oh? What did you do?'

Grinlague tells you 'Crushingassaulted you.'

Grinlague tells you 'I assume it was Ejomhei who pilfered my corpse.'

You tell Grinlague 'It was.'

Wicolo tells you 'Took me gold?'

You tell Grinlague 'The guards twalked in and another blow would have killed me.'

civilized <325hp 450m 995mv 11333tnl (25.44%) 4 AM> whoi e
[51 H-Drw Sha] Ejomhei Dergine the Consummate Tactician of War, Imperial High Priest

You tell Wicolo 'Ejomhei got it I think.'

Grinlague tells you 'Very bothersome. If my trip would have connected, who knows.'

You tell Grinlague 'Not to salt your wounds, but'

You tell Grinlague 'Without this poncho I made from your carcass earlier I wouldn't have
survived that.'

Grinlague tells you 'That's a cruel twist of the knife, wood-elf.'

Grinlague tells you 'I do apologize for getting somewhat short with you. Bearing defeat is
not a burden I do as well I as I should.'

You tell Grinlague 'I understand completely.'

You tell Grinlague 'We should accept hardship as an experience that helps us to become
stronger, but in the moment it is not as easy.'

Grinlague tells you 'It can be. Repetitive, consistent defeat, is what is trying on my

*** And shortly thereafter I call it a night. ***
