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Topic subjectImmediately after...
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2720, Immediately after...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

<1500/1509(99%) 493(36%) 1217(98%) civilized 8 PM>
Entrance to the Imperial Lands

[Exits: north south]
(Invis) (Black Aura) Ganjax is here.
(Black Aura) A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
(Black Aura) A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.

<1500/1509(99%) 493(36%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>
r cPeople near you:
(PK) Vinq Between Two Imperial Guard Towers
(PK) Suo Between Two Imperial Guard Towers
Ganjax Entrance to the Imperial Lands
Roocka The Shrine to the Dark Lords
Ibauloth The Shrine to the Dark Lords

<1500/1509(99%) 493(36%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>
r cent
You point to an Imperial Centurion and say 'Die'.
Your word of power vaporizes an Imperial Centurion's mind and he dies instantly!
You receive 0 experience points (21% bonus).
An Imperial Centurion's arm is sliced from his dead body.

<1500/1509(99%) 293(21%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Vinq has arrived.

<1500/1509(99%) 293(21%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

You yell 'Die, Vinq, you sorcerous dog!'
Vinq narrows his eyes and glares in your direction.
You cannot find the Cabal Power within you.
Pinpoints of light envelop you, revealing your presence to all!
You wound Vinq.
Vinq has a few scratches.

<1500/1509(99%) 293(21%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

You yell 'Help! Suo hurled a dagger at me!'
Suo hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Suo's hurled dagger grazes you.
Vinq has a few scratches.

<1494/1509(99%) 293(21%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

You parry Vinq's sting.
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq deflects your defilement with his shield.
Vinq parries your defilement.
A ghoul screams and attacks Vinq!
A ghoul's claw mauls Vinq.
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A flesh golem screams and attacks Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
You parry Suo's defilement.
You parry Suo's poisonous bite.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1494/1509(99%) 293(21%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>
c curse
You proclaim a curse upon Vinq, corrupting his soul with your magic.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1494/1509(99%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Suo stops using a sharp, yellowed fang.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1494/1509(99%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Suo stops using a bejeweled sacrificial dagger.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1494/1509(99%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq parries your defilement.
Your defilement connects with Vinq's shield solidly.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch hits you.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1484/1509(98%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Suo laces his fingers together and hammers his fists at you!
Suo's crushing blow leaves you dazed!
Suo's crushing blow hits you.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1473/1509(97%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A ghoul's claw mauls Vinq.
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq tries to attack some empty air near you.
Your defilement wounds Vinq.
Vinq deflects your defilement with his shield.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch misses you.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1433/1509(94%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>
Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1433/1509(94%) 273(20%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>
c crim
Vinq resists the disease.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1433/1509(94%) 248(18%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Otuerghad looks at you.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1433/1509(94%) 248(18%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash devastates Vinq!
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq parries your defilement.
Your defilement wounds Vinq.
You steal a piece of Vinq's essence for yourself!
Your energy drain scratches Vinq.
The Unholy Sword of Zurcon glows a deathly black!
You feel the dark taint of the Unholy Sword surge through you!
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch grazes you.
Suo's punch grazes you.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1412/1509(93%) 248(18%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>

Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Suo laces his fingers together and hammers his fists at you!
Suo's crushing blow leaves you dazed!
Suo's crushing blow wounds you.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1392/1509(92%) 248(18%) 1216(98%) civilized 8 PM>
c crim
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch misses Vinq.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A ghoul's claw mauls Vinq.
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
You parry Vinq's sting.
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq deflects your defilement with his shield.
Suo's punch hits you.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1380/1509(91%) 252(18%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
c crim
Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1380/1509(91%) 252(18%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
c crim

Otuerghad looks at you.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1380/1509(91%) 252(18%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
Vinq resists the disease.
Vinq is in perfect health.

<1380/1509(91%) 227(16%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash devastates Vinq!
Vinq's sting grazes you.
Vinq's sting grazes you.
Vinq parries your defilement.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch grazes you.
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1360/1509(90%) 227(16%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
c ener

Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Suo rescues Vinq from you!
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1360/1509(90%) 227(16%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

A ghoul reaches for Vinq with its undead hands.
Vinq looks pained momentarily at a ghoul's unclean touch.
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
Vinq's sting misses a zombie of a unicorn.
Suo moves out of the range of your defilement.
Suo's punch grazes you.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1328/1509(88%) 227(16%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
You fail to drain energy from Suo.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1328/1509(88%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash devastates Vinq!
Vinq's sting mauls a zombie of a unicorn.
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo dodges your defilement.
You knock Suo's punch aside before it comes near you.
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1316/1509(87%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
h vinq

You yell 'Die, Vinq, you sorcerous dog!'
Vinq brings the vengeance of the Empire against you!
Vinq's imperial vengeance grazes you.
Suo laces his fingers together and hammers his fists at you!
Suo's crushing blow knocks you down!
Suo's crushing blow devastates you!
Suo has a few scratches.

<1278/1509(84%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch misses Vinq.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch mauls Vinq.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A ghoul's claw decimates Vinq!
A ghoul's claw decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1251/1509(82%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

Otuerghad looks at you.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1251/1509(82%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch mauls Vinq.
A flesh golem's smash devastates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo dodges your defilement.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1251/1509(82%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
c ener v
Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
You must MURDER a player.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1251/1509(82%) 192(14%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
c ener vinq
Vinq yells 'Die, Tavlin, you sorcerous dog!'
Arcs of energy connect you to Vinq, strengthening you at his expense!
Your energy drain scratches Vinq.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1254/1509(83%) 157(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Vinq!
A ghoul's claw decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
Vinq's sting devastates a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Your deathly touch decimates Suo!
The Unholy Sword of Zurcon glows a deathly black!
You feel the dark taint of the Unholy Sword surge through you!
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo's punch bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1253/1509(83%) 173(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
h vin
Vinq closes his eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Vinq seals his wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1253/1509(83%) 173(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
h vinq

Suo pummels you with his fists.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
You are dazed by all of the blows.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1216/1509(80%) 173(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

A ghoul's claw decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash decimates Vinq!
A flesh golem's smash devastates Vinq!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's punch injures you.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1190/1509(78%) 173(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves south.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1190/1509(78%) 173(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 9 PM>
They aren't here.
It starts to rain.
You stop concentrating on the Legends of Thera.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1191/1509(78%) 179(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Suo!
A ghoul screams and attacks Suo!
A flesh golem screams and attacks Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Suo!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo's punch hits you.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1167/1509(77%) 179(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Otuerghad looks at you.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1167/1509(77%) 179(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
c crim
Suo howls as the pores of his skin start to bleed profusely.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1167/1509(77%) 154(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Vinq has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
A ghoul reaches for Suo with its undead hands.
Suo looks pained momentarily at a ghoul's unclean touch.
Your defilement injures Suo.
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch hits you.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1142/1509(75%) 154(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Ganjax winces in agony.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1142/1509(75%) 154(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Suo pummels you with his fists.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
You are dazed by all of the blows.
A flesh golem's smash decimates Suo!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch grazes you.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1083/1509(71%) 154(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Vinq leaves south.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1083/1509(71%) 154(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
A ghoul's claw decimates Suo!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo parries your defilement.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch injures you.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1070/1509(70%) 154(11%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Vinq has arrived.
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo dodges your defilement.
Your deathly touch EVISCERATES Suo!
The Unholy Sword of Zurcon glows a deathly black!
You feel the dark taint of the Unholy Sword surge through you!
Suo's punch hits you.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1101/1509(72%) 184(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
Suo is not affected by anything that can be dispelled.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1101/1509(72%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
Vinq closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Suo.
Vinq seals Suo's wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1101/1509(72%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Ganjax looks at you.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1101/1509(72%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
c blind
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates Suo!
A ghoul's claw mauls Suo.
A ghoul's claw mauls Suo.
Suo parries your defilement.
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's punch misses you.
You absorb the force of Suo's punch with the hide of the Ancient Red Dragon.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1101/1509(72%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
c blind vinq
Vinq yells 'Die, Tavlin, you sorcerous dog!'
Vinq hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq scratches you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1097/1509(72%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
Vinq closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Suo.
Vinq seals Suo's wounds with a column of crimson fire!
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1097/1509(72%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Ganjax smirks.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1097/1509(72%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Suo pummels you with his fists.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
You are dazed by all of the blows.
Suo leaves you visibly battered and bruised.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<1044/1509(69%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
You parry Vinq's sting.
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's punch decimates you!
Suo's punch decimates you!
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch devastates you!
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<960/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Otuerghad looks at you.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<960/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
A ghoul rescues you from Suo!
Suo's punch DISMEMBERS a ghoul!
Suo's punch DISMEMBERS a ghoul!

<960/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
Suo's punch DISMEMBERS a zombie of a unicorn!
Vinq's sting scratches you.
Your defilement wounds Vinq.
Vinq deflects your defilement with his shield.
Suo's punch DISMEMBERS a ghoul!
Suo's punch EVISCERATES a ghoul!
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
c blind vinq

You parry Vinq's sting.
You parry Vinq's sting.
Vinq parries your defilement.
Suo's punch MASSACRES a ghoul!
Vinq has some small but disgusting cuts.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves north.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
They aren't here.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Vinq has arrived.
Suo has fled!

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
Otuerghad looks at you.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
r cent
A vague, ambient light gently surrounds Suo.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>
r cent
You don't have enough mana.
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Suo!'
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<956/1509(63%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

Suo parries your defilement.
A ghoul screams and attacks Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Suo!
A flesh golem screams and attacks Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Suo!
Suo's punch MUTILATES a zombie of a unicorn!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch mauls Suo.
You parry Suo's punch.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch mauls you.
Suo's punch wounds you.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo has some small but disgusting cuts.

<918/1509(60%) 164(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 10 PM>

The bruising fades.
Suo howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of his skin.
Suo's burning, weeping sores injures him.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<918/1509(60%) 172(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
c blind vin
Suo pummels you with his fists.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
Suo's pummeling blow hits you.
Suo's pummeling blow grazes you.
You are dazed by all of the blows.
Suo dodges your defilement.
You parry Suo's punch.
Suo's punch grazes you.
You absorb the force of Suo's punch with the hide of the Ancient Red Dragon.
Suo's punch grazes you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<861/1509(57%) 172(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
c blind vinq

A ghoul's claw decimates Suo!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's punch hits you.
You knock Suo's punch aside before it comes near you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<849/1509(56%) 172(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
Vinq yells 'Die, Tavlin, you sorcerous dog!'
Vinq hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
Vinq grazes you.
You parry Vinq's sting.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<844/1509(55%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Vinq looks at you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<844/1509(55%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Otuerghad looks at you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<844/1509(55%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Vinq's sting grazes you.
Suo stops your defilement with a solid blow.
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo's punch hits you.
Suo's punch bounces harmlessly off of your stony hide.
Suo's punch grazes you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<808/1509(53%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
o zo
Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves north.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<808/1509(53%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
o zombie rescue tavlin

A ghoul reaches for Suo with its undead hands.
Suo dodges a ghoul's unclean touch.
Suo dodges your defilement.
Your defilement hits Suo.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo's punch wounds you.
Suo's punch injures you.
Suo is covered with bleeding wounds.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
A zombie of a unicorn rescues you from Suo!
Suo's punch MUTILATES a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's punch MUTILATES a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's punch misses a zombie of a unicorn.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Suo pummels a zombie of a unicorn with his fists.
Suo's pummeling blow MUTILATES a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's pummeling blow maims a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's pummeling blow devastates a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's pummeling blow devastates a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's pummeling blow maims a zombie of a unicorn!
A zombie of a unicorn looks dazed from all of Suo's blows.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
Suo's punch maims a zombie of a unicorn!

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Someone has arrived.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
Entrance to the Imperial Lands
Light flickers from a lantern creating a circle of illumination. Just
within the circle of light to the northeast and northwest you see the walls
of two structures. The road continues to the north, while to the south you see
the lights of a village.

[Exits: north south]
The twisted face of an Imperial Centurion's corpse lies locked in unspeakable horror.
The sliced-off arm of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
(Black Aura) Suo is here, fighting a zombie of a unicorn.
(Hide) Otuerghad is here.
A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
A zombie of a unicorn is here.
A flesh golem lumbers along, its eyes glowing a dim red in the night.
A zombie of a unicorn is here.
(Invis) Ganjax is here.
(Black Aura) A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Suo's punch MUTILATES a zombie of a unicorn!

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Someone turns away from the roadblock and heads back the way it came.
Someone leaves south.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
g arm
You get the arm of an Imperial Centurion.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>
Entrance to the Imperial Lands
Light flickers from a lantern creating a circle of illumination. Just
within the circle of light to the northeast and northwest you see the walls
of two structures. The road continues to the north, while to the south you see
the lights of a village.

[Exits: north south]
The twisted face of an Imperial Centurion's corpse lies locked in unspeakable horror.
(Black Aura) Suo is here, fighting a zombie of a unicorn.
(Hide) Otuerghad is here.
A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
A zombie of a unicorn is here.
A flesh golem lumbers along, its eyes glowing a dim red in the night.
A zombie of a unicorn is here.
(Invis) Ganjax is here.
(Black Aura) A Centurion stands here collecting the tithe for the Empire.

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Suo says 'Gah.'

<763/1509(50%) 167(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 11 PM>

Suo has fled!

*** Snip healing mana and health and killing the other Centurion ***
*** I take the Vanquisher from perfect health to writhing while Suo and Vinq heal up ***
<1509/1509(100%) 180(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
You yell 'Help! Suo hurled a dagger at me!'
Suo hurls a throwing dagger at you, striking you square in the chest!
Suo's hurled dagger scratches you.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1505/1509(99%) 180(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind suo
Suo hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1505/1509(99%) 175(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash grazes you.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your defilement wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
Suo's stab misses you.
You parry Suo's claw.
You parry Suo's stab.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1500/1509(99%) 175(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind suo
Suo makes a furious drive but falls back.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1500/1509(99%) 175(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind suo

Ibauloth looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1500/1509(99%) 175(13%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
Suo hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1500/1509(99%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
You parry the Imperial Vanquisher's slash.
You parry the Imperial Vanquisher's slash.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
A flesh golem's smash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Your defilement wounds the Imperial Vanquisher.
You parry Suo's stab.
You parry Suo's claw.
You parry Suo's claw.
The Imperial Vanquisher is writhing in agony.

<1500/1509(99%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
A zombie of a unicorn rescues you from the Imperial Vanquisher!

<1500/1509(99%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c bl
Roocka looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.

<1500/1509(99%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
Suo's stab hits you.
You parry Suo's stab.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1488/1509(98%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind suo
Suo makes a furious drive but falls back.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1488/1509(98%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind suo
Otuerghad looks at the Imperial Vanquisher.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1488/1509(98%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind suo

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash misses a zombie of a unicorn.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Suo's stab MANGLES a zombie of a unicorn!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo's stab injures you.
You swat Suo's claw away from you.
You parry Suo's stab.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1472/1509(97%) 170(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
Suo hesitates, clutching at his eyes, then recovers.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1472/1509(97%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash decimates a zombie of a unicorn!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Suo dodges your defilement.
Suo dodges your defilement and closes in for a concealed attack!
Suo's stab wounds you.
You parry Suo's stab.
Suo's claw injures you.
You parry Suo's stab.
You parry Suo's stab.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
A zombie of a unicorn rescues you from Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn starts aiming at Suo.
Suo's stab MASSACRES a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's claw MANGLES a zombie of a unicorn!
Otuerghad steps out of the shadows.

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo says 'Heavy.'

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo makes a furious drive at a zombie of a unicorn but falls back.

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
Ibauloth looks at you.

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Suo's stab MANGLES a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's claw MASSACRES a zombie of a unicorn!

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
Suo has fled!

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
c blind
Otuerghad looks at you.

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Vinq The Imperial Throne Room
(PK) Suo A Hallway
Ganjax The Imperial Throne Room
Roocka The Gates of the Palace
Ibauloth The Gates of the Palace
Otuerghad The Gates of the Palace
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A ghoul's claw devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!

<1440/1509(95%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Suo!'
Suo's stab injures you.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
A zombie of a unicorn rescues you from Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn starts aiming at Suo.
Suo's stab MANGLES a zombie of a unicorn!
Suo's stab MASSACRES a zombie of a unicorn!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

The Imperial Vanquisher's slash maims a zombie of a unicorn!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo makes a furious drive at a zombie of a unicorn but falls back.

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo has fled!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

The Imperial Vanquisher's slash devastates a zombie of a unicorn!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Suo!'
You parry Suo's stab.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
A zombie of a unicorn fails to rescue you.
A flesh golem rescues you from Suo!
A flesh golem starts aiming at Suo.
Suo's stab EVISCERATES a flesh golem!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Otuerghad looks at you.

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash EVISCERATES a zombie of a unicorn!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Suo's claw EVISCERATES a flesh golem!
Suo's stab DISMEMBERS a flesh golem!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo makes a furious drive at a flesh golem but falls back.

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
l out

Suo has fled!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem screams and attacks the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash maims a zombie of a unicorn!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
You look upon a perfect warrior. The smooth black armor covering
her steel tight body is some of the finest gold can buy. The figure
occupying the dark mail is obviously a woman, but by the way she
stands you doubt that has ever stopped her from getting anything she
wanted. Long, straight black hair is tied back so as not to interfere
with her movements. Sky blue eyes watch you closely. If you are not a
Citizen of the Empire, a step in the wrong direction will give you a
first hand taste of her incredible battle skills.
The Imperial Vanquisher is convulsing on the ground.
The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

<1424/1509(94%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Suo!'
Suo's stab injures you.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
A zombie of a unicorn fails to rescue you.
A flesh golem rescues you from Suo!
A flesh golem starts aiming at Suo.
Suo's claw EVISCERATES a flesh golem!
Suo's stab EVISCERATES a flesh golem!
Suo's stab MASSACRES a flesh golem!
Suo's stab MUTILATES a flesh golem!

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash MUTILATES a zombie of a unicorn!
The Imperial Vanquisher's slash devastates a zombie of a unicorn!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw mauls the Imperial Vanquisher.
Suo's claw EVISCERATES a flesh golem!
Suo's claw DISMEMBERS a flesh golem!

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo makes a furious drive at a flesh golem but falls back.

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo snickers softly.

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch misses the Imperial Vanquisher.
A zombie of a unicorn's punch devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A ghoul's claw devastates the Imperial Vanquisher!
Suo's claw EVISCERATES a flesh golem!
Suo's stab DISMEMBERS a flesh golem!

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo says 'This is silly.'

<1410/1509(93%) 165(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Suo has fled!
Your skin feels soft again.
Your shield of water dissipates.

<1412/1509(93%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 7 AM>

The Imperial Vanquisher says 'Greetings, Citizen.'

<1412/1509(93%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 7 AM>

You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by Suo!'
Suo's stab mauls you.
Suo is in perfect health.

<1390/1509(92%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 7 AM>

A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem screams and attacks the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash maims the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
A flesh golem's smash decimates the Imperial Vanquisher!
The Imperial Vanquisher is DEAD!!
You receive 0 experience points (22% bonus).
As the Imperial Vanquisher falls, the Ebony Scepter returns to the Scion Cabal!
You receive 500 experience for assisting in a successful counter-raid.
You feel a shudder in your Cabal Power!
Suo dodges your defilement.
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Suo!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Suo!
A ghoul screams and attacks Suo!
You parry Suo's stab.
You parry Suo's claw.
You parry Suo's stab.
You parry Suo's stab.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1390/1509(92%) 169(12%) 1237(100%) civilized 7 AM>
c crim
Suo howls as the pores of his skin start to bleed profusely.
Suo has a few scratches.

<1390/1509(92%) 144(10%) 1237(100%) civilized 7 AM>

Suo makes a furious drive and pushes you both into Before the Imperial Palace!
*** And I get out. ***
*** A while later, I'm raiding Empire and Vinq is alone. ***
Vinq has arrived.
Vinq yells 'Die, Tavlin, you sorcerous dog!'
Vinq's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.
*** Snip spelling him up, then finishing the Council just in case ***
Vinq yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You reach for Vinq, and effortlessly rip lifeforce from him with a grasping gesture.
Your numbing grip devastates Vinq!
Vinq is covered with bleeding wounds.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq yells 'Help! Something is attacking me!'
A shadowed Druk'Trar steps out of the shadows.
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
The Nightwalker has arrived.
Vinq yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
A shadowed Druk'Trar's claw hits Vinq.
A shadowed Druk'Trar has fled!
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Vinq.
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Vinq.
Vinq can't get his hands up in time to swing.
Vinq deflects your defilement with his shield.
A flesh golem screams and attacks Vinq!
A ghoul screams and attacks Vinq!
A ghoul's claw mauls Vinq.
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch mauls Vinq.
A zombie of a unicorn screams and attacks Vinq!
A zombie of a unicorn's punch decimates Vinq!
Vinq is gushing blood.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves east.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
The End of the Hallway

[Exits: east south west up]
Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>
They aren't here.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Vinq A Hallway

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has arrived.
A Hallway

A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'Vinq! Now you die!'

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1235(99%) civilized 6 AM>
3The Gates of the Palace

A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1234(99%) civilized 6 AM>
3People near you:
(PK) Vinq The End of the Hallway

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1234(99%) civilized 6 AM>
They aren't here.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1234(99%) civilized 6 AM>
Before the Imperial Palace

A lizard strains against an iron chain around its neck.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1233(99%) civilized 6 AM>
People near you:

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1233(99%) civilized 6 AM>
The Gates of the Palace

A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1232(99%) civilized 6 AM>
They aren't here.
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.
The Nightwalker has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1232(99%) civilized 6 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Vinq The Meeting Chambers of the Citizens

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1232(99%) civilized 6 AM>
A Hallway

(Hide) Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1231(99%) civilized 6 AM>
They aren't here.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1231(99%) civilized 6 AM>
The End of the Hallway

(Black Aura) Vinq is here.
Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1230(99%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq leaves south.
They aren't here.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1230(99%) civilized 6 AM>
People near you:
(PK) Vinq A Hallway

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1230(99%) civilized 6 AM>

The Nightwalker yells 'Vinq! Now you die!'

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1230(99%) civilized 6 AM>
A Hallway

(Hide) Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1229(99%) civilized 6 AM>
The Gates of the Palace

(Black Aura) Vinq is here, fighting the Nightwalker.
A Nightwalker stands in the shadows, breathing heavily.
(Hide) Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
Vinq yells 'Help! Something is attacking me!'
A shadowed Druk'Trar steps out of the shadows.
A shadowed Druk'Trar injures Vinq.
As the sun rises, a shadowed Druk'Trar disperses into a cloud of shadowy mist.
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Vinq.
Vinq's punch misses the Nightwalker.

<1732/2084(83%) 526(39%) 1228(99%) civilized 6 AM>
Vinq yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You grasp for Vinq, but only barely bleed him of lifeforce.
Your numbing grip hits Vinq.
Vinq is writhing in agony.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves north.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'Vinq! Now you die!'
The Nightwalker's claw wounds Vinq.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

The Nightwalker tears at Vinq with its claws!
The Nightwalker's tearing claws misses Vinq.
The Nightwalker's tearing claws wounds Vinq.
Vinq's punch misses the Nightwalker.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves north.
They aren't here.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

A shadowed Druk'Trar quickly fades into the shadows and disappears from sight.
The shadows blur and flicker momentarily.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

The Nightwalker yells 'Vinq! Now you die!'

<1732/2084(83%) 508(37%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>
Vinq yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You grasp for Vinq, but only barely bleed him of lifeforce.
Your numbing grip injures Vinq.
Vinq is convulsing on the ground.

<1732/2084(83%) 490(36%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves north.

<1732/2084(83%) 490(36%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has arrived.
The Nightwalker yells 'Vinq! Now you die!'
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Vinq.
The Nightwalker's claw mauls Vinq.

<1732/2084(83%) 490(36%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>

Vinq has fled!
Vinq leaves north.

<1732/2084(83%) 490(36%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
They aren't here.
Vinq yells 'Help! Something is attacking me!'

<1732/2084(83%) 490(36%) 1237(100%) civilized 6 AM>
A Hallway

(Hide) Tenebrous mist gathers around a wavering, insubstantial Nightwalker.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A zombie of a unicorn has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A flesh golem has arrived.

<1732/2084(83%) 490(36%) 1236(99%) civilized 6 AM>

The Nightwalker checks the ground for tracks.
You feel less healthy.

<1745/1509(115%) 582(43%) 1237(100%) civilized 7 AM>
They aren't here.
The Nightwalker yells 'Vinq! Now you die!'
You hear someone's death cry.
Your curse on Vinq has worn off.
Your crimson scourge on Vinq has worn off.
Your poison on Vinq has worn off.
Your blindness on Vinq has worn off.