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Topic subjectRE: Part 7
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=2475&mesg_id=2482
2482, RE: Part 7
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

*** A little later we lose the head to younger ragers. I think Venphoria went to kill the Destructor
*** alone (nobody in PK) when Keeian logged in. I could be wrong, haven't looked hard enough.
*** Anyways, Venphoria dies, and we all go to get the Head again...

<1279/1279(100%) 818(100%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
The Shrine of the BattleRagers

[Exits: east]
The dagger of a leader lies here.
A dead chicken is lying here.
A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
Centered in this hut is a throne with a base of polished skulls.
Zadkiel is here.
Keeian is here.
A giant figure stands here, feet planted in a defensive posture.
(White Aura) Light seems to cluster about this holy figure, garbed in white.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor MUTILATES you!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You dodge the Destructor's slash.
Niglecher has arrived.
Niglecher yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
A shawtaby has arrived.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.
The Destructor is in perfect health.

<1242/1279(97%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Niglecher scans west.
The Destructor's slash MUTILATES you!
The Destructor's slash maims Niglecher!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor brings the handle of Weapon of Mastery about, but misses your eyes.
Your defilement DISMEMBERS the Destructor!
Seizing upon a flaw in the Destructor's tactics, you swiftly kick it!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick MUTILATES the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort screams and attacks the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort's pound misses the Destructor.
A shawtaby screams and attacks the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
Niglecher's poisonous bite MUTILATES the Destructor!
Niglecher's poisonous bite EVISCERATES the Destructor!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1202/1279(93%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
o all
Niglecher nods.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1202/1279(93%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
o all re
Keeian brings the flaming scepter of Chaos around to hit your head!
Keeian's cranial hit maims you!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1168/1279(91%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
o all rescu
Zadkiel looks at Keeian.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1168/1279(91%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
o all rescue nig

You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor parries your defilement.
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
You parry Keeian's wrath.
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
Keeian delivers a blow of deadly force!
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1168/1279(91%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's Weapon of Mastery twists and contorts into a pair of axes!
A shawtaby consort's pound devastates the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort's pound mauls the Destructor.
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
Your defilement DISMEMBERS the Destructor!
Niglecher's poisonous bite EVISCERATES the Destructor!
Niglecher's poisonous bite EVISCERATES the Destructor!
You parry Keeian's wrath.
You parry Keeian's wrath.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1168/1279(91%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Venphoria tells you 'Many of them.'
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1168/1279(91%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
A shawtaby consort rescues Niglecher from the Destructor!
Keeian swings the flaming scepter of Chaos powerfully but fails to connect.
Keeian's bone-shattering blow misses you.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1168/1279(91%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
exam p
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound wounds the Destructor.
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
Your defilement misses the Destructor.
A majestic silver scepter flashes brilliantly, projecting itself into combat!
Your divine subjugation wounds the Destructor.
You parry Keeian's wrath.
Keeian's wrath decimates you!
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
You are misled by Keeian's cunning feint.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1143/1279(89%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
exam pit
A large pit has been dug deep into the earth, placed here to hold any items
the villagers feel fit to lie within it. The hole is circular stretching
seven feet across from one point to the other. The depth of the ditch is
five feet deep.
When you look inside, you see it is fairly empty.
A deep pit contains:
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
a bone from the skeleton of the Snow Worm
an opal charm shaped as a five-pointed star
a ring of stamina
an engraved silver bracelet
a small bloody mace
a Ragesteel Belt
a canoe
battle-scarred plate mail
a hefty battle axe
an opal ring
a sturdy wooden mallet
a pair of fine black leather boots
(Glowing) a brass circlet
a pair of muddy travel boots
( 2) an amethyst ring
a pale white skull ring
a spiked iron bracer
a two-handed black sword
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1143/1279(89%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Keeian yells 'Die, Niglecher, you sorcerous dog!'
Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Keeian can no longer find the strength to wield the flaming scepter of Chaos.
Niglecher's withering EVISCERATES Keeian!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1143/1279(89%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor drives its axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
The Destructor's brutal attack EVISCERATES you!
The Destructor's brutal attack MUTILATES you!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
Your blow swings wildly and misses.
You parry Keeian's wrath.
Keeian's punch wounds you.
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
Keeian makes a feint but you ignore it.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1037/1279(81%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Keeian tries to knock a death reed harp to the ground, but fails.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<1037/1279(81%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
sig kee

You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
The Destructor's slash MUTILATES you!
The Destructor's slash MUTILATES you!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
Your defilement EVISCERATES the Destructor!
You parry Keeian's wrath.
Keeian's punch decimates you!
You parry Keeian's wrath.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<926/1279(72%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<926/1279(72%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You dodge the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort's pound mauls the Destructor.
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
The Destructor parries your defilement.
You parry Keeian's wrath.
Keeian's punch misses you.
You are misled by Keeian's cunning feint.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<926/1279(72%) 818(100%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
You call upon the Codex and carve a Sigil of Pain onto Keeian.
Your sigil of pain MUTILATES Keeian!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<926/1279(72%) 758(92%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Keeian's eyes become bloodshot and his face contorts into a mask of rage!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<926/1279(72%) 758(92%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Keeian screams in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash maims you!
The Destructor tries to disarm you, but the claw of the Dracolich won't budge!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound misses the Destructor.
Your blow swings wildly and misses.
Seizing upon a flaw in the Destructor's tactics, you swiftly kick it!
With your decisive kick you drive the spike of your boot into your foe!
Your kick MUTILATES the Destructor!
A majestic silver scepter flashes brilliantly, projecting itself into combat!
Your divine subjugation maims the Destructor!
Keeian's wrath maims you!
Keeian's wrath devastates you!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<849/1279(66%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
A shawtaby consort rescues you from the Destructor!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!

<849/1279(66%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Keeian dual wields the flaming scepter of Chaos.

<849/1279(66%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Keeian strikes you over the head with the flaming scepter of Chaos.
Keeian's cranial hit injures you.
You yell 'Help! Keeian hit me over the head!'
Keeian has some small but disgusting cuts.

<836/1279(65%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
The Destructor's slash misses a shawtaby consort.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
Keeian dodges your defilement.
As Keeian fights you, his confidence seems to falter in the face of your taunts and posturing.
You parry Keeian's wrath.
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
Keeian has some small but disgusting cuts.

<836/1279(65%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Keeian has some small but disgusting cuts.

<836/1279(65%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Zadkiel.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
The Destructor drives its axes into both sides of a shawtaby consort's body.
The Destructor starts aiming at you!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You dodge the Destructor's slash.
You dodge the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's brutal attack EVISCERATES a shawtaby consort!
A shawtaby consort's pound mauls the Destructor.
A shawtaby consort's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
Keeian parries your defilement.
Keeian delivers a blow of deadly force!
Keeian's wrath *** DEVASTATES *** you!
You dodge Keeian's wrath.
Keeian's wrath MUTILATES you!
Keeian has some small but disgusting cuts.

<631/1279(49%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Keeian has some small but disgusting cuts.

<631/1279(49%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
A shawtaby consort rescues you from Keeian!
A shawtaby consort starts aiming at Keeian.
Keeian's wrath MASSACRES a shawtaby consort!
Keeian's wrath MANGLES a shawtaby consort!
Keeian's wrath DISMEMBERS a shawtaby consort!
A shawtaby consort is misled by Keeian's cunning feint.
Keeian's cranial hit misses a shawtaby consort.

<631/1279(49%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

The Destructor's slash MUTILATES you!
The Destructor's slash MUTILATES you!
You parry the Destructor's slash.
You dodge the Destructor's slash.
A shawtaby consort's blow swings wildly and misses.
A shawtaby's pound decimates the Destructor!
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
Your defilement misses the Destructor.
Keeian's wrath DISMEMBERS a shawtaby consort!
Keeian's wrath MASSACRES a shawtaby consort!
Keeian's wrath MASSACRES a shawtaby consort!
A shawtaby consort is misled by Keeian's cunning feint.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<553/1279(43%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<553/1279(43%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

The healer closes his eyes for a moment and nods at Zadkiel.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<553/1279(43%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You dodge the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash EVISCERATES a shawtaby!
You dodge the Destructor's slash.
The Destructor's slash maims you!
The Destructor tries some fancy axe-work, but just whacks its axes together.
The Destructor's brutal attack misses you.
The Destructor's Weapon of Mastery twists and contorts into a pair of swords!
A shawtaby consort's blow swings wildly and misses.
A shawtaby consort's pound DISMEMBERS Keeian!
A shawtaby's pound mauls the Destructor.
The Destructor parries your defilement.
It's too much bigger than you to trip.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Blood Square

[Exits: north east south west]
A mangled corpse lies here.
You flee from combat!

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1071(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You aren't fighting anyone.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1071(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You aren't fighting anyone.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.
A shawtaby yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Keeian!'

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1071(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Niglecher The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Sezdral Before a Fortified Hillock
Zadkiel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Keeian The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1071(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Hanord's group:
[ NPC ] a shawtaby consort 55% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[ NPC ] a shawtaby 81% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[51 Bar] Gvantulak 74% hp 70% mana 65% mv 527700 xp
[51 Bar] Hanord 40% hp 97% mana 99% mv 527700 xp
[51 Sha] Niglecher 99% hp 84% mana 98% mv 512900 xp
[51 War] Sezdral 100% hp 100% mana 91% mv 518076 xp

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1071(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Before a Strangely Illuminated Pillar

[Exits: north east south west]
A towering pillar of stone is erected here, illuminated by the moon.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1068(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A shawtaby yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Keeian!'
A shawtaby has arrived.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1068(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
rePeople near you:
(PK) Niglecher The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Sezdral Before a Fortified Hillock
Zadkiel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Keeian Blood Square

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1068(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You rest.

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1068(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
sing elven
Niglecher yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Keeian!'

<518/1279(40%) 796(97%) 1068(99%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
You no longer feel such bravado.

<571/1141(50%) 818(100%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
Hanord's group:
[ NPC ] a shawtaby consort 60% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[ NPC ] a shawtaby 77% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[51 Bar] Gvantulak 64% hp 69% mana 71% mv 527700 xp
[51 Bar] Hanord 50% hp 100% mana 100% mv 527700 xp
[51 Sha] Niglecher 91% hp 87% mana 100% mv 512900 xp
[51 War] Sezdral 100% hp 100% mana 97% mv 518076 xp

<571/1141(50%) 818(100%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A gnome covered in soot furiously hammers at a smouldering ring.
A stout svirfnebli clad in leathers, places weaponry into the forgefires.
Grime takes a moment to rest during the dark hours of the night.

You scan east.
***** Range 2 *****
Sezdral is here.

You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
(Black Aura) Niglecher is here, fighting Keeian.
Keeian is here, fighting Niglecher.

***** Range 2 *****
Zadkiel is here.
A giant figure stands here, feet planted in a defensive posture.
(White Aura) Light seems to cluster about this holy figure, garbed in white.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<571/1141(50%) 818(100%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
Sezdral has arrived.

<571/1141(50%) 818(100%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
sing bag
Sezdral leaves west.

<571/1141(50%) 818(100%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
sing baga
You sing 'Settle all your sorrows deep
And speak your final prayers to keep
Our silken banner waves on high
For we will fight and win or die.'

Your morale is boosted for the upcoming battles.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>

Sezdral yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Keeian!'

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
Niglecher has arrived.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 2 *****
A gnome covered in soot furiously hammers at a smouldering ring.
A stout svirfnebli clad in leathers, places weaponry into the forgefires.
Grime takes a moment to rest during the dark hours of the night.

You scan east.
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
Keeian is here, fighting Sezdral.
Sezdral is here, fighting Keeian.

***** Range 2 *****
Zadkiel is here.
A giant figure stands here, feet planted in a defensive posture.
(White Aura) Light seems to cluster about this holy figure, garbed in white.

You scan up.
You scan down.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
People near you:
(PK) Niglecher Before a Strangely Illuminated Pillar
(PK) Sezdral Blood Square
Zadkiel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Keeian Blood Square

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic resting>
You stand up.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Hanord's group:
[ NPC ] a shawtaby consort 56% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[ NPC ] a shawtaby 72% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[51 Bar] Gvantulak 57% hp 69% mana 71% mv 527700 xp
[51 Bar] Hanord 44% hp 85% mana 100% mv 527700 xp
[51 Sha] Niglecher 74% hp 87% mana 99% mv 512900 xp
[51 War] Sezdral 100% hp 100% mana 96% mv 518076 xp

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher em

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Niglecher's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as her wounds heal before you.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sBlood Square

[Exits: north east south west]
A mangled corpse lies here.
(Hide) Zadkiel is here.
Keeian is here, fighting Sezdral.
Sezdral is here, fighting Keeian.
Niglecher has arrived.
A shawtaby has arrived.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.
Keeian's kicked dirt misses Sezdral.
A shawtaby consort screams and attacks Keeian!
A shawtaby screams and attacks Keeian!
Sezdral's slash DISMEMBERS Keeian!
Sezdral is misled by Keeian's cunning feint.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing la
Zadkiel steps out of the shadows.

<571/1279(44%) 698(85%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing labor
You sing 'I feel a weakness deep within me
I am but mortal, forever I cannot last
I look to the end, and I grow weary
My time is coming, coming fast
How I wish my time would last.'
Keeian sags, appearing to bear an invisible burden.

<571/1279(44%) 678(82%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Sezdral lashes out with the whipping tail of a manticore and wraps it around Keeian's neck!
Sezdral's choking lash EVISCERATES Keeian!

<571/1279(44%) 678(82%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Niglecher's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as her wounds heal before you.

<571/1279(44%) 678(82%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Sezdral's blow swings wildly and misses.
Sezdral's slash DISMEMBERS Keeian!

<571/1279(44%) 678(82%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing lang

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Keeian!
Niglecher's torments MASSACRES Keeian!

<571/1279(44%) 678(82%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A shawtaby's pound EVISCERATES Keeian!
Keeian delivers a blow of deadly force!
Keeian delivers a blow of deadly force!

<571/1279(44%) 678(82%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You sing 'A burden you feel, deep in your soul;
Your muscles grow weak, your thoughts slow.
Lethargy creeps slowly into your limbs,
Trudging through winter's deep snow.'
Keeian appears weak and weary.

<571/1279(44%) 658(80%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Sezdral wraps the whipping tail of a manticore around Keeian's weapon, stripping it from his hand!
A long elvish mace goes flying!

<571/1279(44%) 658(80%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Keeian!
Niglecher's torments DISMEMBERS Keeian!

<571/1279(44%) 658(80%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Sezdral's sting misses Keeian.
Keeian delivers a blow of deadly force!
Sezdral's slash DISMEMBERS Keeian!

<571/1279(44%) 658(80%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Keeian makes a hasty retreat.
Keeian leaves west.
The lightning has stopped.
You are hungry.

<600/1279(46%) 702(85%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'

<600/1279(46%) 662(80%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Sezdral gets a long elvish mace.

<600/1279(46%) 662(80%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Niglecher's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as her wounds heal before you.

<600/1279(46%) 662(80%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Sezdral sits down and rests.

<600/1279(46%) 662(80%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elven

Niglecher closes her eyes with a look of concentration for a moment.
Niglecher's eyes blaze with unholy fervor as her wounds heal before you.
Sezdral scans west.

<600/1279(46%) 662(80%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Niglecher Blood Square
(PK) Sezdral Blood Square
Zadkiel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Keeian The Shrine of the BattleRagers

<600/1279(46%) 662(80%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You sing 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.

<652/1279(50%) 647(79%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher says 'He is plagued and famished'

<652/1279(50%) 647(79%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elven
Niglecher scans west.

<652/1279(50%) 647(79%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elvenHanord's group:
[ NPC ] a shawtaby consort 58% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[ NPC ] a shawtaby 73% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
[51 Bar] Gvantulak 54% hp 68% mana 66% mv 527700 xp
[51 Bar] Hanord 50% hp 79% mana 100% mv 527700 xp
[51 Sha] Niglecher 100% hp 84% mana 100% mv 512900 xp
[51 War] Sezdral 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 518076 xp

<652/1279(50%) 647(79%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elvenBefore a Strangely Illuminated Pillar

[Exits: north east south west]
A towering pillar of stone is erected here, illuminated by the moon.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.
A shawtaby has arrived.
Niglecher has arrived.

<652/1279(50%) 647(79%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elven
You sing 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.

<700/1279(54%) 632(77%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher leaves east.

<700/1279(54%) 632(77%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

You feel a sense of danger.

<700/1279(54%) 632(77%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elven
You sing 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
t venphoria Come, we
Sezdral yells 'Help! Keeian is trying to drag me away!'

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
t venphoria Come, we kill Keeian.
You tell Venphoria 'Come, we kill Keeian.'

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Niglecher Before a Fortified Hillock
(PK) Sezdral Blood Square
Zadkiel The Shrine of the BattleRagers
(PK) Keeian Blood Square

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1070(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Blood Square

[Exits: north east south west]
A mangled corpse lies here.
Keeian is here, fighting Sezdral.
Sezdral is here, fighting Keeian.
A shawtaby has arrived.
A shawtaby consort has arrived.
A shawtaby consort screams and attacks Keeian!
A shawtaby screams and attacks Keeian!
Keeian's wrath MASSACRES Sezdral!
Sezdral's slash DISMEMBERS Keeian!
Keeian tries to make a feint at Sezdral but he sees right through it.

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Sezdral wraps the whipping tail of a manticore around Keeian's weapon, stripping it from his hand!
A flail of Pestilence flies right to Sezdral and he catches it!

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Niglecher tells the group 'Brought Orumous outside incase he tries to run'

<747/1279(58%) 617(75%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Your reverberating blast *** DEVASTATES *** Keeian!
Keeian is gushing blood.

<747/1279(58%) 577(70%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Your defilement nearly strikes Keeian before he turns it away.
As Keeian fights you, his confidence seems to falter in the face of your taunts and posturing.
Keeian delivers a blow of deadly force!
Sezdral's slash DISMEMBERS Keeian!
Keeian is writhing in agony.

<747/1279(58%) 577(70%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher has arrived.
Keeian is writhing in agony.

<747/1279(58%) 577(70%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Niglecher narrows her eyes and glares in Keeian's direction.
Niglecher calls forth the demons of Hell upon Keeian!
Niglecher's torments DISMEMBERS Keeian!
Keeian is writhing in agony.

<747/1279(58%) 577(70%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Your defilement MASSACRES Keeian!
Sezdral is misled by Keeian's cunning feint.
Keeian is convulsing on the ground.

<747/1279(58%) 577(70%) 1067(99%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Keeian wields a drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber'.
The rain ceases.
You are hungry.
Keeian's thirst hits him.
Keeian's hunger hits him.
Keeian is convulsing on the ground.

<755/1279(59%) 634(77%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 12 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Keeian snakes out a drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber' around Sezdral and pulls him along with him out of the room!
Sezdral yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'

<755/1279(59%) 634(77%) 1073(100%) 24900 civilized 12 AM tipsy Tragic standing>
The Shrine of the BattleRagers

[Exits: east]
The dagger of a leader lies here.
A dead chicken is lying here.
A deep pit has been dug here into the ground.
Centered in this hut is a throne with a base of polished skulls.
Sezdral is here, fighting Keeian.
Keeian is here, fighting Sezdral.
Zadkiel is here.
A giant figure stands here, feet planted in a defensive posture.
(White Aura) Light seems to cluster about this holy figure, garbed in white.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
You parry the Destructor's slash.
Niglecher has arrived.
Niglecher yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Destructor!'
A shawtaby consort has arrived.
A shawtaby has arrived.
The Destructor has a few scratches.

<755/1279(59%) 634(77%) 1071(99%) 24900 civilized 12 AM tipsy Tragic fighting>
You sing 'Now, though wintery winds be blowing,
Night be foul, with raining, snowing,
Still the trav'ller, that way going
Shuns the inn upon the moor.'
Your reverberating blast *** DEVASTATES *** Keeian!
Keeian is DEAD!!
You land the killing blow against Keeian.
Keeian's heart is torn from his chest.
Your reverberating blast MASSACRES the Destructor!
The Destructor has a few scratches.
