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Topic subjectScionic Souffle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=2276&mesg_id=2302
2302, Scionic Souffle
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

<1034/1044(99%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Glastrom has arrived.

<1034/1044(99%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

You yell 'Die, Glastrom, you sorcerous dog!'
Glastrom utters the words, 'uwwarahuai'.
Softly chanting, Glastrom steps up to you with his hand outstretched.
Like a lover's caress, he slowly traces a line down your arm.
A raging fire seems to burn from within your guts, doubling you over in pain.
Glastrom's immolation TORCHES you!
Glastrom is in perfect health.

<940/1044(90%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

You parry Glastrom's burn.
Glastrom knocks your claw harmlessly to the side.
Glastrom parries your claw.
Ckath's acidic bite wounds Glastrom.
Glastrom's shield of electricity reacts violently to Ckath's attack!
Glastrom's shield of electricity *** DEVASTATES *** Ckath!
Glastrom's shield of electricity EVISCERATES you!
Ckath's acidic bite misses Glastrom.
Glastrom has a few scratches.

<889/1044(85%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Glastrom has a few scratches.

<878/1044(84%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Glastrom screams in agony as a black sigil forms on his chest.
Ckath's sigil of pain decimates Glastrom!
The Nightwalker has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'
The Nightwalker's claw decimates you!
The Nightwalker's claw decimates you!
Glastrom has a few scratches.

<827/1044(79%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

The Nightwalker's claw misses you.
You parry Glastrom's burn.
You parry Glastrom's burn.
Glastrom parries your claw.
Glastrom parries your claw.
Ckath's acidic bite devastates Glastrom!
Ckath's acidic bite devastates Glastrom!
Ckath's burst of energy injures Glastrom.
Seizing upon a flaw in Glastrom's tactics, Ckath swiftly kicks him!
Ckath's kick MUTILATES Glastrom!
Glastrom has some small but disgusting cuts.

<827/1044(79%) 565(74%) 861(95%) 24900 civilized 7 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

Glastrom has fled!
Glastrom leaves east.

<828/1044(79%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.

<816/1044(78%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A jewel-encrusted gold harp sounds a great deal better!

<816/1044(78%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
You parry the Nightwalker's claw.
Your claw DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Your claw MASSACRES the Nightwalker!
Ckath's acidic bite DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Ckath's acidic bite DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker has some small but disgusting cuts.

<816/1044(78%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
[EMPIRE] Kfozgen: Her demmoonn cann mmake mme unnable doo doo annydinng.
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation blisters you.
The Nightwalker has some small but disgusting cuts.

<803/1044(76%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
sing lull
The Nightwalker's claw maims you!
Your claw DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Ckath's acidic bite DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Ckath's burst of energy DISMEMBERS the Nightwalker!
Ckath's acidic bite MASSACRES the Nightwalker!
The Nightwalker has some small but disgusting cuts.

<768/1044(73%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
sing lull
Glastrom has arrived.
Ckath scans north.
Ckath scans south.
Ckath scans east.
Ckath scans west.
Ckath scans up.
Ckath scans down.
The Nightwalker has some small but disgusting cuts.

<768/1044(73%) 578(76%) 874(96%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
Glastrom utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on himself, Glastrom slowly crouches down. As his chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes him! Standing up, he suddenly throws
Out his arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Glastrom's pillar of lightning === OBLITERATES === the Nightwalker!
You yell 'Die, Glastrom, you sorcerous dog!'
The lightning sizzles and pops as it continues to arcs over your body!
Glastrom's pillar of lightning >>> ANNIHILATES <<< you!
That really did HURT!
Wandering in the Desert

[Exits: north east south west]
A large tan and gray lizard is here, basking on a rock.
You flee from combat!
Ckath yells 'Die, Glastrom, you sorcerous dog!'
You hear something's death cry.
You hear something's death cry.

<490/1044(46%) 578(76%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.

<472/1044(45%) 578(76%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

The Nightwalker yells 'Ckath! Now you die!'

<472/1044(45%) 578(76%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elven
You sing 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.

<553/1044(52%) 563(74%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.

<537/1044(51%) 563(74%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.

<518/1044(49%) 563(74%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
gPeople near you:
(PK) Charine Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Glastrom Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Ckath Wandering in the Desert

<518/1044(49%) 563(74%) 865(95%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Wandering in the Desert

[Exits: north east south west]
A long thin black snake slithers along the sand.

<518/1044(49%) 563(74%) 856(94%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Caravan Road

[Exits: north east south west]
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
A traveling merchant from Hamsah Mu'tazz walks along with the caravan.
A nomad tribesman journies with the caravan, hoping to sell his wares.
A large warrior stands here guarding the merchants of the caravan.
A large warrior stands here guarding the merchants of the caravan.

<518/1044(49%) 563(74%) 852(94%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Ckath's group:
[51 Bar] Hanord 49% hp 74% mana 94% mv 527700 xp
[51 War] Ckath 79% hp 66% mana 99% mv 512900 xp
Glastrom yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Ckath!'

<518/1044(49%) 563(74%) 852(94%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 852(94%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Ckath's group:
[51 Bar] Hanord 47% hp 74% mana 94% mv 527700 xp
[51 War] Ckath 79% hp 66% mana 98% mv 512900 xp

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 852(94%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Charine Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Glastrom Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Ckath Wandering in the Desert

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 852(94%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Wandering in the Desert

[Exits: north east south west]
A long thin black snake slithers along the sand.

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 843(93%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Wandering in the Desert

[Exits: north east south west]
A large tan and gray lizard is here, basking on a rock.

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 834(92%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Charine Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Glastrom Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Ckath Wandering in the Desert

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 834(92%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Wandering in the Desert

[Exits: north east south west]
Glastrom yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Ckath!'
Ckath yells 'Help! I'm being attacked by the Nightwalker!'

<499/1044(47%) 563(74%) 825(91%) 24900 civilized 8 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning hits you.

*** Snip a bunch of scanning/singing ***

<368/1044(35%) 546(72%) 754(83%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Wandering in the Desert

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.

[Exits: east south west]
(Slimy Sheen) Black scales interrupted by bands of green, a pit viper silently slithers through here.
Charine is here.
A bandit with hopes of waylaying a merchant scans the area intensely.

<368/1044(35%) 546(72%) 745(82%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.

<350/1044(33%) 546(72%) 745(82%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A fiendish ice devil has arrived.
A water elemental has arrived.

<350/1044(33%) 546(72%) 745(82%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A fiendish ice devil yells 'Hanord! Now you die!'
A fiendish ice devil's slice *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Wandering in the Desert

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.

[Exits: east south west]
You flee from combat!

<227/1044(21%) 546(72%) 736(81%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
People near you:
(PK) Charine Wandering in the Desert
(PK) Glastrom Wandering in the Desert

<227/1044(21%) 546(72%) 736(81%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<227/1044(21%) 546(72%) 736(81%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<227/1044(21%) 546(72%) 736(81%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<227/1044(21%) 546(72%) 736(81%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<227/1044(21%) 546(72%) 736(81%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You yell 'Die, Charine, you sorcerous dog!'
Charine utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Charine waves her arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at you.
Charine's magic missile grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Wandering in the Desert

Something seems horribly wrong with the plant life here.

[Exits: east south west]
A cascading column of bubbling water moves along fluidly here.
A fiendish ice devil hovers about here, coating the area in frost.
A bandit with hopes of waylaying a merchant scans the area intensely.
You flee from combat!
Charine's magic missile grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Caravan Road

[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!
Charine's magic missile grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Start of Caravan Road

[Exits: north east south]
You flee from combat!

<212/1044(20%) 546(72%) 719(79%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Outside the Gate of Sihaam

[Exits: [north] east south west]
A sign points south towards the Desert of Araile and Sands of Sorrow.

<212/1044(20%) 546(72%) 715(79%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
tSouthern Perimeter of Hamsah Mu'tazz

[Exits: east west]

<212/1044(20%) 546(72%) 711(78%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<194/1044(18%) 546(72%) 711(78%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

[Newbie] A curious newcomer: thanks guys.

<194/1044(18%) 546(72%) 711(78%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Southern Perimeter of Hamsah Mu'tazz

[Exits: east west]

<194/1044(18%) 546(72%) 707(78%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Southwestern Perimeter of Hamsah Mu'tazz

[Exits: north east]

<194/1044(18%) 546(72%) 703(77%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<194/1044(18%) 546(72%) 703(77%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You get a purple pill from the girdle of endless space.

<194/1044(18%) 546(72%) 703(77%) 24900 civilized 9 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You finish eating a purple pill.
You are definitely still hungry.
A Rubble-strewn Chamber

[Exits: south]
You feel a momentary chill.

*** Singing to heal, knowing what is coming... ***

Ckath tells the group 'Find me.'
You tell your group 'I had to teleport.'
Ckath tells the group 'So do I.'
You tell your group 'I'm immolated and have arcing lightning.'

*** Aaanndd there it is! ***

<350/1044(33%) 497(65%) 716(79%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A faceless nightgaunt swoops down on you!
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a faceless nightgaunt!'
A faceless nightgaunt's slap misses you.
You dodge a faceless nightgaunt's slap.
A faceless nightgaunt is in perfect health.

<350/1044(33%) 497(65%) 716(79%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>
A faceless nightgaunt's slap MASSACRES you!
End of the Corridor

[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!

<276/1044(26%) 497(65%) 715(79%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<258/1044(24%) 497(65%) 715(79%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
[Newbie] Kallas: Probably.

<258/1044(24%) 497(65%) 715(79%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A faceless nightgaunt swoops down on you!
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a faceless nightgaunt!'
A faceless nightgaunt's slap MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
The Sentry Point

[Exits: east west]
A dwarven sentry stands guard in the corridor.
A dwarven sentry stands guard in the corridor.
You flee from combat!

<168/1044(16%) 497(65%) 714(79%) 24900 civilized 10 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You are hungry.
You slowly float to the ground.
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation heats you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<152/1044(14%) 507(67%) 727(80%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

[Newbie] Guuol: You can discuss prereqs with your guildmaster.

<152/1044(14%) 507(67%) 727(80%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You get a purple pill from the girdle of endless space.

<152/1044(14%) 507(67%) 727(80%) 24900 civilized 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
You finish eating a purple pill.
Your stomach still grumbles with hunger.
Among the Dry Trees

[Exits: north south west]
You feel a momentary chill.

<152/1044(14%) 507(67%) 727(80%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
A faceless nightgaunt swoops down on you!
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a faceless nightgaunt!'
A faceless nightgaunt's slap MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
At the Base of a Hill

[Exits: north south west up]
You flee from combat!

<70/1044(6%) 507(67%) 720(79%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation blisters you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<52/1044(4%) 507(67%) 720(79%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>
sing elven
You sing 'Ah! the voice of by gone days
Will come back again,
Whispering to the weary hearted
Many a soothing strain.'

The solemn melody gently numbs your pain.

<130/1044(12%) 492(65%) 720(79%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Ckath tells the group 'They will send a nightgaunt'

<130/1044(12%) 492(65%) 720(79%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

Frantic and thrashing you scream as fire consumes you!
Your immolation blisters you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Agony strikes as electricity surges over you, drawing your muscles taut!
Your arcing lightning grazes you.
You sure are BLEEDING!

<109/1044(10%) 492(65%) 720(79%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic standing>

A faceless nightgaunt swoops down on you!
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by a faceless nightgaunt!'
A faceless nightgaunt's slap MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A faceless nightgaunt is in perfect health.

<22/1044(2%) 492(65%) 720(79%) 24900 wilderness 11 PM tipsy Tragic fighting>

A faceless nightgaunt's slap MANGLES you!
You have been KILLED!!
