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Topic subjectBorkahd as Commander, funeral rites for Grwshen
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=53&topic_id=2274&mesg_id=2274
2274, Borkahd as Commander, funeral rites for Grwshen
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(I stumbled across this log and thought it was pretty cool. Wanted to repost it here. Enjoy.)

=(CON LOSS) Grawshen Sootsel the Black Dragon=

Borkahd: When strong warrior fall, give honor by carry body on shield. Take to bonefire.

Iunna nods grimly, a serious mood overcoming her features.

The War Room
This spacious hut is dominated by a large rectangular table that lies in the
exact center, surrounded by well-worn chairs of rough carved wood. Gently
swaying lanterns hang from iron hooks driven into the supporting beams of
the roof, flooding the table with bright light while leaving the corners in
shadows. A large plaque of polished steel has been affixed to the north wall,
above a wide fireplace. A giant tapestry depicts combat forms and hangs
upon the eastern wall while a blood-red curtain rests along the western wall
depicting an ancient battle. Almost hidden in the shadows of the southeast
corner is a large book resting open upon a stand.

Brilliant white energy swirls around, taking the shape of a diminutive fela.
(WANTED) Uggro the fire giant is here.
Woldrun the cloud giant is here.
Borkahd the fire giant is here.
Bedekleae the fire giant is here.

Borkahd says raising his deep voice 'A warrior has moved from this realm today!'

Uggro sighs.

Borkahd says growling softly 'Grawshen was strong. Maybe smell, maybe talk lots.'

Borkahd says 'But was strong. Brave.

You sigh.

Borkahd says 'Had rage inside, not afraid shed blood.'

Borkahd says glancing about slowly 'Maybe some not know good. But I remember lots of fights. Lots of blood, and skulls.'

Borkahd says 'Remember when lost voice, was source of strength. Taught many thing.'

Borkahd says 'Know in hardship, strength grows. He learned that. Not all warrior do.'

Woldrun nods

Vexarrin nods solemnly.

Borkahd says with a firm nod as he takes a step towards the corpse 'We lift his battle-scarred body together. Place on shield.'

Borkahd reaches down, taking the corpses right arm.

Woldrun easily hefts the left side of the duergar.

Vexarrin gently takes the left leg.

Bedekleae bends slowly to heft the corpse.

Borkahd says as he lifts the corpse 'Onto shield he goes.'

Iunna watches in silence.

Borkahd moves with the others, resting the limp and bloodied corpse onto the shield.

Borkahd says reaching under the shield to lift it 'Up, and out of war room.'

Blood Square
The soft warmth of the sun fills this bloodied and ancient square. The
earth is cracked and the ground is stained, yet this was once the heart
of the village and is marked as such by the blood that reddens the earth.
Barbarian children hardly notice your presence as they wrestle and run in
the square, so intent are they on their war-games and fun. Sparse weeds
grow along the northern edge of this square, becoming denser as you
approach the building that lies in that direction. To the south is a hut
from which plumes of smoke and ash drift into the deep blue skies. To the
west is another hut, secluded from the more traversed portions of this
village and draped with the furs of exotic animals. The path continues
east, leading toward one of the clusters of huts that make up the bulk of
the village.

Bedekleae the fire giant is here.
(WANTED) Uggro the fire giant is here.
Woldrun the cloud giant is here.
Brilliant white energy swirls around, taking the shape of a diminutive fela.
Borkahd the fire giant is here.

Borkahd says nodding as he lowers the shield 'I will start fire.'

Iunna shakes her head.

Iunna says 'Tha's mine.'

Borkahd moves to a large pile of corpses and tinder then pauses, nodding at Iunna.

Vexarrin weeps softly.

Borkahd says as he watches grimly 'If have words to say, tell Grawshen. Until body gone, spirit will hear.'

Vexarrin steps forward.

Amidst the Village, a diminutive fela kneels before a bloodied and battered corpse.

Iunna sighs quietly.

Vexarrin bends gently, kissing the corpses cold forhead.

You whisper 'Rest well, you have earned it warrior.'

Vexarrin steps back.

Bedekleae roughly bangs two maces together and the sound echoes throughout the village, fading slowly.

lowly, gently, lovingly, she touches the corpse with a single paw, setting it ablaze.

Uggro says with his voice slowly fading 'Em was fargin strong, em wus gud comrad, muh will fargin miss yuh Grawshen. '

Borkahd says as the flames grow 'Grawshen has earned right to rest, embraced by his goddess.'

Bedekleae says 'We brothers and sisters deal in death. It chases us always, but hims brought more than he suffered. Was good life!'

Borkahd says with a soft growl 'Only way leave Village with honor, is by fire.'

You whisper 'My next kill will be in his name. His honor'

Iunna says 'Th'damn crazy bastard.'

Woldrun says 'I know you can hear me.'

Woldrun says 'I never got to tell you this.'

Woldrun says 'Even though you deserved to hear it.'

Iunna gestures briefly with her paws, causing the flames to leap and dance wildly.

Woldrun says 'You smelled bad, and fought worse. And you were my friend. And a True Villager.'

Woldrun grins evilly.

Grumna whispers to you 'I name meh first kins afters.'

Borkahd says grumbling out a seldom heard chuckle 'Agree, did smell. But usually smell of blood. Not many hear my compliment, but was strong.'

Borkahd says with a booming shout 'Warriors, know Grawshen the Black Dragon! Sing name in battle song, remember! We mark his passing, it is complete...he is gone!'

Iunna drops her paws, letting the flames die.

Borkahd whispers 'May all Thera hear drums, may they know fear even in his death.'