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Topic subjectSolo ranking when...
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184, Solo ranking when...
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hit me when I was at 55%. I don’t know how it’s possible to fight Conjurers. I’ve only ever beaten a Counjurer with Servitors once, five years ago I think. =)

<49%hp 100%m 97%mv 4223tnl wilderness> QQ
You keep a faceless nightgaunt at bay with your polearm.
You keep a faceless nightgaunt at bay with your polearm.
A faceless nightgaunt grapples you with a paralytic hold!
A faceless nightgaunt spreads its wings and carries you off into the air.
You hang in a senseless sprawl as you're carried away to its master.
Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

A pair of giant lobster pincers lie upon the ground.
A gemstone rod of carnelian glows a deep orange.
(Glowing) A thaumaturgic circle is inscribed upon the ground.
A very large rock sticks out from the snow.
A horned figure of blackest shadow hovers here on soundless wings.
A ghastly little quasit skulks here, hissing to itself.
A disturbance in the air ripples and waves before you.
Chittering to itself, a lesser ice devil crouches here.
(Translucent) Iseng is here.
Suddenly you plummet through the air and are tossed roughly to the ground.
Its task complete, a faceless nightgaunt fades away into the shadows.

<49%hp 100%m 97%mv 4223tnl wilderness> QQ
You quaff a potion of return.
The attempt failed.
You yell 'Die, Conjurer, you sorcerous dog!'
Conjurer utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Conjurer waves his arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at
Conjurer's magic missile decimates you!
Conjurer's magic missile decimates you!
Conjurer's magic missile decimates you!
Conjurer is in perfect health.

<38%hp 100%m 97%mv 4223tnl wilderness> fl
A lesser ice devil gestures at you, uttering blasphemies.
Your hand starts shaking, but you do not drop a halberd inscribed with a dragon.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by an air elemental!'
You keep an air elemental at bay with your polearm.
An air elemental's blast DISMEMBERS you!
An air elemental's blast EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Conjurer remains safe as your slice bounces harmlessly off of a lightweight suit of
gold chainmail.
Your slice mauls Conjurer.
Your slice decimates Conjurer!
Conjurer's sting injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Conjurer's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Conjurer has a few scratches.

<20%hp 100%m 97%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

A frost giant lumbers through the wasteland.
You flee from combat!

<20%hp 100%m 95%mv 4223tnl wilderness>
Conjurer has arrived.

<20%hp 100%m 95%mv 4223tnl wilderness> QQ
You do not have that potion.

<20%hp 100%m 95%mv 4223tnl wilderness>
You yell 'Die, Conjurer, you sorcerous dog!'
Conjurer utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Conjurer waves his arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at
Conjurer's magic missile EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Conjurer's magic missile injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Conjurer's magic missile EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Conjurer has a few scratches.

<5%hp 100%m 95%mv 4223tnl wilderness> fl
A lesser ice devil has arrived.
A lesser ice devil gestures at you, uttering blasphemies.
You feel momentarily ill, but it passes.
An air elemental has arrived.
You yell 'Help! I'm being attacked by an air elemental!'
You dodge an air elemental's blast.
Conjurer has a few scratches.

<5%hp 100%m 95%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

You flee from combat!

<5%hp 100%m 94%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

A large, white-furred elk roams here searching for any signs of food.
A ragged-looking Felar watches you closely from the shadows.

<5%hp 100%m 92%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

Conjurer has arrived.

<5%hp 100%m 90%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

A large, white-furred elk roams here searching for any signs of food.
A ragged-looking Felar watches you closely from the shadows.

<5%hp 100%m 89%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

A ghastly little quasit skulks here, hissing to itself.
(Translucent) Conjurer is here.
A lesser ice devil has arrived.
An air elemental has arrived.

<5%hp 100%m 87%mv 4223tnl wilderness>
Conjurer leaves north.

<5%hp 100%m 87%mv 4223tnl wilderness> Lost in the Frigid Wastelands

A ghastly little quasit skulks here, hissing to itself.
(Translucent) Conjurer is here.
A large, white-furred elk roams here searching for any signs of food.
A ragged-looking Felar watches you closely from the shadows.

<5%hp 100%m 86%mv 4223tnl wilderness>
You yell 'Die, Conjurer, you sorcerous dog!'
Conjurer utters the words, 'waouq wuggurz'.
Conjurer waves his arm in a wide arc, sending projectiles of pure mana aimed at
Conjurer's magic missile mauls you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
Conjurer's magic missile mauls you.
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Conjurer's magic missile mauls you.
You have been KILLED!!