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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectI need new swords
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=958
958, I need new swords
Posted by AvoidCXT on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a lvl 30 sword spec, and I've had the same swords since lvl 10, so I bet there are some better swords out there that I could get. How should I go about finding them?
962, I rarely worry about how much damage a sword does. Hear's why.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I once won two PK's back to back with the stick from Aldevari. For those that don't know, it's basicly a poormans initial practice weapon. I say this because it does the same damage, but doesn't give you the battle updates.

I used it because had forgotten that I had it wielded in the first place and I managed to execute both fights properly.

That being said, I DO try to have a minimum damage of 16 on a weapon, with or without + Damage requirements. But there is a saying, the best gun to have in a gunfight is the one in your hand. Apply that logic to swords and you'll do fine.

The only other thing I like to do, is keep a 'Golf Bag' of vulnerability exploiting weapons and/or a few extra blades for those disarms/strips/weaponbreaks that cost you a weapon.

A tactic I have used as an evil was to snatch someone's prized weapon, then try to blackmail them for information on where it can befound. I believe this is how I found out where Drow Longswords were, and I promptly ran off to a mob death.


Just remember two things. Upper case letters at the beggining of a scentence, Punctuation at the end. (Spelling and grammar optional.)

960, Ask others in game, be a pest if need be
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sit at the inn for a bit. If someone comes in, take a look at the swords they are wielding and ask them where they came from. This works best if you are a good aligned character asking another good aligned character.

If you are ranking in a group, ask your groupmates for suggestions.

If that fails, you can always attempt to buy the information, offer gold for a better sword or knowledge of where to get one.
961, A key thing there:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Method A: "You have X. How can I get X for myself?"
Method B: "You have X. Can I have it?"

1) Players will respond better to A than B. It shows that you're trying to learn how to fend for yourself, and that you're willing to do the involved legwork instead of inflicting it on your benefactor.

2) A is better for you anyway. With B, you can be out of luck once you get killed, disarmed, pilfered, or a host of other things. With A, that's only a minor setback, likely costing you a minute or two the next time you're in that neck of the woods.

959, RE: I need new swords
Posted by rome on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you've had swords that long, you're not looking around hard enough. I give you a lot of credit, actually, for simply being alive that long (especially considering you must be pretty new).

I'm not going to spoon feed you here, but I'd ask some friends in game.. look on the ground in some obvious places.. or just go explore.

Some suggestions for easy safe exploration:

Udgaard. Lots of nice stuff there, especially for your level.

Mountains south of Galadon: Head out the south gate, look for a way to start going up.

Seantryn Moden.. the city south of the ocean. From Hamash, leave out the east gate, then go south across the ocean. Can be a little tricky to find on your first trip.

On your way to these three places you should find many more interesting places to find all kinds of things.
