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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectNewbie questions!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=444
444, Newbie questions!
Posted by athlon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've enjoyed the MUD thus far with the leveling that I have done, but I am surprised that I haven't been able to find any roleplay yet. I'm wondering...I see 37-70 people on at a time and just WONDER where all these people seem to be. What is there to do as a new player? Where can I go as a good character? an evil character? Where can I get started in roleplaying with each race? What classes are the most fun to roleplay?

If anyone could answer some of these questions, it'd be much appreciated.
445, Newbie answers!
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Check out 'help newbie3' for some advice on good places for newbies to go (as well as directions). Most locations listed have content for both good and evil characters, but you can use the 'consider' command (and common sense) to determine if it's good hunting for your character. When you outgrow those areas, the 'areas' command will give you an extensive list of the mud's areas and recommended levels for those areas, and the map you were given as a new adventurer can help you locate many of them.

The Inn of the Eternal Star is a good place to meet people who like to socialize and roleplay away from the dangers of adventuring, and 'who newbie' will bring up a list of characters under level 10 that you might want to form adventuring parties with. (Use the 'tell' command to contact them.) Check frequently, because new potential allies are may log on or come out of hiding at any time. After you pass level 10, 'who pk' can similarly be used to contact allies and alert you to potential threats (and prey, for that matter!)

If you go through the Academy you'll find a chamber with some representatives of each race to examine, and also check the 'help' files for information on each of the races. We're in the process of expanding these to include more extensive information, and some have extensive entries already. While visiting the Inn of the Eternal Star you might consider asking if one of the Heralds associated with the Inn can 'vouch' for you to visit their library out back (known as the Celestial Lyceum). A great wealth of roleplaying resources awaits you there as well.

Each and every class can be fun to roleplay. It's all about what you as a player, put into it. Some roleplayers enjoy playing our empowerment classes (druids, paladins, healers, and shamans) due to the unique roleplaying relationship they have with their immortal patrons (see 'help empowerment') - however these classes are not recommended to newbies for the very same reason - it can be challenging for one uninitiated in the ways of Carrion Fields to achieve in this area, but if you feel you are up for the challenge, you are welcome to try! Any of our recommended newbie classes as suggested during character generation can be equally fun to roleplay, and have a lower frusteration factor for those just learning the ropes of the game.

I'm glad you're enjoying your time on the MUD so far. Have fun!
448, RE: Newbie answers!
Posted by Alynana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Along with the who pk to find groupmates who may know something that can help you and teach you as you go ranking, you may also try the 'who group' command. It'll show you everyone in your grouping ability so that maybe if people in your pk don't want to rank, those in your group range will. It's always a possibility.