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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectA few questions from an old player returning.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=433
433, A few questions from an old player returning.
Posted by Thaelog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I used to play Carrion Fields for a while way back when, and I've decided to give it another go. It's nice being able to play during the off-hours at work here, when the boss isn't in. *grins*

In any case, I've started up an Orc named Maelgog, in order to re-introduce myself to the game. I didn't get to PvP very much my last time, even though I did have an Orc at roughly level 20, I believe. So, I hopped in hoping to band with some other Orcs and have a blast, re-learning the game and it's nuances once again. Much to my dismay, there were no Orcs on at all. Not a single one. I asked about this, and was told that Orcs were probably the single most rare race in Carrion Fields right now. This isn't *too* different from the time in which I used to play, but there were at least a handful of them on during the times I was online - we used to have fun, running about chaotically, roleplaying wildly.

I enjoy the Orc "style". Being at once, the horrible, overbearing monster which can shred things around him, but at the same time, needing others of his kind around to rise to his full potential. More on this near the end of the post.

My second question relates to Thieves and Assassins. I had wanted to play a Thief during my last foray, but the time restraints which forced me to leave in the first place didn't allow me to. I am not sure what has come of them in terms of all these new "Paths" they can take, but back then, I simply knew that they would Blackjack people, and tie them up in various ways, causing a lot of chaos and basically screwing up the victims normal frame of mind for combat - not allowing them to use any of their preparations for general PK'ing to their fullest. If I am not mistaken, these abilities are now in their own Path, and not a general Thief thing, correct? How effective are they, and what is this that I am hearing about them being one-trick ponies? Is it a reliance on Blackjack (either you succeed, or you run or die trying) which lends to this labeling?

How different are Assassins from Thieves, other than the most obvious differentiations (no stealing, more attacks, and such). How do they 'handle' comparatively? I've read that "Assassinate" is almost pointless, as nobody ever succumbs to it who has half a brain. Are they just a Thief without the utility, and more attacks?

Thanks for any responses, nobody would help me with information in game, no matter how politely I tried to ask over 'tell', so this is all I can think of to aquire this information.

- Maelgog
434, RE: A few questions from an old player returning.
Posted by Qaledus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I asked about this, and was told that Orcs were probably the
>single most rare race in Carrion Fields right now.

Orcs are one of the rarer races, if only because Orcs are
limited to the one class. Choosing any other race allows
for more class choices. But there is still the issue of
orcs wanting to play with orcs, so people are more inclined
to roll up orcs when they see orcs. It comes and goes in
waves. Also, orcs are relatively new compared to the other
classes and they're a bit harder to figure out than the
other classes.

We've recently added bloodletting to the orc toolbox, as
well as giving them another place to practice (help galadon
guild directions) but in the end orcs just like to be around
other orcs.

Incidentally, you don't want to post the name of your active
character in the future. I know that will seem odd for you
coming back after time away, but you're better off for it.

>If I am not mistaken, these abilities are now in their own
>Path, and not a general Thief thing, correct?

Yes. Click on classes in the left column and select Thief
you'll see the general thief skills as well as some example
guildhalls which start each of the Paths. Some guildhalls will
require that you join the Guild (which is entirely different)
and some are free.

>How effective are they, and what is this that I am hearing
>about them being one-trick ponies? Is it a reliance on Blackjack
> (either you succeed, or you run or die trying) which lends to
>this labeling?

Each path is dedicated to a singular sort of style, and each
path has sort of niche tactics that they'll favor. I'd say
some of them have several tricks. They're not best suited
for straight up fighting, so they have to stick to what works
best for them.

>How different are Assassins from Thieves, other than the most
>obvious differentiations (no stealing, more attacks, and
>such). How do they 'handle' comparatively?

Assassins are better straight up toe-to-toe fighters. Thieves
have a little more flexibility in what they can learn, as far
as mixing Paths and such.

>I've read that "Assassinate" is almost pointless, as nobody
>ever succumbs to it who has half a brain.

Without being too critical, let's say that assassinate works
very effectively on the vast majority of players. There are
things that can be done to minimize the danger of it, but
many people don't worry about it and even the most paranoid
are going to get lazy once in a while.

>Are they just a Thief without the utility, and more attacks?

They're totally different other than they hide and sneak.
Assassins are better built for fighting and killing than
thieves. Thieves are excellent backup in a fight and on
their own can probably annoy anyone to the limits of mental
durability, but to kill they need to choose their battles
better than assassins.

435, RE: Hmm.
Posted by Thaelog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks a bunch for the information! I realize now that asking specifics about Paths was probably naive of me. For the record, I've been pouring over the help files the last two days, trying to get up to standards.

I think Thief is more my style, as I really love the idea of stealing, and escaping with my life, or having to use a heft amount of tactics in order to kill people and survive just the same - it is much more satisfying to achieve victory when you do not have the inherent advantages.

I will probably end up playing both, however.

Just a few more questions, which have been bugging me:

When you sneak, what determines how well you are hidden? Your skill in it from 0%-100%, or the level difference between you and the onlooker (or both)?

If you are hidden in a room, do people see "Someone is here." Or, do they simply remain entirely unaware of a presence in the area?

Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any tips on playing a Thief in the younger levels - specifically a Duergar or Svirfnebli? IE: Which race is more suitable in general for a Thief? Is playing an evil Duergar more dangerous for me as a new player, getting used to things? What might be the advantages one would have over the other (in application, rather than on paper)?

Sorry to be so inquisitive, and thank you very much for your assistance.

- Anonymous ;)
436, Bit o help.
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think Thief is more my style, as I really love the idea of
>stealing, and escaping with my life, or having to use a heft
>amount of tactics in order to kill people and survive
just the
>same - it is much more satisfying to achieve victory when you
>do not have the inherent advantages.

On the right track, without a doubt. Scrolls, etc are a bit part of this, no matter what path you take. Sometimes bartering Eq for information is a good way to find some decent ones. Other thieves are usually good with telling you where you can buy some, since it doesn't take away from their supplies.

>I will probably end up playing both, however.
>Just a few more questions, which have been bugging me:
>When you sneak, what determines how well you are hidden? Your
>skill in it from 0%-100%, or the level difference between you
>and the onlooker (or both)?

Sneak is just about moving undetected, the % is your chance of 'being in sneak mode'. It also shows up on your Affects list. Hide success is also in the %, but you won't know for sure without someone to tell you.

>If you are hidden in a room, do people see "Someone is here."
>Or, do they simply remain entirely unaware of a presence in
>the area?

If you are hidden, noone sees anything, except people who can see you (other thieves, assassins, duergar, tribunals) who see you with a (Hide) flag. Usually if you do something (movement wise) you'll step out of the shadows, which you get an echo for.

>Do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any tips on
>playing a Thief in the younger levels - specifically a Duergar
>or Svirfnebli? IE: Which race is more suitable in general for
>a Thief? Is playing an evil Duergar more dangerous for me as a
>new player, getting used to things? What might be the
>advantages one would have over the other (in application,
>rather than on paper)?

I would suggest Arial - (High Int for learning skills, and High Dex for pulling off those skills, autofly). For Assassin and Thief both really.
Human - decent overall stats, no exp penalty.
Svirfnebli - Ok choice for thief. inherent detect invis is good, ok Int, good Wis (more practices, and learning off mistakes and ranks) Ok Dex. being neutral might help with less enemies. Nothing great, but ok choice overall.
Duerg - I wouldn't pick this first time. You've got good strength and dex, but you can already see Hidden as a skill, and too many people would hunt you.

As far as good/evil, I would pick Good, or Neutral. Neutrals naturally have fewer enemies. Good's usually help each other, so you might get a Hero to help you out, if you're on their side.

>Sorry to be so inquisitive, and thank you very much for your
>- Anonymous ;)

As Far as the Thief Paths go, I'd start with City Ties. All the way. Then see if you can pick up any of the first skills from another path. (I don't think you can, but you can look) If you had another path in mind, do all of that path, then pick up skills from the other guilds. Doing this you will find out what skills you really want, and which you can live without, thereby making it easier for you to mix paths later on. Generally those that play thieves, will play more than one, changing a little each time. You may or may not get 'how far can I go in this path, and then in this path' information from an IG Guildmate, but you've got a better chance than on the forums for sure.

As with everything, your goals have alot to do with it. Race and Alignment, Cabal(if any) and such will all shape your choices. Maybe play a thief up to 20 or so, and then see what you think. Maybe keep going, maybe reroll with your new information and knowledge of things.
