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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subject% knowledge of spells/supps
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=4190
4190, % knowledge of spells/supps
Posted by crsweeney on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A question was asked today on the newbie channel which did not receive an immortal response but rather several players chimed in their opinions but were unable to provide substantiated immortal comment. I would appreciate if an immortal could please clarify:

Does the % of learning for a spell/supplication effect the effectiveness/duration of the resulting buff, debuff? (or potential for damage if the spell/supplication does damage)

As an example:

Beyond not losing concentration if I cast blindness on an opponent will having the spell at 50% or 100% effect the likelihood it succeeds? Will it effect the duration of the resulting malediction?

The players answering on the newbie channel were very much convinced the % of the ability has no such effect. It only qualifies the user for edges to learn a spell, or reveals knowledge of a resulting ability (assassin kicks, invokers etc) However even if this is true in most cases, I believe there are exceptions to this concept. Haven % learned as an example effecting the duration of Sanctuary.

Are there other such circumstances even if in general this is not the case?
4222, RE: % knowledge of spells/supps
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Duration of a spell or commune is generally based on level. For spells, the veil can also impact spell durations. Spellcraft will improve the level you cast at and therefore also help durations. For druids, your herbs can impact your prayer durations. Edges can improve duration of certain affects as well. There are probably other things that can also effect duration in some fringe cases but those are the big ones off the top of my head.

The percentage you have learned the spell or commune only effects whether or not you fail at it (lose concentration), edges you can learn if they pertain to it, or open up new skill avenues (ie, assassin kicks).

This was explained quite some time ago, might want to try digging through the search but the players who spoke with you are correct.
4191, RE: % knowledge of spells/supps
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Beyond not losing concentration if I cast blindness on an
>opponent will having the spell at 50% or 100% effect the
>likelihood it succeeds? Will it effect the duration of the
>resulting malediction?

No and no.

>The players answering on the newbie channel were very much
>convinced the % of the ability has no such effect. It only
>qualifies the user for edges to learn a spell, or reveals
>knowledge of a resulting ability (assassin kicks, invokers
>etc) However even if this is true in most cases, I believe
>there are exceptions to this concept. Haven % learned as an
>example effecting the duration of Sanctuary.
>Are there other such circumstances even if in general this is
>not the case?

Yes; for example, sometimes having later spells in an invoker path gives a bonus to earlier spells in the same path. E.g. having Earthshield at 100 might give a bonus to Avalanche damage. Most other examples are called out in relevant helpfiles.