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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectOrc Skills
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=4008
4008, Orc Skills
Posted by Eriad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, recently I have been playing some Orcs, and some of the skills I just plain havn't got (literally or figuratively). So listing them here:

#1 Why would I use headbutt?
I can't dual wield while using it, I take damage, and there is no savage feeding or cheap shot (I beleive), so why not bash/trip?

#2 The Skrugga skills of Cower and Take Cover, do they rely on DEX? Or do they stand alone?

#3 Does Footstomp give a -DEX?
I would assume by the helpfile, but I don't have any real way of knowing.
4009, RE: Orc Skills
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Ok, recently I have been playing some Orcs, and some of the
>skills I just plain havn't got (literally or figuratively). So
>listing them here:
>#1 Why would I use headbutt?
>I can't dual wield while using it, I take damage, and there is
>no savage feeding or cheap shot (I beleive), so why not

You're fighting me, and I'm flying and have protective shield, control translucence, armor of thorns, one of the seven Shield of X invoker spells, or wraithform up. Now what?

This is not a rare situation, especially closer to hero.

>#2 The Skrugga skills of Cower and Take Cover, do they rely on
>DEX? Or do they stand alone?

Probably DEX related but also tuned with Orc DEX expectations.

>#3 Does Footstomp give a -DEX?
>I would assume by the helpfile, but I don't have any real way
>of knowing.

4010, Thank you n/t
Posted by Eriad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM