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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectsleek wands
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3847, sleek wands
Posted by golgepapaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have some questions about how to acquire sleek wands. You can consider me a complete newbie when answering.I've been helped by some
characters in game but there are still many things I don't get a grasp of.

- Do I have to kill possible carriers in order to discover one?
(I believe this is so.Just wanted to make sure)

- Could they be carried by any mage or can I rule out some? Like guildguards,shopkeepers,generic mages (like the ones in tower or azuremain)

- Can I discover any wands if I look around hard or do I have to attain a certain rank for being able to discovering some(levels 37,42,47 as the helpfiles suggest)

-Can I find more than one source for a single wand ?

- Are the wands carried by the mobs with respect to their levels (e.g. No barrier wand from the mages in aldevari or copeham inn)

- Can they be in explore areas or just the regular areas?

- How does the detect artifact spell work? (I am yet to learn it though)

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated..
3850, RE: sleek wands
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

> - Do I have to kill possible carriers in order to discover

Often you do.

> - Could they be carried by any mage or can I rule out some?
>Like guildguards,shopkeepers,generic mages (like the ones in
>tower or azuremain)

Yes guildguards and guildmasters can have them.

> - Can I discover any wands if I look around hard or do I have
>to attain a certain rank for being able to discovering
>some(levels 37,42,47 as the helpfiles suggest)

30 for amber and sienna, 35 for black.
> -Can I find more than one source for a single wand ?

If you attune
> - Are the wands carried by the mobs with respect to their
>levels (e.g. No barrier wand from the mages in aldevari or
>copeham inn)

sienna tends to be from lowbie mobs but not always, amber from midranks but not always, black from high ranks.
> - Can they be in explore areas or just the regular areas?

Yes they can be from area explore, but generally if they are, they are not on mobs, but just grabbable.
> - How does the detect artifact spell work? (I am yet to learn
>it though)

You get it, turn it on, walk into the room and youll get told its in the room
>Any pointers would be greatly appreciated..
3848, RE: sleek wands
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> I have some questions about how to acquire sleek wands. You
>can consider me a complete newbie when answering.I've been
>helped by some
>characters in game but there are still many things I don't get
>a grasp of.
> - Do I have to kill possible carriers in order to discover
> (I believe this is so.Just wanted to make sure)

Many times, yes.

> - Could they be carried by any mage or can I rule out some?
>Like guildguards,shopkeepers,generic mages (like the ones in
>tower or azuremain)

I could be entirely offbase, but I don't BELIEVE there's any shopkeepers, guildguards, or guildmasters that have "sleek" wands. There are some that may have limited aura, barrier, or shield wands, and even a spot or two you can buy wands with the spells, though.

> - Can I discover any wands if I look around hard or do I have
>to attain a certain rank for being able to discovering
>some(levels 37,42,47 as the helpfiles suggest)

You do have to be a certain level to find, any of the sleek wands. I believe it's more around 30 and 35ish, but again it's been awhile.

> -Can I find more than one source for a single wand ?

Each character gets 1 location for sleek black, amber, and sienna wand. You CAN choose the attunement edges to gain a 2nd location.

> - Are the wands carried by the mobs with respect to their
>levels (e.g. No barrier wand from the mages in aldevari or
>copeham inn)

In a general sense, I would say that's the right idea, but don't rule everything out. Some wand spots are just walk in and grab it. Even for a barrier or two (though getting TO said point can be difficult).

> - Can they be in explore areas or just the regular areas?

I honestly don't remember, so I'll pass on this question.

> - How does the detect artifact spell work? (I am yet to learn
>it though)

It is something of a quest spell, so I'll try to be broad but still give you enough to be useful.

1) You have to have done a bit of exploring & observation to begin with.
2) You then talk to a certain mob & do some stuff to learn the spell.
3) When you have the spell, cast it and it will show up in your affects list.
4) While active, the spell will help cue you in to spots you can obtain aura, barrier, or shield items. I doesn't always trigger, but it'll help direct you. When you come across your sleek wands, it responds a little differently and has a MUCH better chance to activate.

>Any pointers would be greatly appreciated..
No problem. Of course, this is why I just play ragers & priests. Resist, or sanc on a stick!
3849, RE: sleek wands
Posted by golgepapaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you very much for your answers. A few points to elaborate though
>> - Could they be carried by any mage or can I rule out some?
>>Like guildguards,shopkeepers,generic mages (like the ones in
>>tower or azuremain)
>I could be entirely offbase, but I don't BELIEVE there's any
>shopkeepers, guildguards, or guildmasters that have "sleek"
>wands. There are some that may have limited aura, barrier, or
>shield wands, and even a spot or two you can buy wands with
>the spells, though.
What about the generic mages? Do I have to kill every explorer
in azuremain for example?

>> - Can I discover any wands if I look around hard or do I
>>to attain a certain rank for being able to discovering
>>some(levels 37,42,47 as the helpfiles suggest)
>You do have to be a certain level to find, any of the sleek
>wands. I believe it's more around 30 and 35ish, but again
>it's been awhile.

So it's entirely possible to find a barrier wand at level 37 right?

3851, RE: sleek wands
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In areas with lots of mages it is usually the 'named' or important ones but yes, killing them all will remove any ambiguity as what I said above is not 100% true. If you explore and gain the detect artefact spell through the Tower of Sorcery you can, after rank 47 find all of the rooms/mobs specifically without a need for the 'pot luck' element of killing everything.

Some classes are not so easily spammed up to rank 47 to look so examining and killing mobs from 30 onwards can/will help you find your sleeks AND limited wands also.

Straklaw, in a post above, mentioned them not being on guildguards or guildmasters (unless I read it wrong) but that is untrue. I know of three or so sleeks on those types of mobs. Never on a shopkeeper yet unless you count all mobs you can buy stuff from as shopkeepers, then even one of those I know has an aura.

It is a pain, we know, but talking to people IC and offering your magic to help others find theirs can help you build up a list of possible places for future characters. That said, my current has all but exhausted my black list and completely exhausted my sienna and I am still without.

Good luck
3852, RE: sleek wands
Posted by golgepapaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>It is a pain, we know, but talking to people IC and offering
>your magic to help others find theirs can help you build up a
>list of possible places for future characters. That said, my
>current has all but exhausted my black list and completely
>exhausted my sienna and I am still without.
>Good luck

Thanks for the information. Today I've found a amber rod
in tower with the help of the 'detect artifact' spell.(Guess t'was my lucky day. I wasn't even looking for it). Although same spell triggered on Pascimius and archmage of tower. Killing pascimius revealed a wand but not my wand, so I gather the spell might give false positives or the archmage has my black wand (I shudder to think)
3853, RE: sleek wands
Posted by Clahier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are a different messages you will get.

Some will be thick pink stands, some will be whispy or something like that strands. The ones you are talking about are where it fired on limited wands...your sleeks will be a different sort of message.
3854, RE: sleek wands
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are guildmasters and guildguards with sleek wands.

And one of the guildmasters is like one of most annoying spots you can get.