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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectLost a password
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=379
379, Lost a password
Posted by Solison on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I lost the password to a character. I had been away from my main computer for a while and when I came back I couldn't remember the password. Just the name. I was wondering if you could send the password to my e-mail or AIM?
380, Lemme answer this for you.
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, they can't. Even if they could find the password for your character (which it's a good bet only the big dog Jullias can do since he owns/lives with the server for CF) they wouldn't give it out, and wouldn't make exceptions, much for the same reason AOL Admins and Battle.net personell don't ask for your password. It serves little helpful purpose compared to the amount of harm asking for it can cause, and that goes double for them being able to retrieve it and tell you.

Your best bet is to learn the lesson and do one of two things:

Make an easier password to remember, but not too easy. It's highly unlikely someone will feel the need to try and guess your character's password since it tells you how many unsuccessful login tries there were, giving the fact that it was hacked away. Also, the Imms would catch any suspicious activity such as brute forcing the character's password anyway.

Your other option is to create a new text file on your desktop (or in a folder on the desktop) with your character's name as the filename. Store his description, role, password, and any other important information such as pertinent logs or eq lists or even lists of people your character associates with, whatever you will have trouble remembering. Not only will this save your little level 15 when the file is only 2 KB in size with just a description and password in it, but you can also comb through this file when you delete provided you updated it regularly. As long as no other avid CFers live with you, you should be set.

But no, the only form of character recovery the imms can assist you with is a corrupt pfile and that happens only occasionally. (So occasionally that it's never happened to me, and I've been here four years now.)
381, We will never know your password.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, they can't. Even if they could find the password for your character (which it's a good bet only the big dog Jullias can do since he owns/lives with the server for CF)

No one can. They're encrypted. It's my understanding that we couldn't tell you your password even if we wanted to.

they wouldn't give it out, and wouldn't make exceptions, much for the same reason AOL Admins and Battle.net personell don't ask for your password.

Yup. We'll never ask.

382, RE: We will never know your password.
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm, perhaps the imms would never ask, but Valguarnera what is yours? ;)