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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectPoisoners- ingredients and affects?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3713
3713, Poisoners- ingredients and affects?
Posted by Supa Me2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

So I've been trying out a thief studying the poisoner path...

Is the only way to tell the actual affects of a poison to try it yourself (and also make an antidote)? Then does the antidote have to be the exact same ingredients...or how does that work?

Also, how does it work when combining ingredients? I tried combining ingredients that both made one kind of poison and I got a completely different kind. Is there some kind of logic behind this, or is it simply trial and error (so many possible combos!)? How likely are multiple ingredients to produce better vials (vs. single ingredients)?

Emetic poison seems pretty straightforward. But can someone explain what the impacts of fear poison are? How about neurological poison? What do these actually do to other players in practical terms. I don't have a good sense about what they actually do so not sure how they should be used.

Do better/stronger poisons have different types of impacts, or just last longer or do greater damage?

Thanks for the help.
3715, Now that I won't be outting myself by helping you with this...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off sorry if you've already deleted, but maybe this will help others down the road.

>So I've been trying out a thief studying the poisoner path...
>Is the only way to tell the actual affects of a poison to try
>it yourself (and also make an antidote)? Then does the
>antidote have to be the exact same ingredients...or how does
>that work?

I made a spreadsheet by going through all of my old logfiles and searching for the phrase 'poison ingredient' and then noting what the item was and where I found it. Then I went and tried to gather up all of them that I could.

In addition some IC interactions lead me to quite a few more.

But yes, in general you need to try them to see what they do.

Green vial = emetic
blue vial = knockout
violet vial = neurological
black vial = fear
not sure what color mind control is but I figure it'd be easy enough to figure out.

Also you can lore the vial once it is created to see the level. Higher level on the vial, of course, means higher level on the effect. One particular (Legendary) ingredient gave me a level 73 knockout vial.

...which I then failed to apply because my apply inhaled skill was only at like 83% when I deleted. :P

>Also, how does it work when combining ingredients? I tried
>combining ingredients that both made one kind of poison and I
>got a completely different kind. Is there some kind of logic
>behind this, or is it simply trial and error (so many possible
>combos!)? How likely are multiple ingredients to produce
>better vials (vs. single ingredients)?

One guideline (this might not be completely true, just seemed to work for me): In general, combining emetic and neurological makes fear.

>Emetic poison seems pretty straightforward. But can someone
>explain what the impacts of fear poison are? How about
>neurological poison? What do these actually do to other
>players in practical terms. I don't have a good sense about
>what they actually do so not sure how they should be used.

Someone affected by fear (via poison or from devils or what have you) cannot initiate combat in any way. If you strike them, they auto-wimpy. HOWEVER if they fail to flee (or you just plain miss), they CAN PERFORM ATTACKS that will lag them. I believe Yarglen nearly got me one time, despite being affected by fear, because I cut him off after I knifed him and he instantly pincered. Fear seems to be able to cause other affects such as blindness but I only believe that due to some of the echoes I saw. Tough to catch in the spam of combat.

Neurological poison can just really mess with someone. It has a chance of screwing up your moves as you walk, so you might type west and go north instead (even if there's no north exit). It can interfere with spell casting, too. Not completely sure about what else. You might consider poisoning a weapon for someone and fighting them in the Arena to see what it does.

>Do better/stronger poisons have different types of impacts, or
>just last longer or do greater damage?

I believe just last longer/greater damage.

>Thanks for the help.