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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectFood
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3325
3325, Food
Posted by flu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hello all,
I really love exploring the world, but all that wandering around and climbing over mountains really takes it out of an adventurer. Food is an expensive thing, and it seems like I'm always on the verge of dying from starvation from being destitute. What strategies have folks found useful for keeping either a steady supply of food on hand or a steady supply of copper for buying food? Short of going on animal mob-slaying rampages hoping for edible body parts or some good coinage, I haven't really found anything that works.


3332, RE: Food
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please don't let this discourage you, but food is generally not thought of as being expensive. If you feel it's expensive then your gold gathering tactics are seriously deficient. I don't say that to be snooty or mocking; just trying to give an honest assessment.

Ask your "natural allies" in game how they generated coins when they were at the lower levels. It usually involves killing mobs and selling their gear or items. You should be able to gather and sell enough stuff in 5 minutes to feed yourself for the next 5-6 hours of game play.
3327, RE: Food
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the various merchants in the major cities. Try to determine what sort of thing each of them is interested in buying, then keep your eyes open as you search the holes, cracks, and crevices of Thera.

Some of them, mostly armorers and weaponsmiths will run out of money rather quickly and not be able to buy what you are offering, but there are tailors and jewelers, tanners and scribes who are less frequently sold to who can keep your low level character pretty flush with copper.

There are also places where treasure is just lying around, waiting to be found. Bandits may leave a scene of carnage, but miss a hidden compartment full of coin. There might be a forgotten chest full of gold.

Additionally, free food is available in many areas. Fruit may be on the ground, but if you look in bushes or trees or under logs you'll find other things to eat.

You may find steaks on the ground, left by groups who have been ranking. Eat them at your own risk. If a ranger made them, you'll be fine, but the steaks made by Orcs can be poisonous.

Good Luck. CF is a harsh environment, but the immersion and experience is unlike anything you'll find anywhere else. Welcome.
3329, RE: Food
Posted by flu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the tips about scribes, jewelers, and tailors! It wouldn't have occurred to me right away.
3330, Lots of low level treasure types to be had too.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pick up those garnets and emeralds and such. Low weight, worth some coin when you sell them. Can barter too if you can't find someone to buy them.

EDIT: Hell peridots right there south of Galadon. There is someone who will buy infinite amounts of them too.
3331, More stuff on food
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Food varies greatly, so always make sure your char should be eating it. IE. Mr. Corrlaan Pally probably shouldn't be eating steaks made from Relagar the elf, or the Limb Snacks from Udgaard (I love these).

Also, theres almost always a least one food item found in the various taverns, which can be pretty good, so don't discount those.

Also a big newbie mistake is buying 40 deep fried turkeys because they're cheap and effective. Weight matters!
3326, You can sell items to shops to gather money.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can also barter items for food, but this usually gives you less food than what you would if you managed to sell the item and buy the food.

Also, there is much of hidden food items in the game that do not cost money. I think there was at least one animal that dropped good food when you killed it. Some kind of deer or such in open plains, a bit east of Tir-Talath. For food, I can recommend the steaks in the Inn of Eternal Star.
3328, Bears drop bear flanks in the open plains. nt
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM