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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectThis whole death issue
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=326
326, This whole death issue
Posted by Izail on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I'm pretty sure as most of us who play CF there are times when one wishes just to explore the world in peace...Till outta nowhere we get attack by large rabid beast abd sunddenly wind up back at the temple layin gon our backs because we are dead and have no clue where are body lies at and even then we know that when we go back there we're going to die again. Which brings up the only option left wait for your body to decompose and all your items go to the temple alter where they will be most likely stoling from under your nose by others. The latter happend just before I wrote this. So what I'm really trying to get here is is ther a way to walk in peace and not play kill or be killed game when one wish to just stroll? I've lost my charater 5 times cause of ambushing even when I was invis. And Today I had to just give up cause people just had to come along and take my hard earned rewards all because a big rabid beast came an' in bit me in the arse. CF Is a good game but this on annoying fact just keeps showing it's ugly head again and again and well I just want to know if there is anyway this could possably change or am I going to have to go to a new mud?
346, RE: This whole death issue
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have played on muds that have a 'safe' mode, you couldn't Pk anyone or be PK'ed unless you joined a clan or typed outcast. I really hated that because you have items that are restricted to a certain limit and all these people that can't be PK'ed have them, making it impossible for the rest to obtain them. I sincerely doubt that CF will ever go in this direction, but if it did, they would have to hard code it so any 'safe' chars would lose all of their limited items when they quit to keep them in circulation.

In your post you mentioned that you die to a mob, but can't go back to your corpse. Remember that when you are a ghost, as long as you don't attack anything, there are very few things that can kill you. Use that ghost period to go back to your corpse and get your things back rather than waiting at the pit.
330, RE: This whole death issue
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's possible to explore certain parts of certain areas with a LVL1 character. You'll die. Alot. But who cares? Note: don't blame me if you get banned.

Aside from the above, one way to avoid getting pit-looted is to have an out-of-the-way hometown. Arial city, Eryn Galen, Tir-Talath, Barovia, Seantryn Modan. South Dairien if it's a choice.

Another way is to avoid letting people know you're waiting for your corpse to decay. In other words, don't stand right next to the pit. If possible stay in your guild and run out every our to check if it's decayed. If your class has locate object, go somewhere remote and locate your items until you see them at your pit, then word and get them. Etc.

Not dying also helps. You may want to wait until you're LVL51 to go exploring. No XP penalty when you die, and you should be able to handle a wider range of areas.

Some areas (rife with aggressive mobs) can be explored by duo-dimensioned transmuters. Others can't.
327, RE: This whole death issue
Posted by Rogardian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I'm reading this correctly, it sounds like your asking if we can do something to remove the chance of dying and being looted?

Dying and loosing things is part of playing, if there is no risk involved then there isn't any reward either. It's also part of the excitement of playing, and adds to the realisim. I think anyone who has been playing CF for a while would be horrified at the idea of removing the ability to die and loot. It's part of our charm, you know.

As much as it sucks to die and lose the gear you've gathered, it really is for the best. Once you've spent sime time learning, YOU will be the one doing the killing. Literally EVERYONE dies and gets looted. There have been very strong characters who died very infrequently, but that's about it. I think if you try it out longer and continue to learn the ropes, you'll find CF very enjoyable.