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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectA little help on edges...?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3184
3184, A little help on edges...?
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How often should I be picking edges? Like, when the first few options show up are they worth picking, or is it better to wait a while and save up your edge points for something better?

How many choices does an average character get, and how often can I expect them to show up as an option?

Do all edges "cost" the same amount of edge points, or are some more expensive to choose?

Are there any edges that I should know about that are extremely important, that most people take?

Any major mistakes to avoid with regard to edges?

Any advice is appreciated as I'm still trying to figure out exactly how this edge thing works.
3187, RE: A little help on edges...?
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Average edges is a bit meaningless, because some do cost more than others. My characters tend to range between 5 and 20 edges, but typically delete with around 8-10. However, I do rack up a lot of exploration and observation exp, and typically get between 1k and 4k of imm exp. (One of my characters had much more than this, hence the 20 edges.)

Edges become available at different points, because they have different requirements, some of which may not be listed when you ask for prerequisites.

I tend to have an idea of which edges I REALLY want, and which are "nice to have". I also have a rough idea of what a given amount of various exp is likely to get me in terms of edges. This means that I will be able to form a reasonable judgement on whether taking a cheap "nice to have" edge now is likely to mean I don't have enough edge points for that REALLY nice edge later. Generally I can afford to pick the odd cheap edge or two without delaying how quickly I can get the first really nice edge.

Personally, I would take a couple of "basic" edges (e.g. calmed mind) and then save the rest for what I consider to be really useful edges (e.g. twitchy, or some of the class specific edges).
3186, What I do...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...is treat edges a bit like warrior specs, legacies, invoker paths, shifter paths, and so on. I have a general idea of which ones I want to try to get with a given character's build.

Here's an example. As one of my dwarf warriors, Shilbor, I knew I was going to take Gates of the Forge as one of my legacy choices, and was pretty sure I'd be taking Whispers of the Great Siege as my other one. So I knew I'd have really good healing and pretty good dam reduction. I decided to enhance that healing further by taking Dove of Spring Dawn, Hawk of Summer Afternoon, and so on.

Another example. If I were playing a character without detect hidden, and expected to face a lot of thieves/assassins, I'd take the Twitchy edge every time.

If I couldn't take the Twitchy edge yet, I'd likely discuss the prereqs with the guildmaster and if it seemed like I must have met them, I'd assume I didn't have enough edge points. Then I wouldn't take anything else until I could take the edge(s) I wanted.
3185, Some answers
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>How often should I be picking edges? Like, when the first few
>options show up are they worth picking, or is it better to
>wait a while and save up your edge points for something

I like to prioritize the edges I take so I wait till I can get the edge(s) I want the most and choose them first.

>How many choices does an average character get, and how often
>can I expect them to show up as an option?

Really depends on the edges you choose as some cost more then others. But in general the more you participate in PK, earn explore exp, observation and commerce exp, as well as IMM exp the more edge points you will earn and the more often you will be able to pick additional edges.

>Do all edges "cost" the same amount of edge points, or are
>some more expensive to choose?

Some edges are more expensive then others.

>Are there any edges that I should know about that are
>extremely important, that most people take?

Edges are generally small benefits so you should be able to survive just fine without any one particular edge. With that said, there are some edges that are more popular then others, I think this is true more so for individual class edges.

>Any major mistakes to avoid with regard to edges?

I wouldn't pick the first edges that become available wait till you can pick something you know you want. There are help files for all/almost all edges so you should be able to have an idea of what sounds good prior to picking.

>Any advice is appreciated as I'm still trying to figure out
>exactly how this edge thing works.

Edges tend to be small benefits/tweaks to your skils/spells/sups, they tend not to be game changers, so don't sweat them too much, pick what you think will be fun and enjoy them.

Hope that helps.