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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectJoining a Cabal
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=315
315, Joining a Cabal
Posted by Dindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, I have a pretty general question I guess. I'm probably what most people would call a newbie. I've been playing this mud for about 5 months and have had quite a few characters but the farthest i've gotten is to about rank 30 or near that. However, I have another one with a pretty good desc and feasible role and he's around rank 30 again and I was considering trying to join a Cabal.

Thing is, i've never been part of one and I don't want to join one and let everyone down because I don't know all the areas and i'm not amazing yet at pk or anything though I do alright. I know I probably wouldn't get in anyway but I don't want to make a fool of myself. I guess my question is, should I rank up a few characters to hero without any affiliations first and learn more aspects of the game and wait for a future character of mine to apply? Or will joining a cabal help me learn the game? I don't know what it's like so any input would be much appreciated. I figure the immortal in charge of the cabal will expect me to know all these things I don't know yet, but I wonder if maybe they'll help you along. Thanks in advance.
321, RE: Joining a Cabal
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude. Join. If anything it'll accelerate your getting to know the game. I remember Isildur the character in Masters. It totally made my day when I finally got inducted. Why? Because you had to interview with all five (yeah, freaking five interviews) Lord Adepts and know all this "secret" (so I thought) stuff in order to get in. So finally I scraped together enough knowledge in game to get inducted. Was neat. Got to interact with alot more people, got killed (fast) in lots of raids, etc. Got some nifty gear (cube of force) from a guy that was deleting (Graatch) which I promptly lost. Brewed lots of potions for the heck of it.

My point: nobody expects you to know everything to be in a cabal. If anything, your properly role-playing a lack of knowledge will just make the experience all the more gratifying. Bottom line: don't be whiney, don't be wussy, and you'll do fine.
322, I miss brew. nt
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
320, I say join...
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Decide on one, then find out as much as you can about it, both IC and OOC. That way, when you get to the interview process, you won't be so intimidated. I would recommend the Fortress as an Acolyte (Scribe). It's about as newbie friendly as cabals get these days.

On a general note.. CF really needs a newbie friendly cabal.

Just my opinion.

316, RE: Joining a Cabal
Posted by fleshofchaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Thing is, i've never been part of one and I don't want to join
>one and let everyone down because I don't know all the areas
>and i'm not amazing yet at pk or anything though I do alright.

Well, you gotta start somewhere don't you? Trust me when I say not everyone in a Cabal knows what they are doing. Some people even join Cabals so they can learn the ropes and things they never knew before.

>I know I probably wouldn't get in anyway but I don't want to
>make a fool of myself.

The beauty of making a fool of yourself is that YOU are not making a fool of yourself, your character is. And once they die, you'll just make another one and start over with a clean slate. Besides, if you don't fail or make a fool of yourself doing silly things, when are you going to learn not to do them? If you don't ask or try, you'll never know.

>I guess my question is, should I rank
>up a few characters to hero without any affiliations first and
>learn more aspects of the game and wait for a future character
>of mine to apply?

Hell no, go for it!!

>Or will joining a cabal help me learn the

It certainly couldn't hurt.

>I figure the immortal in charge of the cabal will
>expect me to know all these things I don't know yet, but I
>wonder if maybe they'll help you along.

Yes and no. Of course they won't expect you to be the greatest anything they've ever had, but that's why everyone doesn't start out with an awsome title or kickass character. They wait and watch, and see what you do or do not know, and react accordingly. You'll probably be interacting with the mortal members of the cabal a lot more than you will the immortal members, and what members you do interact with, will, or should be, more than willing to help you along the way. That's what they are there for. To help and assist you.

317, RE: Joining a Cabal
Posted by Dindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for replying. Helped a lot.
Maybe I'll give it a try now.