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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectAnti-paladins, Str, Int and Dex
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3040
3040, Anti-paladins, Str, Int and Dex
Posted by Thinking about playing. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm thinking about playing an anti-paladin, but I'm not sure which race to pick. I'm trying to figure out how important the 3 stats are to anti-paladins. If everything else was equal, how important is each stat for certain strategies.

How important is intelligence to landing sleep and casting strong iceballs? Could one notice a drow iceball over a human iceball? Is the effectiveness of drow sleep over human sleep noticeable?

How important is having dexterity to the dex-based AP skills? Would I notice the difference between an arial Lashes of the Slave over a human Lashes of the Slave?

I'd like a race which lends itself to landing kills without too much help from equipment. I don't mind playing glass-cannons. I like the idea of int & dex over str & con - but I don't want to make huge sacrifices in survivability if it doesn't result in measurable gains in offense.

3041, RE: Anti-paladins, Str, Int and Dex
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<I'm thinking about playing an anti-paladin, but I'm not sure which race to pick. I'm trying to figure out how important the 3 stats are to anti-paladins. If everything else was equal, how important is each stat for certain strategies.>

This totally depends on what type of AP you want to be playing.

<How important is intelligence to landing sleep and casting strong iceballs? Could one notice a drow iceball over a human iceball? Is the effectiveness of drow sleep over human sleep noticeable?>

The difference in sleep actually isn't as great as everyone makes it out to be me. But yes, there is a noticeable difference. (Suprisingly small between drow and giant I must say after testing it a bit, but still, it is noticeable.) Iceball, same thing. However there are edges...

<How important is having dexterity to the dex-based AP skills? Would I notice the difference between an arial Lashes of the Slave over a human Lashes of the Slave?>

YES! HUGE difference. Really, HUGE difference.

<I'd like a race which lends itself to landing kills without too much help from equipment. I don't mind playing glass-cannons. I like the idea of int & dex over str & con - but I don't want to make huge sacrifices in survivability if it doesn't result in measurable gains in offense.>

This is your own choice here. APs aren't THAT gear dependant. Sleep gets you a long way. As does a drows iceball with edges.

I suggest you test it out, roll a few APs. People rarely accomplish much with their first AP. (My first got a total of 7 charges or so...) Though my second got icecontrol. ;)