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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectImbued staff/spear
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2939
2939, Imbued staff/spear
Posted by NewRanger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I saw, somewhere in the forums few weeks ago, that it's better to imbue in home terrain because there's more power to your staff/spear...

1) Is that true? If so, is there a list (for each home terrain) of those additional 'power' somewhere ?

2) Does it make a difference to imbue staff/spear more than once (let's say once a day or everytime you gain a title?) or once upon the creation of the weapon is enough?

Thank you for your help.

2940, RE: Imbued staff/spear
Posted by Calion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think I saw, somewhere in the forums few weeks ago, that
>it's better to imbue in home terrain because there's more
>power to your staff/spear...
>1) Is that true? If so, is there a list (for each home
>terrain) of those additional 'power' somewhere ?

It's been a while, but I don't think it makes any difference. Anyway, you should be able to test this easily enough (for your build at least) by imbuing in different terrains, using lore to compare the hit/dam bonuses (or just check them in score) and fighting something to observe the frequency/effect of healing (and/or other) progs.

>2) Does it make a difference to imbue staff/spear more than
>once (let's say once a day or everytime you gain a title?) or
>once upon the creation of the weapon is enough?

No need to do it more than once. IIRC the imbue gets better every five levels or so, so you might want to do it after leveling to be sure and to notice when it happens.
2942, Imbue on level, terrain mostly doesn't matter.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Definitely create a new spear/staff and imbue it each level. There are tricks to getting staffs and spears that are higher level than you as well. I bug boarded a while back and got no response, so I assume it isn't gaming the system.

I don't know the system on what levels the staffs get better, but it doesn't hurt to do it every level.

Terrain: This doesn't matter in most cases. I'm not sure of swamp dwellers/mountaineers. They have extra progs and I'm not sure if it matters if you do it in the home terrain or not.
2956, Extra progs
Posted by NewRanger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Terrain: This doesn't matter in most cases. I'm not sure of
>swamp dwellers/mountaineers. They have extra progs and I'm not
>sure if it matters if you imbue in the home terrain or not.

I was wondering about that. I saw marshdwellers plague and mountaineers throw arcs of cold with their imbued weapons... are they the only rangers with extra progs? I have another hometerrain so no extra progs for my staff/spear? If so, by curiosity, why is it like that, do other ranger hometerrain have other powers to balance the extra prog?

Thank you for your help.
2960, There is lots of stuff for each terrain
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that isn't exactly a skill. Such as plainsmen getting better herbs than others (in their home terrain). Stronger charge as well, though I haven't played one to see how much stronger.

I'm also not sure if swamps guys and mountain guys still get the healing prog. I do know everyone else gets the healing prog.

Cave guys have some ability to mitigate fighting in the dark (also blind I think). Works better while indoors, works best while in caves.

Basically if you read the helpfiles they give hints to what type of bonuses each terrain gets.