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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectQuestions on thief skills...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2884
2884, Questions on thief skills...
Posted by newbthief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) Does earclap makes magi unable to cast all their spells?

2) Does earclap prevent a conjie to order a familiar to attack me or do I have to sleep and gag him?

3) Is there a side effect when a weapon butt blackjack miss? (I red it's unreliable... does being bigger size help?)

4) If you had to play a caballed thief and go full thug, why would you:

a) Learn the general skill blackjack and complete with pickpocket up to discerning gaze? (wich allows you to better prepare your strike as you can look, without being noticed, how hurted the person is and what's in their inventory) ?

b) Make the best you can of weaponbutt blackjack and go for binder skills up to to garotte and gag? (I have the feeling this would be more versatile _vs melee and conjie_ when solo.)

Any suggestions/experience would be most welcomed. Thank you.
2885, My experience
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played a village thief full thug with double backstab and was relatively satisfied.


Earclap makes any mage and bard without a certain edge unable to cast or sing. It doesn't last THAT long, but long enough for them to want to run away.

2) No. Gagging him wouldn't either. It's a mental thing. Bash and trip do though!

3) You miss. That's the only side effect I'm aware of. It wasn't THAT unreliable, it just doesn't last long at all. Being bigger only helps if they are too big to be whopped, other than that, it diesn't help.

4. a) As a scout in the village, you get certain "perks" to your hiding in regards to your cabal skills not pulling you out of hiding. You also get a skill that tells you what spells they have on and when they will fall. I can't comment beyond that because I won't play a pick-pocket.

b) This probably would've been a better plan. I took shield block, knife, and double backstab and was satisfied. Knife was faster than gouge and had its uses. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't take it or double backstab.