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2646, PSA: making the most of your movement points
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A post on the battlefield about how hard it is to "find people" motivated me to write this:
Basically, if you're trying to find someone to kill, don't ever walk past an area "junction" without checking all the conjoined areas.
If you do this all the time, then you will often "find" people while just walking around doing "whatever else you were doing". Getting gold, gathering preps, looking for gear, meeting someone to rank, etc.
Let's say I'm in Galadon and want to end up in Calandaryl.
First I check the Weald. Then Graveyard, Mausoleum. Sewers, Lumberyard, Copeham Inn. Outskirts, then Eastern Road. Head north on the eastern outskirts. Check South Southerspring and the Arena. Continue north on the North Road. When I get to the North Southerspring Crossroads, jog east to check North Southerspring. Head north to Sumner's Crossroads. Check East Sumner's and the Inn. Then check West Sumner's, Open Plains, Azreth, Upper Cragstone and South Dairien. Head north again. Check Tir-talath and Shepherd's Row. Head north on the eastern side of Tir-Talath. At the northeast corner, jog northwest and check the Consortium. Then jog east a bit and check the Pass of Gol'golath. Head north again. Jog west onto the Beaten Path to check that area. Duck south into the Troglodyte Caves, then west to the Abandoned Mines. Then north into Udgaard. Check out the east gate, out the north gate, then head out the west gate and proceed to Calandaryl.
This route consumed only marginally more movement points (and time) than just sticking to the roads and running straight from Galadon to Calandaryl, but you end up checking many more areas for potential people to kill. Assuming that's one of your goals.
2647, Adendum: BARTER for Refreshes.
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See a few cloaks and platemails on the eastern road left by some rampaging criminal demolishing the patrollers? Grab a couple and trade them in for refreshes at your friendly Local Healer (tm).
Grab you a few things (I'm fond of pearls and onyx bands from the docks of Hamsah cause they are LIGHT) and keep about 4-12 of them in a sack so you can refresh yourself at the Inn or one of the cities while on a mad chase or while screwing around hoping to find someone.
There are two cities I know of that sell CHEAP refresh preps. It ISN'T a bad idea to buy a couple if you check the past a lot.
If you combine this post with Isildur's you can make an "infinite" loop of the present if you pause to smack a few lowbie mobs that have barterable refreshables. There ARE evil guys that have these too, so if you're going Fortie, this is still viable. Udgaardian Sentries on the Game Path have parkas and the Arkham crypts are chocked full of them.
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