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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectSummoned by an evil conji in Shadow Grove
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2628
2628, Summoned by an evil conji in Shadow Grove
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was fighting a mob and was suddenly attacked by the faceless nightgaunt of an evil conji. Not long after, I guess I've been summoned to him in the Shadow Grove (A faceless nightgaunt grapples you with a paralytic hold! A faceless nightgaunt spreads its wings and carries you off into the air. You hang in a senseless sprawl as you're carried away to its master!). I have 2 questions about this...

1) Is there a way to avoid a conji summoning?
2) Is it possible to recall from Shadow Grove (I quaff a return and a teleportation and failed both)?

2633, RE: Summoned by an evil conji in Shadow Grove
Posted by vorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the responses it was quite helpfull: I had no idea what was a gaunt.
2630, Ways to avoid gaunting
Posted by Valkenar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>1) Is there a way to avoid a conji summoning?

In addition to what was already suggested:

You can kill the nightgaunt.
You can move from one continent to another.
You can get killed. This one can be hard to do since the nightgaunt will want to carry you away once you're hurt enough. It's also probably the least satisfying way to escape.

>2) Is it possible to recall from Shadow Grove (I quaff a
>return and a teleportation and failed both)?

Nope. A potion of return or teleportation isn't random at all*. If you're in a situation where it can work it will work every time, and in a place like the shadow grove it won't. However, a healer could use the supplication sanctify room and then you would be able to recall from that specific spot.

*Well actually if the veil is really, really thick any potion can fail I think, but that basically never happens.
2631, Addition
Posted by Dervish on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you got gaunted and you see you are not winning, 'succumb' to him. At least you will have more health to run away from conjie
2629, RE: Summoned by an evil conji in Shadow Grove
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was fighting a mob and was suddenly attacked by the faceless
>nightgaunt of an evil conji. Not long after, I guess I've been
>summoned to him in the Shadow Grove (A faceless nightgaunt
>grapples you with a paralytic hold! A faceless nightgaunt
>spreads its wings and carries you off into the air. You hang
>in a senseless sprawl as you're carried away to its master!).
>I have 2 questions about this...
>1) Is there a way to avoid a conji summoning?

Sure. Two of the best ways:

1) The conjurer can't see you.
2) You're someplace the nightgaunt won't go.

See help bind nightgaunt for more information.

>2) Is it possible to recall from Shadow Grove (I quaff a
>return and a teleportation and failed both)?

Mostly, no.
2632, eww...
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** edited because I can't spell today ***

This is terrible newbie advice... mostly, no?

Since I don't really see the harm in it, let me clarify for you a bit :P

There ARE a few places in the shadow grove you can recall/teleport from. Now whether or not they are in the "shadow grove" type stuff I leave up to you to find. But there are a few sprinkled areas like the High Tower of Sorcery and the Elemental Temple that are separate areas completely that you CAN recall/teleport from ... mostly. I'm fairly certain there are places within the shadow grove proper you can recall/teleport from as well. But that's really what the attune skill is for finding.

As for the Nightgaunts, they won't cross continents. They can't swim, and they don't time travel... or for special consideration, they don't go into the past. Nightgaunts can be pretty tough, but they are kinda supposed to be. The POSITIVE to them sending from the shadow grove is that they themselves cannot recall/teleport easily so you can just expect them to do that and ambush the !@#$5 out of them while they prepare. People are creatures of habit and so are the characters they play.
2637, RE: eww...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm fairly certain
>there are places within the shadow grove proper you can
>recall/teleport from as well.

There are. At least one. Probably only one, though, in that exact area.
2638, Yeah... I know.
Posted by trewyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I wasn't trying to completely spoonfeed him. :P