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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectGiant legacies.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2375
2375, Giant legacies.
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was just looking for a little bit of info into a few legacies. I have tried various legacies in the past but have not had much success because of using races not prepared for the legacy.

I was wondering What exactly Crashing of Waves does and Also Trapping beneath the Thunder.

Does crashing do anything besides disarming? Is there a minimum weight when Trapping ceases to work correctly? Also would it be better to use Fist of the Titan over crashing, Wouldn't that make me able to dual wield a heavier offhand weapon making me do more damage with Trapping or would Crashing enable me to land more strikes?

Was just curious, I would like to pick a legacy or two that works nicely for once and not just work infrequently.
2376, RE: Giant legacies.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I was wondering What exactly Crashing of Waves does and Also
>Trapping beneath the Thunder.

Crashing: When someone wielding a weapon parries one of your attacks, there is a chance based on your strengths that you may disarm them. If you are unable to disarm them, they may take some damage.

Trapping: If the weapon you're trying to hit with is heavy, you'll do extra damage and be harder to parry with it. This is on a sliding scale depending on how heavy the weapon is.

>Does crashing do anything besides disarming?

Not really, except as described above.

>Is there a
>minimum weight when Trapping ceases to work correctly?

Yes. There are also a lot of weights in which it's not doing very much.

>would it be better to use Fist of the Titan over crashing,

Judgement call, really.

>Wouldn't that make me able to dual wield a heavier offhand

In theory, sure -- but that's assuming you'll always have the opportunity to swap in a weapon that's exactly that much heavier that otherwise is as good for what you're doing in terms of average, material, damage type, etc.

It does give you more options.

>making me do more damage with Trapping or would
>Crashing enable me to land more strikes?

Also a judgement call / situational.
2377, One addition to what Crashing does
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are fighting someone with Crashing and can't be disarmed (noremove/nodisarm weapon via a spell), you may have a "cross" type affect, where you'll see "You can't get your weapons up in time to swing."

The basic effect of this is you lose one attack the next round, ala feint.
2378, RE: One addition to what Crashing does
Posted by SideStrider on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Any suggestions as to a good pairing for a cloud giant (sword/axe spec) with crashing? I know a lot of the legacies will not work due to the poor intelligence and deftness. I was thinking about trapping all along but it seems like a poor pairing without fist of the titan.
2379, I can think of a lot of good legacies for giant warrior.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Greeting, Enigma, Landslide, Gates, Whirlwind, Maelstrom, Cry, Chilling are all good for mostly melee combat in one way or another.

Forsaken, Fortress, Place, and a couple others if you're worried about magical/mental type damage.

I mean really there's a lot of good legacies for giant warrior. I can think of a few that I would steer clear of - STSF obviously, as well as anything that relies on dodginess.