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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectA few curve ball questions
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=227
227, A few curve ball questions
Posted by Rutsah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am asking these questions not to find out a unknownen but moreso to get a answer that isnt assumption. The benifits are allready knowen, the answers are more code based, thus this post on the forum.

Fists, do they have a weapon weight? If they do how much. If they dont can it be made so that they do - something simple like max carry divide by 10 ?

Fist of titans, does it increase the total combined wieldable weight? , or only increase a weaker races to the maximum of a 25 str races weildable weight ?

Ward of blades, does it improve a select weapon types ability parry similar to that of swords flourentine, or is it just as benificial to a sword specialist as well?

Fires Of Adversity, Is the damage increase based on a percentage ratio based on a players hp, or is it a simple fixed figure bonus to damage based apon a characters total hp ?

228, Some answers, semi-vague.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Fists, do they have a weapon weight? If they do how much. If
>they dont can it be made so that they do - something simple
>like max carry divide by 10 ?

Fists don't have a weapon weight to the best of my recollection.

>Fist of titans, does it increase the total combined wieldable
>weight? , or only increase a weaker races to the maximum of a
>25 str races weildable weight ?

I'll say it's useful to a character with 25 strength and leave it at that.

>Ward of blades, does it improve a select weapon types ability
>parry similar to that of swords flourentine, or is it just as
>benificial to a sword specialist as well?

It's beneficial to a sword specialist.

>Fires Of Adversity, Is the damage increase based on a
>percentage ratio based on a players hp, or is it a simple
>fixed figure bonus to damage based apon a characters total hp

Fires of Adversity doesn't increase damage at all and I've always gotten a good laugh out of the many accounts that swear that it does.
229, before anyone says this is too vague, ponder this
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

"...but in the cosmos there is both bitterness and balm, and that balm is nepenthe." - The Outsider, Lovecraft

It all makes perfect sense now, doesn't it? Yeah, I thought so too.