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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectEncouragements?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2258
2258, Encouragements?
Posted by Boon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could the mud encourage newbies through tough times without making gameplay easier for them on average?

For instance, when a PC dies, maybe the player sees a list showing things they did right in terms of personal bests and improvements over their last death. Keep track of enough stuff (time survived records, Mob kill records, PK records, gold earned, etc.) and there's nearly always something encouraging that could be highlighted.

Maybe skill improvements could be frontloaded to occur the first time you use each skill after a death, but subsequently not occur the next time they normally would. You get the same reward you could expect anyway, but it's all packed in right when you're feeling blue.

Similarly, XP could be backloaded in that you get more XP per creature the longer you stay at a certain level. Immediately after gaining a new level, XP gains could drop significantly to balance out the earlier help. Basically, your overall pace of leveling should remain the same, but the bumps and lulls should be smoothed out some.

Encourage good mental health associated with the game. Give a small XP reward to players who log in after being logged out for a minimum number of hours. Along with that, reward players who choose to quit on a high note after a minimum number of hours in game. This could be done by asking them if they want to quit as soon as their adrenaline stops pumping after gaining a level or successfully PKing someone. By training people to quit when they're happy, you will be training them to remember the game more fondly than they would otherwise.

And similar to my first suggestion, when a player does choose to end their game session, give them a long list of reasons to be happy with what progressed. Include every single thing with which they could possibly impress themselves.
2260, Biggest encouragement for me
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was an ap groupmate telling me not to worry when I died, and helping me with a v quick regear that left me wiht more damroll than I had before. Because all newbies know that damroll is all that matters.

And he got me out of the big exp hole (since they were cumulative then).

Honestly, it made me realise that just dying is ok.
2259, Well
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Give a small XP reward to players who log in after being logged out for a minimum number of hours.

My thought here is give a nice penalty if they don't stay logged in for at least four hours. I cannot believe folks would willing step away from their computer until they fell asleep. ;)

I am not a big proponent for giving perks for stuff we are supposed to do anyway. I do, however, like the idea of training player, though I would prefer it be towards them giving me their credit card information. Zulg would pull his few remaining hairs out and Valg would hunt you down for the increase in things to be coded.

All that being said, I like that you are willing to make suggestions. Thank you.

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