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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectMy lack of artistic value/sleek info/boredom
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2170
2170, My lack of artistic value/sleek info/boredom
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'v become a heavy forum crawler as my new awesome job pays me tons to do little to nothing. Anyhow, I keep coming up with some cool 'original' roles coupled with what I see might be some bad ass/unique class-race combos. Of course, come to find out, its been done and quite well. Making me look like a lame copy. Not really a point to this other than to say "Damn you long time players! I'll get you yet!"

Now to a completely different subject, and the real reason for my post. Sleeks. From what I'v read they are A/B/S wands. Aura, barrier, shield respectively. Dam redux. Now something I apparently missed, and just read, is something about players being 'assigned' sleeks. I have always heard people talk about getting 'their' sleeks. So these aren't like regular limited items? People are garaunteed to get 'their's'? Just curious becuase this is one of the things discouraging me from playing my awesome shifter combo/role guy that I'll read about once I hit rank 20 or so heh.

A final note, post more stuff on here, garbage if you have to. Long hours at work + nothing to do = suck. I'd play if my job wasn't EMS related. I can only imagine getting into a pk scuffle when the phone rings...bleh.
2174, Finding sleeks
Posted by thebigc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It took me all of 2 40 rank arcanes to find 70% of the abs wands in game. 70% of abs wands includes about 10 pfile sleek sets. So instead of sitting on the forums you should actually roll and rank up a mage past rank 35 and learn IC, follow other people, understand the rules. I will help out any char who asks me about sleeks within rp limits (Don't expect my ap to help your elf) and so will a lot of others in game. You just need to ask.
2175, RE: Finding sleeks
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh I fully intend to do the searching myself when I finish my current character and roll up my mage. I suck at PK so far, good RP seems hard for me to come by(as I'v only gone uncabaled thus far I'm sure), thus exploration is my mainstay currently. My fear was that ABS would never be available due to the more experienced players grabbing them. Knowing that more mages = more ABS's makes that fear subside.
2171, Sleek info
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes. Upon character creation, there will be one spot where you can find a sleek of each type (shield, aura, barrier). There a couple of factors that can make the sleek wand not show up for you in that location (one being that you just got one 3 ticks prior from that location, for example).

Other characters may have wands in the same location, but it's coded so that one of those characters getting his/her wand recently doesn't preclude you from getting your own (the area needs to have repopped, but other than that, you're good).

Generally IC you can get help finding your locations from veteran players who know a lot of places to search. Especially if you're good aligned.
2172, RE: Sleek info
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome thanks, now I can roll up a mage char after my hybrid dies with no worries.
2173, RE: Sleek info
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are also other a/b/s wands and talismans that aren't assigned to any particular user and act like any other limited item. Some of these are limited to a particular class, alignment or ethos, but by no means all. They're also usually maxed out. So, if you find one, it behooves you to go grab it again whenever you blow it up.

As for your role and/or combo ideas...play it out if you think it'd be fun. Pretty much everything has been done before, so don't sweat that part.