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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectHunting Guide of Some Sort?
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1979
1979, Hunting Guide of Some Sort?
Posted by Sintor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, I'm brand new to CF, only been playing a few days. Have three characters in the 18-22 range, and I'm stuck. Basically I end up sitting around until someone finally invites me to a group and I learn a new tier of hunting areas. As you can imagine, this goes rather slow.

Is there a levelling guide somewhere? I know I can "area" a level range, but that doesn't help me at all, really. I respect the IC nature and don't ask questions OOC'ly, so I guess I've come here looking for help.
1981, RE: Hunting Guide of Some Sort?
Posted by Zesam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, welecome to CF. We're glad to have you.

When you use the area command and have a list of various areas, almost all of these areas will have help files. Most of the help files will give you a general idea of where the area is located and a brief description of the area. This may be able to help you determine which areas to go to. In between groups, you can take this time to explore some common areas and get to know the layout.

Also even if you don't know where to go, you can always ask others to group. By using the 'who group' command you can see all the persons your character is able to see that you can group with. If they ask where you are wanting to go to learn, just tell them it's their choice. Being proactive about your leveling, could get things moving a little faster for you. Good luck.
2013, who group
Posted by Amortis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
HOw long have I been playing this game, and never knew about who group???

always did who pk, bleh.
1980, Here, with a question
Posted by CrftedDeception on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

01-05 kobold warrens (kobolds, tough kobolds)
01-10 graveyard (skeletons, graverobbers, zombies, ghouls, banshees)
05-10 violet woodland (gibberlings)
05-10 west dairen road (turkeys)
05-10 forest of prosimy (wolves)
05-15 troglodyte caverns (troglodytes)
05-20 forest of nowhere (beasts,slugs,angnos,laxians,stalkers,taglos,burners)
10-15 misty mountains (orcs)
10-15 ysigrath (sz'weh villagers, sz'weh hunters)
10-20 temple of loch grynmear (demons)
10-20 voralian city (serving girls, etc.)
10-20 ashes of nowhere (beasts,lumberjacks,burners)
15-20 keep of fhalaugash (orcs)
15-20 azreth wood (taglos, tresnores)
15-20 ruined keep (guards)
20-25 hidden forest (lesser trolls, greater trolls)
20-25 forgotten (arkham) crypts (zombies)
20-30 chessmaster tower (black pawns, black rooks)
25-30 velkyn oloth (guards)
25-35 keep of ceawlin (guards)
25-35 drogran hills (ugruks)
25-45 arial city (prisoners, guards, soldiers, dark guards)
30-35 frigid wasteland (frost giants)
30-35 mausoleum (juju zombies)
30-35 crystal island (guards)
30-35 dranettie wood (owlbears)
30-40 mines of zakiim (arial miners)
30-40 elemental temple (acolytes)
30-40 keep of barovia (skeletons, zombies)
30-40 dra'melkhur (devouts, protectors)
35-45 drow city (warrior students)
35-45 village of mal'trakis (headhunters)
35-45 organia (various)
35-45 northern mountains (udgaard patrollers)
40-51 ruins of maethien (nightwalkers)
40-51 arboria (thief lich guildmaster)
40-51 ruins of the deep (sahuagin)
40-51 mount calandaryl (skeletons)
40-51 thar-acacia (evil mages)
40-51 pine forest (dire wolves)
45-51 slave mines of sitran (slavers)


01-05 copeham inn (twins, servants, locals, regulars)
01-10 graveyard (mourners, gravediggers, ghosts)
01-10 aldevari (men, women, girls, boys, guards, hunters)
05-10 west dairen road (turkeys)
05-10 vale of arendyl (cooshees, wilders, scouts, sentries, elders)
05-15 troglodyte caverns (troglodytes)
10-15 balator (orphans)
10-15 ysigrath (k'sra villagers, k'sra hunters)
10-15 south dairien settlement (sentries)
10-20 keep of the righteous (guards, students)
10-20 forest of nowhere (various sized forest guardians)
10-20 temple of loch grynmear (monks)
10-20 voralian city (commoners, etc.)
15-20 keep of ceawlin (servants, prisoners)
15-20 outlying villages (unknown)
15-20 tir-talath (mages, shoppies, militiamen)
15-30 emerald forest (pixies, sprites, brownies, dryads, nymphs, rangers)
20-25 akan (shoppies)
20-25 eryn galen (citizens, guards)
20-25 aturi (shoppies)
20-30 moudrilar's monestary (monks)
20-30 chessmaster tower (white pawns, white rooks)
25-30 castle of akan (servants, workers)
25-30 darsylon (shoppies)
25-30 arkham (guards)
25-30 jade mountains (jade elves)
25-30 halfling lands (shoppies)
25-35 eregion (feasting elves, elven guards)
30-35 arial city (guards, soldiers)
30-35 dranettie wood (dranetties)
30-35 village of azuremain (explorers)
30-35 basillica (guards)
30-40 battlefield (feared swordmen, large guards)
40-45 organia (various)
40-45 blingdenstone (citizens)
40-51 mount kiadana-rah (storm giants)
40-51 ruins of the deep (silver spirits)
40-51 thar-acacia (good mages)
40-51 pine forest (elk, deer, etc.)

How did you find Carrionfields?
1982, RE: Here, with a question
Posted by Sintor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's awesome, thanks a lot.

Topmudsites, mudconnector, and mudmagic. Highly rated on all three. Been mudding for almost 10 years, looking for a new pk/rp mud home!
1991, Anchored
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a great summary, I've anchored it.

How did you find Carrionfields?

I knew I liked you for a reason, man!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

*** Email me your testimonials or two-line blurbs. Help our marketing efforts! ***
1995, plagarism if we're going to anchor
Posted by Xenoroyal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not a issue if it was just to answer a question, but if we're going to anchor...
Please edit Crafted's post to attribute the list entierly to Isildur.

EDIT: It rubs me the wrong way in general that isildur isnt atributed on the diku page regardless, hes done 99% of that work over the years. Now a sticky without credit would just be mean :(
Man did I ever appricate his constantly updated ranking guides back since 2002.
2012, Isildur
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know where the list came from, but if Isildur is the one who compiled it, I don't mind giving credit where credit is due.

Isildur, post or email and let me know if the work is yours.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

*** Email me your testimonials or two-line blurbs. Help our marketing efforts! ***
2028, It's his. For a long time. NT
Posted by colospgsbryan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
2029, RE: Isildur
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It looks like the same one I used to update on Dio's event board. That one's actually still there; I just haven't updated it since 2005.
