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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectFrustration
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1867
1867, Frustration
Posted by Talan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just my 2 cents from another newbie. I have no problem with PK, makes gaming great and keeps you on your toes. I have no problem getting stuff taken at death, it happens. What seems crazy to me is that the same char. can kill you 4 times in a night, just because he RP's 'Hey, I hate mages!' Ive read all the help files, read all the other complaints, know how to play a mage, all that. It just seems wrong that in a game where RP is so strict (which is great) that I can just keep killing someone over and over because of whatever reasoning and calling it RP. At low levels, its pointless to try to keep any decent equipment, or even try to hunt with another in a similar class or level. Ive watched several quit because of this, and its kinda sad because the game is built great. (skills, spells, areas,etc...) I understand mages are hard, but it is beyond that to me. Reading other posts saying the same, maybe just do away with mages all together even though they are fun to play. If I can stand around at level 14 or 15 and just keep killing someone over and over at level 11 because I RP" well, my mom made me go barefoot my whole life and I hate anyone who wears shoes' you are not going to have much of a community growth. And this isnt a rant, just disappointment. I played the same game for 7 yrs. till it went away, spent months trying games I could call home and thought I found one.
1900, RE: Frustration
Posted by Gorial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually had a question about this. I was randomly pked the other day, and then had the culprit have the gall to tell me he would trade my rings for my gloves (which he was unable to loot before I reached my corpse). He obviously had no RP basis for his actions, he just wanted my gear. How acceptable is that?
1901, Depends on role and alignment
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perhaps except for one good aligned character killing another good aligned character, killing someone because you covet their belongings is perfectly acceptable.
1904, For many characters, wanting your shinies is plenty RP reason. nt
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1886, Well
Posted by Leprechaun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't applaud multikilling, far from, but!:

If he (got you) killed you four times, it's because he found you four times in a row.

So make sure he can't find you. If killed while ranking, don't stay in the same area.

Oh and, if a bloodthirsty Elf-hating Orc would NOT kill that Elf he keeps bumping into, that would be bad rp.
1876, You do remember to use invis, right?
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not everyone in lowbie levels has detect invis, so it will save you against many potential foes. Battle applicants in particular don't use magicál detect invis preps, so you are safe from most of them while invisible. But in any case, staying in the same area with a potentially hostile character is pushing your luck. Word and teleport can and will also help you in getting away, as was stated by others.
1874, RE: Frustration
Posted by Talan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not ranting, just making a newbie observation. And yes, I died twice, the 2 others I took advice and ran teleported, etc... The number was just a number, could have said 10. The point was that it is frustrating that the same person can keep coming after you, thats all. Like I said the game is great, its just hard when you spend an hour of time hunting and three trying to find your corpse, where the heck you are and how to get at least home to heal.
1875, These are the frustrations only experience cures
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Give it time. Your area knowledge will improve. Eventually you'll be able to (usually) tell where you teleported with a quick look, exits, and maybe a scan.

There are some maps on that "other" site of common areas if you have a guess as to where you might be based on what mobs are there, the room names, etc. Make good use of them.

It always baffled me at first how people could run across the world blind to a healer when I first started. Now (sadly?) I'm one of them. Yeah... I play alot.
1872, RE: Frustration
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I can stand around at level 14 or 15 and just keep killing someone over and over at level 11 because I RP" well, my mom made me go barefoot my whole life and I hate anyone who wears shoes' you are not going to have much of a community growth.

I looked into this a bit.

1) There's only one character who killed you twice, and the second time it was after you attacked him.

2) The character in question didn't sit at 14 or 15-- he continued levelling and is now 'above' your PK range. Actually, all of the characters who have defeated you have levelled well into their 20s, with one exception who is certainly not aggressive-- 1 PK in 52 hours of play. I'm guessing that person is roughly as new as you are.

I understand being frustrated by losing at PK, but it isn't helpful to the discussion to exaggerate what has been happening. If someone was actually sitting at levels 14-15 and picking off newbies, the distention code ('help distention') would gradually toughen what characters were allowed to attack that person. If someone was breaking character or otherwise going OOC, you could pray and a staff member would step in promptly.

It doesn't look like any one these scenarios were in play, however.

1873, Throwing cold hard facts on a perfectly good rant
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a wet blanket. Anyways, you have a mostly thankless job so I will express my appreciation to you and all the staff for both putting up with us, taking time out of your day to research things like this, and generally produce an awesome game.
1871, RE: Frustration
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Basically what Daurwyn said. After the first or second time he killed you I would just refrain from ever fighting him again. Be extra vigilant. When you see him coming, just word or teleport away.
1870, RE: Frustration
Posted by Lyeden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd say learn your way around areas a bit, well enough that you can run quickly (Though Dioxide's site is out of date, I still found it to be of great use for this). Teleport has probably saved my char's life a few times, though I'm not sure when mages get it. Another thing that's worked for me has been going around with a group of 2 others--discourages people from attacking and usually been able to take a single person when they have attacked. YMMV, but it's something. Also, if you can, find obscure places to rank.
1869, RE: Frustration
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some suggestions.

1) If he kills you twice in the same place, don't hang around there a third time.

2) Don't hang around Galadon etc, if you are avoiding someone.

3) Don't provoke him by mouthing off.

4) Use the WHERE command all the time. I mean, all the time.

5) Teleport if you can't recall, if you see him coming.

6) If he is a stealth character, go to where he can't stay unseen.
1868, Eventually, distention will get these asshats...
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Help distention if you aren't familiar with it. Granted... it really does take a while of level sitting for this to happen.

Until then, cast teleport or quaff return. Plus, as a mage once you hit the higher levels things will turn around in your favor a bit more.

There's absolutely no reason to "do away with" mages of any sort. They're all perfectly viable. You just have to be way more cautious and creative at low levels than fighting classes. I had a lowbie (pre 25) invoker not long ago with about 10 PK wins and only a couple losses, but that's not for the newer players, the impatient, or the faint of heart.