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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectConfused about Outlander
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1806
1806, Confused about Outlander
Posted by Amortis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The helpfile is kind of vague, but there seem to be many rules that people all know that I don't.

If you have a character you are trying to get into Outlander, should you:

1. Never carry coins/use bank?
2. Never barter with city merchants (or just cities under Tribunal's watch?)
3. Never train in guilds in cities?
4. Never rank in cities?
5. Never rank with other cabals (or just not conjies, aps, necs, paladins, and order?)

#3 seems pretty hard, and #4, well on one hand I'd think an Outlander might want to rank in cities, killing the cityfolk while leaving the creatures of the wild unharmed.

Or, am I just assuming there are more rules than there are?
1813, RE: Confused about Outlander
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The helpfile is kind of vague, but there seem to be many
>rules that people all know that I don't.
>If you have a character you are trying to get into Outlander,
>should you:
>1. Never carry coins/use bank?
Never carry or use coins.
>2. Never barter with city merchants (or just cities under
>Tribunal's watch?)
This one does vary greatly. Some of it depends on alignment, rp, reasons, etc. Now, if I see you bartering in Galadon for return potions, you can bet your ass you aren't getting anywhere with Outlander. If you are bartering for something in Eryn Galen, that could be okay. I don't want to see a Nightreaver type bartering in Darsylon.
>3. Never train in guilds in cities?
Same as above.
>4. Never rank in cities?
I have no problem with this.
>5. Never rank with other cabals (or just not conjies, aps,
>necs, paladins, and order?)
Never rank with an enemy of Thar-Eris.
>#3 seems pretty hard, and #4, well on one hand I'd think an
>Outlander might want to rank in cities, killing the cityfolk
>while leaving the creatures of the wild unharmed.
If #3 seems hard to you, you aren't ready for Outlander.

>Or, am I just assuming there are more rules than there are?

Common sense is the biggest rule for Outlander. If something seems shady and can't be explained with a good rp reason (A good rp reason makes sense to everyone, not just you), you probably don't want to do it.
1812, Unless it's changed, one you missed
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a hardcoded wilderness % time (I'm told it isn't high, but have no idea what the number is). Try to spend at least half your time in the wilds.

Kind of goes along with 4. You can travel and rank in civilized areas just make sure you don't spend all your time in civilized areas.
1811, Some answers
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone else might have other opinions on some of these, this is just how my outlanders would tend to handle these questions.

1. Never carry coins/use bank?

Yes, avoid this.

2. Never barter with city merchants (or just cities under Tribunal's watch?)

I would avoid all city merchants even those not under Tribunal law.

3. Never train in guilds in cities?

This is not the case, many classes do not have guilds in the wild leaving very few options available for them. When applicable though I would refrain from using city guilds. The recuirter is always an option but isn't really any more outlander friendly a city guild. Training can be done outside of cities at outlander friendly trainers.

4. Never rank in cities?

Rank in cities all you want.

5. Never rank with other cabals (or just not conjies, aps, necs, paladins, and order?)

Avoid the following cabals: Empire, Tribunal, and Scion. '

Avoid the following of under most circumstances regardless of cabal affiliation: Dwarves, Duergars, Orcs, Minotaurs, Paladins, Conjurers, AP, Necromancers.
1809, I Don't Have All the Answers...
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I'll tell you what I know:

1. Never carry coins/use bank? Correct!

2. Never barter with city merchants (or just cities under Tribunal's watch?) Don't know.

3. Never train in guilds in cities? Don't know. Think that might be correct, since one of my current projects is making more Outlander-friendly guildmasters.

4. Never rank in cities? I've never heard of any restrictions on ranking in cities. Killing guards and citizens actually seems like a good idea for up-and-coming Outlanders.

5. Never rank with other cabals (or just not conjies, aps, necs, paladins, and order?) I've seen Outlanders ranking with various Battle, Fortress and Herald members, so there are Cabal groupmates you can look for. You do have a fair number of restrictions on who you can travel with, though.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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