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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectKobolds + Stupidity = Frustration
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1766
1766, Kobolds + Stupidity = Frustration
Posted by Dashiv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay, so, here's how my sorry tale of woe goes:

I start up Carrion Fields, tired once again of the superficiality of World of Warcraft. I create myself a new character, and sally forth, ready to bring destruction and death to all who stand in my wake (ie I didn't roll a pickpocket thief this time ;) )

Armed with an adventurous streak a mile wide, I head to the kobold warrens, and get to murderin' and explorin'. On my travels I happen to find a pile of gems hidden in the caves, which I duly yoink. I think nothing of these gems until I get back to town - I can't sell them. Oh well, whats one space in the inventory.

Fast forward to level 13. I reorganise my inventory after a death (alas, to be pwned by someone who knows what they're doing and is sporting about it, which means you can't even complain about them! :D), which involves holding the gems.

Oh dear.

I now find myself in the unenviable position of having a hand full of what I can only assume are sticky tar-coated kobold gems. No shield, no lockpicks, no offhand weapons, all are now prevented due to uninvited hand-diamonds. I go back to the kobold warrens, and apart from discovering interesting notions on truth and weaponry, find no mention of how to unburden oneself of unpleasantly clingy jewellery.

So, essentially... Can I get some hints on how to regain the use of my off-hand? Please? I'm going to assume it's not a bug, because these things don't usually seem to be, but for a crazy mini-quest it's confounded my simple mind. So yeah, give help please!
1769, They're probably cursed (Meaning they can't be removed)
Posted by Trilo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Try going to a healer in town and doing "heal uncurse gems". Helpfile on removing curses: http://www.carrionfields.org/display.html?hid=451&osea=uncurse
1767, "heal uncurse gems" at a healer.
Posted by Gromkonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That should do it.
1768, The title was indeed apt
Posted by Dashiv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I should've guessed. A typically simple answer for a typically retarded me :D

Cheers very much!
1770, Or:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) If RP is compatible with doing so, ask a PC with the Remove Curse supplication (healers and paladins).

2) At a town/cabal healer, 'heal uncurse gems' assumes you wish to pay cash. 'heal uncurse gems <item>' allows you to barter something else of value for the curse removal service.

It's also worth looking into the other things healers can do. There's a room in the Academy dedicated to teaching this, and you can walk up to any NPC healer and type 'heal' to see a list of services.
