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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectHow many levels can you attain? and about skills
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=164
164, How many levels can you attain? and about skills
Posted by Tielek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hi im new to MUDing (VERY NEW - Transition from 3D Games such as Diablo 2), anyway this MUD caught my eye for complexity and the like and I love it. Now, how many levels can one character attain and is it possible to get all your skill levels to 100% or am I going to have to choose wisely? -I was looking for a leveless MUD where the more you use a skill it increases, but that was DartMUD and equip is not saved on exiting and there isn't any # interface, its all in English. Anyway - I know I sound picky but im sure you all know how hard it is to choose a MUD you want to commit to play. Ive tried Achaea, didn't like that, Materia Magincia - was ok but I didn't like the multiclass aspect (Warriors with heavey equipment sneaking), I tried the WOT MUD but its not like this. Anyway - how many levels can you attain and can you perfect each skill that your class gets?
165, I'll try to be helpful, at the worst some correct me.
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all welcome to Carrionfields! You'll see that it is a very unique mud and I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy yourself as much as I do. First, the maximum as a mortal you can achieve is 51. You can perfect every skills you got if you wish to but some skills (Like parry, dodge, shield block) are stopped at 80% till you hit the level 15.
166, this advice is generally accurate but I'll add to it
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can, if you wish, perfect every skill. That said, perfecting every skill requires an investment of your time.

You have to decide whether that investment pays off. I would argue that you will become a better player if you don't bother perfecting skills at first because you can use that time learning:

tactics - by fighting a lot (even though you'll die a lot)
the world - eg where to find useful equipment, how to use the terrain to suit you etc.

When you delete a character, those 100%'s are gone. They might have benefitted you by helping to keep you alive to learn other things, but I myself believe that area knowledge and tactics do this better than 100%s.

When you have the area knowledge and tactics, you'll be able to decide for yourself whether you personally consider it worthwhile spending time perfecting skills. Some do, some don't. I would say though that 100% parry with a bad choice of weapon will probably be less effective than 80% parry with the optimum choice of weapon.
169, RE: I'll try to be helpful, at the worst some correct me.
Posted by Little Timmy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unique MUD?

Let me give it to him straight.

This is the only damn MUD worth playing.
170, COSIGN nt
Posted by Racli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM