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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectproblems with consider
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1531
1531, problems with consider
Posted by Slagsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The consider commands isn't very useful, is it?

I considered the annoying Zindani in Hamsah Mutazz, and I saw that he was smaller then me, and that he wanted me to cease my evil ways. That offended me so I prepared to slay him using my powerful level 14 combat skills. And He killed ME! I fled but he found me and slew me before I had a chance to react. It seems unfair. How can I know who to attack and who to stay clear of? I will not trust my considering skills again. So what should I do??

1537, Read the helpfile when you don't know how to do something
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In this case, the in-game command is help consider. Typing in consider in search help topics on this site works too. CF has a very good helpfile system, so you'll be likely to get some useful information.

This is what the helpfile would have told you(basically the same info than the other guy posted, but a bit more thorough. The helpfile also points you to the helpfiles of two other attributes, size and alignment, consider gives you beyond the mob level):


Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character. You will
not be able to consider another player unless they are in your pk range.
Of course, it's only a very rough estimate, comparing your level to the
other character/creature's level. Special abilities, immunities, and/or
vulnerabilities are not taken into account. The relative size of your
opponent is given and their alignment. Smiling or greeting creatures are
good, disinterested are neutral, and evil grinners are evil.

The comparison messages, in order from an easy fight to a very hard one:
You could kill a tough Kobold with your little finger.
A rabbit doesn't have a fighting chance.
A rabbit looks like an easy kill.
The perfect match!
A few lucky blows would kill him.
A rabbit shows you his razor-sharp teeth.
A hooded figure waits patiently nearby.

An opponent who has won battles may look more veteran to you when you
use this command. They will be slightly tougher than you otherwise
would suspect.


I'd also like to point out that reading the helpfiles for even the simplest skills and commands will probably give some useful information. For example, try reading a helpfile for say if you already haven't to see if it provides any useful information. The see also helpfiles might also be interesting.

You are welcome to ask your questions here or in Dio's but the helpfiles are the fastest way to get answers.
1532, RE: problems with consider
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He is how it works...


A Voralian City border guard doesn't have a fighting chance.
A Voralian City border guard is about the same size you are.
He smiles happily.

The first line tells me roughly how hard the target is.

The Second line tells me the size of the target this is important
for certain size based skills.

The Third line tells me what the targets alignment is, in this case the target is good like the Zindani mob, but unlike you my character is not evil so the mob smiles instead of trying to turn me from my evil ways. If the mob is neutral and evil you will get different text in this line.

To guage a mobs strength look at the first line, this mob is a much lower level then my character and thus doesn't have a fighting chance.

The ranks from strongest to weakest are:
A few lucky blows
Perfect Match
doesn't have a fighting chance
something about killing it with your finger :P

Those obviously are not complete text there but the key word(s) is t there. Consider is very useful especially when just starting out and not knowing the relative strength of mobs. After a while you may find it less useful.

1534, RE: problems with consider
Posted by Slagsa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aaah that explains it...

I got that "A hooded figure waits patiently nearby." when considering Zindane too, buy I thought that was someone else. An other NPC, or PC or something else that was.. well, waiting nearby.. :)

Thanks for the info, you have probably saved my life many times over! :)
1536, Glad it helped :) ~
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM