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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectBest way to practice "Controls" as Shapeshifter
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1435
1435, Best way to practice "Controls" as Shapeshifter
Posted by Funnyone on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This question is a weird one, but is there a faster way of doing this than casting the spells, changing to form, and enlivening whatever spells failed? I get tired of typing all of this. Do any of you know any "macros/triggers" that could help me with all this typing? It's kind of a laziness question, but it does get boring doing this over and over.

Also when in normal form and casting spells (stone, haste, ect..) it takes alot of my mana. Does it give the same effect if i'm in form, and enlivening haste, stone, ect.. and switching to another form? Will i learn the same amount, because when i'm in form it doesn't take as much mana to cast all these spells. What you think? Or, do I just keep casting it over and over, and just set up macros to do away with the typing?

1439, I am no mage expert but the few shifters I have messed with showed me..
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that you dont need to bother practicing them. Just cast spells up, shift, enliven if need be and keep ranking etc. I had a human, gnome and felar and they all learned them pretty easy.

1440, RE: I am no mage expert but the few shifters I have messed with showed me..
Posted by TheFrog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So did I... I had a human and didn't really bother to learn controls... Sure, it's nice to have them, and you can spam it if you want.. But it improves quickly enough without wasting time to do it. I'd rather spend time IN the form that switching back and forth to learn controls.
1437, RE: Best way to practice
Posted by ANotherPlayer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Also when in normal form and casting spells (stone, haste,
>ect..) it takes alot of my mana. Does it give the same effect
>if i'm in form, and enlivening haste, stone, ect.. and
>switching to another form?
From help enliven:
Magic done in this manner only lasts half as long as spells that are cast, but it only takes half as much energy.

They have the same affect other then listed above.
1436, Depends on race...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you have a higher int form, just use that and shift into it over and over. Even if you are already the venomous sliger, you can still shift into a sliger and your control checks will be found. Honestly it doesn't take that long.

Make triggers you reenliven fails, and to continue trying to enliven after you fail (each has a specific message).

If you are a high int race, it might be worth it to revert since you'll get a higher int check on either the reversion or the original shifting (no clue which).
1438, Addendum to Tac's advice.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Slow is likely better idea to spam with than haste, as you are then already ready to rest if the control keeps the slowing when you need to rest. Also, remember to turn off your enliven triggers when you stop spamming.