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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectWhat? But we agree...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3907&mesg_id=3929
3929, What? But we agree...
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Part of what problem? The guy was killed, not killed back to back. No idea how much he was looted, but given that he already lied about number of deaths why should I believe him about the looting? Especially considering the rarity with which I get looted, let alone "full looted." Multi-killing is lame whether it is a newbie or a vet. Multi-killing didn't happen here, so not sure why you seem to be hung up on that.

I do disagree that we need to give them "more breathing room." Handling them with kids' gloves isn't the answer. It will just pussify them the way over protective parents pussify their kids these days. Now, if you just mean "we shouldn't mult-kill them and/or full loot them," then I agree. That's a given though, considering we shouldn't be multi-killing/full looting ANYONE. Not just the newbs. Oh wait, the majority already don't do that.

I'm not arguing just to argue either. I will always take the side against the pussification of Carrion Fields. Even if it means I'm left with just me and Scarabaeus. I'll just PK him all day.