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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectSome answers and a question.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=3065&mesg_id=3066
3066, Some answers and a question.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's safe to assume you will be doing more damage dual wielding than using a 2hand in straight melee.

Giants, however, can use 2 handed weapons (swords, axes, maces) in one hand. So they find use there.

Paladins have a dedication for 2handed weapons.

2handed weapons parry better (I think(Maybe 2hand paladin only))


A non felar warrior spear spec is still useful. Impale for one. Unconventional lag moves (ie. misdirect, legsweep, leveraged kick). I don't know the specific lag on each. Leveraged kick doesn't always lag when it hits.

This basically goes the same for all 2hand weapons. You won't do as much damage in straight melee, but you get some pretty sweet skills for polearms and spears. Even if you aren't specced "charge" can be fun. Thrust and pierce I find useful for ranking. Pierce makes mobs easier to hit (lowers dex yeah?) and thrust is a two round move that does damage and feints.


Something like last week an immortal pointed out that it didn't say anything about weapon weights in parry helpfile, therefore weapon weights do not matter. Is this true? I had the understanding that lighter weapons parried slightly, perhaps very slightly, better than heavier weapons.