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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectRE: Thinking of ways to make the mud more newbie friend...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2856&mesg_id=2876
2876, RE: Thinking of ways to make the mud more newbie friend...
Posted by TheDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That timing you suggest is irrelevant. The problem is you
>don't have a client with triggers to immediately respond to
>what's on your screen or you haven't figured out how to set
>them up yet. But, if you ask the IMMS, triggers and such on
>CF are a no-no. Reality: don't try to play CF without them.

>c. I still hate that client triggers rule. Any noob with
>anything less than a good mud client and some programming
>skills is destined to die horribly, inexplicably and
>ceaselessly. I know this because I had a thief backstab me,
>miss, flee and run back in and backstab me again in a matter
>of about 2 seconds. Nobody types that fast. It's still more
>of a game of, "how good is your client" rather than "how good
>are your skills." Of that, not much can be done though.

I would replace "triggers" in your post with "aliases" and a lot of what you said is right on.

I would bet that most folks on cf don't use triggers much (if at all), but most decent pk'ers certainly are making heavy use of aliases/hightlights.