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Forum Name New Player Q&A
Topic subjectUse your current character to learn PK
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=1539&mesg_id=1545
1545, Use your current character to learn PK
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My suggestion is that a certain hero shifter says 'Enough!' and starts to PK those who always came to PK him in the Inn. Gear up for hp and rock the Villagers. Seriously, you have good forms for PK, so why not learn how to PK with a shifter while you have one? Your forms have some offensive capability too and are well suited for PK.

That would be a little twist to your current characters storyline. You have some enemies. Don't throw away a possibility to learn to PK with your current character. After all, you might never get the same combo again and it is well-suited for PK. It is not against the law for a Herald to have a set of balls when it's necessary.

Tips for your shifter PK:

-Have an alias for revert;c word for quick escape.
-Remember that maledicts make a lag to your shift and revert.
-Know that maledicts will hurt your ability to fight(such as reducing your ability to dodge and hit them).
-Don't go to the massive giant to fight the villagers.
-Know your forms and when to use what form.
-If you have mage foes, know that their melee output isn't very terrifying and that they find dispel magic rather disquieting.

You could add something like 'Teach Trurkrag a lesson.' to your list of things to do. Granted, the guy knows his stuff and is fairly dangerous, but maybe you could learn from fighting him and possibly even defeat him. It will not matter if you suck, in CF we have a saying: 'Die and learn.', but you should also try to survive when you think that you are going to die. And when you die, think why? Survival is easier in Hero range, so you could get the 'soft start' to PK you were asking for. Personally, I started to learn PK with a hero utility shifter.

As for learning tactical dimension, every class is different and you'll need to learn them by playing them all or learning from your opponents. You already have one combo. Try learning it's PK abilities and the basic PK stuff first(such as things like when to flee, when to fight, how to fight etc.).