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Forum Name Twist / Gurgthock
Topic subjectNostalgia!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=44&topic_id=38
38, Nostalgia!
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ever since NepDrokDaev started that conspiracy thread in the contests forum, I've been itching to open up a thread that encourages CF nostalgia. I'm talking about fond memories of CF - and specific ones if possible. Name characters, discuss areas, summarize big fights.

What I'd prefer not to see this thread degenerate into is "CF was so much better when Shadow could..." or "I wish Entropy was back in because I remember..."

I'll post a few under here to get things started!
300, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by ThaChief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking through here and found this thread, I think one of the most memorable moments for me is seeing Twists character description for the first time, it was back in the day of Masters.

I remember it very distinctly because it was a HUUUGE ASCII smiley face. Pretty much hilarious.

If you have it saved or remember it please post it here so everyone won't think im bat #### crazy.
301, Um...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was looking through here and found this thread, I think one
>of the most memorable moments for me is seeing Twists
>character description for the first time, it was back in the
>day of Masters.
>I remember it very distinctly because it was a HUUUGE ASCII
>smiley face. Pretty much hilarious.
>If you have it saved or remember it please post it here so
>everyone won't think im bat #### crazy.

You're bat#### crazy. I don't recall Twist's original desc, but I know it wasn't that, because I've never done that. I believe I blatantly ripped off the desc. of Twist from the description of Samuel Verner from the ShadowRun series. Reddish-brown hair, beard, a bit pudgy...no datajack in his temple though. :P
302, RE: Um...
Posted by ThaChief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got into cf through some friends in school back in 1998, I distinctly remember being over at his house and watching him play, he had a low level master at the time he was in the tower and you where there for some reason and he said hey watch this and looked at you and it was a giant smiley face with its tongue sticking out, ill ask him and see if he remembers it could have been another IMM but I remember it so distinctly.
299, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Snek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know if any of you guys are still around or not.

I remember inductiong Pico into Entropy.

Me and I believe an alt of Loki's, not sure of the name, met him on the road outside of Midgaard. I was playing Snek, delf assassin in entropy (ended up getting pked by human base classes 11 levs higher over and over).

Me and Loki were actually sitting next to each other in a lab, so when we spoke to him we both aid the same things at the same time. Pico was amazed. We told him it was throught the might of Chaos that we had this ability.

It was either Saher or Nighthawk who was the leader we got to draft him in after grouping with him for a while.

I also played a Dwarven Warrior named Grikthoran who got deleted for equipping an alt. He was an arbiter. The only player who ever managed to kill him was Hammer the guy with 8 million zombies. Hammer got me twice, once was with one of his zombies, which doomed me to xp penalty hell, as dying to an npc sucked bad at that time, not ure if it still does.
I was a bit of a dirty Arbiter, known to take a bribe from time to time, and willing to draft Shadow members (Grunk comes to mind) into hunting posses when I was lower level in order to take down the higher level criminals.
Master and Shadow were allies, which was irritating because whenever we would try to raid shadow, Masters would tesseract in and really spoil the party.
So I got up with a couple of Rager friends of mine, Fenan, I think Matarmas was there, a few others. I said " I can clear out the Masters for you, so you can strip away their power.
The ragers moved into position. Me and the Arbiters hit the Shadow cabal, 5 masters rolled in to assist in the fighting. Once they were engaged, the ragers hit their HQ and took the item. We retreated frm the fight. I think this may have been one of the times Hammer killed me, not sure.
Later, we reorganized and succesfully raided Shadow.

Before then, a Giant warrior named Krollos had talked me into helping him kill a Paladin, who unbeknownst to me was a Master. The fallout from that was The other time I died to Hammer, fortunately from his acid blast as I was running around and he couldnt bring his army. That char never did get along well with Masters.

I also remember, the firt guy I recall being a heavy pker was named Cade.
286, Horn of Fate quest
Posted by Aarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun thread!

I remember back at the Third Age quest, with the horn of fate. I had a human level 44 paladin, and I was "leading" the group that found the Horn (in Kidana) because I could bridge lower-ranked people in with the heroes. I say "leading" because I just followed someone else, who actually led. Then when we got the horn and got to the top of the Rainbow Bridge, no one could figure out how to use it. We were all standing around like, "huh, now what?" So the horn gets handed to a few people, until it finally gets to Launfaul who figures out the "sound" command and blows it. Isn't he special!

Either right before or right after that... memory is hazy... an Entropy dispersed us all from the top of the bridge. I think it might have been right before the reboot to start the Third Age hit.
285, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Jugynheim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On of my favorites was myself and another Shadow ranger being grouped with an anti-paladin named Pyrite or some such, I was Khayman, and the other ranger was Moonglum, with us both having our bears and nightwalkers out on the battlefields. Copraphagus (spellcheck) Tesseracts to us and has already logged his first attack on Pyrite and autoassist plust six mobs literally destroyed Copraphagus in one round of spammage. We were good sports and let him have his stuff back because we were too stunned by how fast it was over.

Later, Khayman and Moonglum got booted from Shadow for raiding the Shadow cabal ourselves and camou holding the torch to keep Knights from getting it. At the time I thought I was being the definitive chaotic evil, the guardian was clearly wimpier than me, so I owed him jack. Lloth (spellcheck) disagreed.

As Lokith, with Aleena (aka Axzwerlich/Khadii) as worshippers of Lloth, when she and Jullias were having a throw down, we went to the relatively brand new Blidingstone (again spellcheck) with Adonis and Reflous, and Reflous worshipped Jullias, Alenna strangled Reflous, Reflous said, Interesting. Then I assassinated him. (Lloth had told us to take him out.) After that, though we were all shadow, Reflous and we had some really fun chases/fights, till the two Imms in question made us make nice nice.

As Infestix the Master of Disaster, I spent most of my time making the mobs of Mortorn fight one another and occasionally snuck out to cause havoc with Trollocs outside the Galadon north gate, Ambassadors outside the west gate and landed a neato assassinate on Maelkith the rager thief outside the Village, (when rager arial rogues were nasty with deathblow dual backstabs) which used to be just outside of Arkham. I do miss Entropy. ;)

I remember when Pico was a mortal racing for Imm before the Great Purge, and Ishmael and Madcap, among others were running amuck. I was playing straight up telnet, didn't know anything about abbreviations for commands and was regularly having my dark elf AP ass (named Lokith) handed to me by Smoke almost everytime I had the misfortune of reaching pk range again. As I fought adrenaline and typos typing cast 'lightning bolt' I'd look up and be wimpying about and then dead. Fortunately, I don't think I ever managed to type it fast enough, I think spellbane reflecting it back at me would have crushed my meager will at the time. Sad! But hella fun at the same time!

Some good stuff... I also remember the Cador smite'O'thons, but who doesn't?!

Good reads one and all!
221, Puff!!!!
Posted by Klaak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can you bring him back once for old times' sake? PLEASE?!?!

222, I think he still exists....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But Jullias has him locked in a prison somewhere.

Blame Jullias for everything.
223, RE: I think he still exists....
Posted by Pico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe Puff is a she,
and if memory serves,
she's written in C.
224, What about the blink dog!?
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bring back the blink dog! He's cute and harmless and loveable!

(He's got a mean bite though. Ouch.)
204, The dog days of Ragerdom
Posted by Creon Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember when shifters were implemented into the system and everyone stopped playing their ragers. Empire had Genofen who obtained the wolverine form and he would come into the Destructor and kill Creon in a few rounds...bears included (I miss bears). Creon made it onto the pillar IMO because he con-died in style against bad odds. It was some crazy stuff. I think after this I took a break for awhile and missed the Yeti form and others that I heard later were nigh unstoppable. Anyway, one of my fond, yet at the same time, disturbing memories.
205, I'll take shifters...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shifters are nothing compared to groups of 5 masters in range, one of which is a duergar AP, tesseracting to your (hiding) thief ass on eastern road and hitting you with scourge for blind/weaken/poison/DEVASTATES and then bashing you into the ground, all in one round.

206, I experienced that lovin plenty of times
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The difference in my mind was that even at the Destructor I could stand a bit. Also, I had friends to pick me up when ganged at that time. With Empire and all that, it was a pretty lonely village.
231, Don't get me started on shifters.
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was leader right after your con-deathing ass. I fought riemensnieders bulette and owned him. Mizju's Yeti was 3-2 in my fa vour. I puzzeled out how to beat porcupines after being the only one in the cabal that could wax nepenthes svirf Hwulazar (svirf who feared the cold) thanks to being a spear spec. Eriwal was the imperial with wolverine, who never got me but I only got him as close as writhing, Genofen was the gargoyle with the 'duo' effect in cities. Displacer beast was just mean mean mean and could raid battle with 4 defending because we couldn't hit the bastard.

The lions were mean as all hell because there was something about the code that meant you couldn't parry shifter forms or something.

104, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Master Cleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice to see such a old mofo return to the game Twist;

A few oldies for you to cringe at or smile at.

12 hour long raid & counter raids between masters and battle.

Battle were the brute force forwards with no brains but enough muscle to make most things work.

Masters were the quaterbacks, quick on their feet and tactics their only real tool to utalize.

Masters cabal was in the Galaxy, (then the most dangerous place for battle due to the combination of fleeing in a zone riddled with no-exit rooms normally heavily affected by masters scourge (blind/poison/weakness/fireball)).

Battle cabal Had just been moved to Arkham, at the time believed to hinder lower level battles from being wanted 24/7 (guard central and at sub level 30 fairly nasty).

With a few nice tess mobs in Arkham masters were always lightning fast in and out with attacks and strikes. Thirsting ragers would spill out from the destructor after the last master fled (that is after all the "open altar, get all altar" spam to get the mage's head cleared from the mouse spam buffer) thirsting their way sometimes in packs of 10-15 in 1 quick dash clearing a path through every mob and player in Arkahm, ocean, eastern, galadon, grove, galaxy & then slam into the masters tower.

Muters (which had charm back then and gate(which brought their charmies with them)), paladins, clerics, a-ps, vokers, necro's would all be spam hurling scourge on the pack of thirsting ragers. Thirst of course back then didnt spellbane against area spells (the one true weakness of battle back in the day).

The "old school" ragers knew how to run their way room to room blind from the masters cabal all the way back to the destructor. The rest learned via mistake & being killed in those noexits by the masters.

Back then of course their was no dual wield so it was all single weapon damage and to deal a regular hit that was a "MANGLE" and wasnt hitting a vuln was scary , only a few people were laying out straight DEMO*'s and that was the ticket that led to a early death.

Corpses on these raids stacked higher than any era since. The enforced policy(normally by the leader of the cabal and the elders) was to take trophy pieces and return the rest. This allowed the skilled to build a set piece by piece, and those less skilled but participants to dable in glorious equipment for brief moments. Hand'me'downs were a must as there wasnt enough equipment to go around and the early cf motto of "you have to kill you neighbour for that nice sword" held true.

105, RE: Nostalgia! Part 1.5 players
Posted by Master Cleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A few flickering memories around these times.

Assassins casting cure critical and hurling demon fire, dualing healing weapons from knights cabal after failed assassinates.

Nep raising his gnome during the days when raising a race that had a damage type vuln was unheard of. Either that or everyone just REALLY hate gnomes. 70% of npc's punched pounded or smashed. Ranger's bears also pounded (very lethal).

I vividly remember ambushing him with a ranger staff for a erad through sanc and then hitting him for straight demo**'s through sanc - hard times were had by any gnome back in those days.

Dwarf's were able to playe mages and int had little to no affect on spells. Twelve hundred hp invokers and transmuters pre transform and equipment was common.

With the fall of the shadow cabal the ability for warriors to have fade was lost for good. Grunk and Ravenlok combinations wouldnt be seen again.

A few cornerstone names that might jingle a few memories;

Kay - Cloud giant ranger probably one of the early game masters who knew every room and item and had enough skill to utalise it all.

Dwarf cleric masters;


Clerics with 2 attacks, tess, scourge, haste, sanc & healing whilst wearing a set of pwent. Need I say more ?

Crekvenac - Fire a-p masters, I think he managed to cleave a solid dozen ragers back when cleave NEVER landed.
Sirrion - fire warrior rager (renounded for wielding armaggeddon) Was a rarity due to the fact that there was no prot cold back in the day and yes frosties were in the game *cringe*.

Trilvain - another fire warrior - just a evil bastid but.
Devorak - first warrior rager to really step into a set of darkened and hold onto it for a dam long time.

Gilgamesh - Elf paladin master, idiot always used his AOE just to bless himself, regardless of the fact that it probably kill him a good 30% of the time.

Hammer - I think hammer will go down in cf history as the prime example of the destructor charmie bug. He and his army of zombies was a rariety during that time - but he managed to die in 1 round even with 2500hp to the big D when it got a round of attacks for each and every groupie hammer had. I along with half the battle cabale lost link in that single round of spam only to reconnect in a room with his corpse in it, laughter did ensure.

*.* Insert all level 30 cloud giant rangers here:
Cloud giants at the time had no vulns, rangers could see hidden/camo/invis with their own abilities and could call 2 nasty bears that had upward of 900hp at level 30 and would hit for evis's twice a round each. They would also do nice things like trip and bash for you. You could also order your bears to brew potions for you and pick locks, or do nifty things like steal. The best however was ordering them to fade whilst you were camo'ed.

Duke - human ranger arbiter , a bit imature and cried blue murder when he lost his unicorn pendants to a pk loot. Any way you looked at it however guards + 2 bears + healing shield + healing ranger staff + 2 healing pendants was a near unbeatable combination.

Rincewind - dwarf invoker arbiter. Probably started the seed of corruption in arbiter/tribunal with his blatent tells and bribe schemes, hell if you payed him enough he would meet you outside of town to give you sanc and ams before you headed into town to pk someone. I think he was the only person to actually successfully land manacles on a wanter person (which was charm person back then).

With the introduction mortorn during his corrupted rein there was a mass exodus of unseen players and hero's from their cracks in the woodwork as they logged on with their rare and elite equipment to tackle the new and ubber scary zone. Berrated by the immortals over the cabal channel that he was doing nothing to all these wanted people who were amassing before mortorn he bit the bullet and managed to pop out 2 mass erad/annihilates (not enough to kill anyone back then) before the group of 30+ heros' tore him to shreds.

The demon in mortorn however made his efforts look trivial when his first breathe wiped out all of the explorers. Perhaps that group needed Rincewinds, the then only invoker, ams ?

With castable chainlightning, crushing hand, cone of cold , sanc, and AMS invokers had nothing on todays vokers.

*.* Insert here all the multi doppled stacked entropic's;
Wow, where do I start - by far the most powerfull and disgusting combination cabal powers of all time. The list of entropic's if they can be named strech way to far back. That being said however I remember one that fell directly under your line of sight.

Guntur - gnome invoker (after the new invokers came into play), Entropic and yet tattoo'ed by you. Your tattoo allowed him and others with your tattoo to perm spells that they had up. Obviously he permed his shield spells. A tripple doppled, improved invis, 1600hp gnome invokder with enough hell gear and damage reduction was borderline unkillable. The then new tribunal didnt know what to do as the guards couldnt see him as they were all to low level. Two or three pillars was enough to kill any group, 7 pillars was normally enough to kill a storm giant, and it was a 1 round cast. His rein was short lived however as the immortals moved against him during a quest. Raising the level of his hometown guards from 41 to 42 (man-at-arms) ment they could see through his improved invis. The quest mob not only maledicted him with every know spell, but then also stacked the same using skills and communes. Even lasting long enough to teleport out his cockyness brought him back yelling "Is that all you have ? This is my town I own it!". I think the last I remember of him was him bleating endlessly over gtell hat the lord of perdition had all of his shinies! hahahahaha.

Jarmel - Fire giant a-p, Well what can I say but near perfection? If I recall you became tired of that spammy echo of him recasing irongrip so you gave him another perm on his tattoo just so he didnt have to recast it. To this day I think I have only seen two players that had come close to solo cleaning house as much as he did.

I know there must be dozens more that fell under your religion and were tattoo'ed but there are two that I could remember.

106, RE: Nostalgia! Part 2.0 game changes.
Posted by Dwarf Cleric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The following are the big changes that I remember being made, none of these are in order;

Assassins actually becoming more like assassins and less like muter/cleric/shaman/warriors multiclass killing machines.

Dual wield being introduced into the game.

Oldschool unique items being sacked/lost forever EG: apocalypse's (+5/5 neckwear - insane at the time)

Dwarf's denied from rolling mage classes anymore.

The fold of the shadow cabal - for good.

The fold of the knights cabal - for good.

Entropy closing - *sigh* what a let down that was.

Cloud giants being given 5 vulns in 1 day, mass slaughter followed for the next 5 days and the 60% cloud giant player base went to 1% other races became very viable suddenly.

Magic was split up into communers & casters, however the master cabal still allowed both. Carnage ensued as ragers couldnt do anything against communers.

Battle cabal was nearly crushed into oblivion the majority of good players throwing the towel in due to the change (All humanity resists change).

Sylvan cabal opens up and carnage ensures as insects changes the whole structure of pking.

Ganking and full looting becomes acceptable to combat harrassive pkers . The turn of the coin being that do unto others as others do unto you. Full looting becomes the standard there after.

Introduction of resists, the cleric population bites the bullet as the need for your personal cleric is nolonger required. Battle again takes a huge hit as now their deathblows dont even reach the "MUTILATE" damage message.

Muters get two paths & the onslaught of the form pk'ers begins. Immortals grant nifty worldy echo's to the morons who circle over the cities in their bird forms waiting for people to unghost, even following them whilst they are a ghost just to ensure that they can get another kill.

So many game changes, Each one changing the dynamic of the game in such a way that old players have to learn new methods. The staff ensure old dogs must learn new tricks.

Ahh so many memories Twist, with your return I am looking around for Ishmael - we so need entropy back in action.
102, This one might get me site banned
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I am used to it. :)

I remember playing a dark-elf invoker(old style) in masters and a certain honor-bound knight warrior force dueled me on Eastern Road. I remember thinking, he wouldn't really try would he? But I made sure to cast sanc and anti-magic shell just in case. Then I just spammed chain lightning til you died. Next thing I know I see
Twist: Good job Leandra.

That pretty much made my year, til the invoker changes came in.
103, I remember this one.
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember sitting in the lab and looking over at your moniter when you did that. I also remember watching him smoke Gabbies dark elf dagger spec with the same character and then role play after it. The role play was pretty damn cool, and I thought the name was cool too until I played Diablo enough. :P

85, Trouble and Cador rumble
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recall a time late in the second incarnation of Trouble when Twist and Cador were IMPs and I was a creator (59). Cador had a mortal in Battle (that I didn't know about) and my main role at the time was to try to encourage/enforce role-playing. I had been snooping around and noticed a whole pile of Villagers chasing and ganging one lone un-caballed thief in Galadon. This was expressly against the parity rules of the Village so I started tossing them out of Battle right and left (there were about 5 of them I think).

Almost immediately Cador comes online and starts asking what the heck was going on because his mortal was among those I had tossed out. It seems that the thief, though currently uncaballed, had been Shadow and the Village laws allowed ganging of Shadow (they were at perpetual war at the time). The thief had been tossed from Shadow but the Villagers didn't seem to know or care even after I warned them (could've been the bloodlust). I was going on the letter of the Village law while Cador argued it was the spirit that mattered and it was his cabal and for me to butt out. Did I mention he also outranked me?

Anyway, the problem was I hadn't been spending enough time at the game to know the thief had been Shadow (had never seen the thief before) and acted on what I saw rather than on the whole context. It made me realize that Imms need to spend a lot of time in the game, time I didn't have as post-doc with 80-100 hour weeks at work. So I deleted Trouble for the second and last time. Never had any hard feelings with Cador over it, the argument just pointed out a failing on my part in time in the game.
87, I never knew about that....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But things like that are one big reason we added the ability to put a history on mortals - a quick check of that thief's history that would show him inducted and uninducted from Shadow would have gone a long way.

It's too bad really because I've always loved your presence in CF - but there again, maybe, if you enjoy (and can play) mortals more than imms, you bring more/better experience to the game.

Anyways I'm really glad you're still around to some extent!
83, How worldwide summon got changed...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This probably wasn't the exact reason worldwide summon got changed, but it sure must have been a start. One day I (as leader of Master) hear some complaints from a few people. Seems one of my fellow Masters, Rei, has joined up with this Entropy bozo named Ishmael (evil giant warrior).

They are summoning everyone in their pk range to a noexit room and bashing/fireballing them to death.

Imagine if worldwide summon worked nowadays? I know nightgaunts do a semblance of it, but there was no way to stop the summon. It worked to summon into guilds, etc.

Speaking of worldwide summon, a second memory is of one of Morgath's mortal chars, which was named Hammerbane.

Truck, Saher (I think), and I were leveling in Dragon Tower (the old one, not the current one) on the various ancient dragons, and Truck sees that Hammerbane is in pk range. He asks me to summon him and prepares to just deliver a massive beatdown. I say ok, and something that looks similar to this happens:

c summon hammerbane

Hammerbane arrives suddenly.
Hammerbane has left the game.
**edited to point out that back then there was no code for 'you don't feel safe enough to quit here'.

Truck mutters under his breath.
Truck says 'what a coward.'

You nod.
Saher chuckles politely.

Someone says 'yeah, what a wuss.'
(back then it didn't say "An Immortal")

Morgath slowly fades into existence.
Morgath says 'I'm going to smack him next time I see him.'

Uh huh.
84, This one has me chuckling too.
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't recall that incident directly, but it sounds like something we'd have done back then. Summon was also fun because you could bring the hobgoblins with the purple sanc potions right to you...no need to walk to Moria.

Although, I think this must've pre-dated you being the mortal leader of Masters because I thought Truck was the leader until he got Imm'd into Trouble. I could be wrong because it was quite a few tequilas ago.

But Ah, the memories of transform HP boost and when 'call bears' resulted in 2 bears with the same HP as the ranger. I think I'd end up with like 6-7000 hps between Truck and his bears. They'd also rescue, attack, camo, sneak, etc..

Dang I miss those bears.

86, Twist as mortal leader
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You actually turned leadership over to me when I hit about level 30, IIRC. Also, you didn't Imm as Trouble from Truck, as far as I know - Truck stopped leveling at about level 35 and then slowly stopped showing (which was part of the reason you turned leadership over - I was on pretty much nonstop).

I remember because I had to ask you the name of the dagger.
88, You know, I think you're right...
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew I'd stopped leveling Truck because I was trying to figure out Trouble and that crazy pile of Entropy. For some reason I thought I'd deleted Truck when I imm'd and then a few months later rolled up Silentone to try something different. By then though, you had Imm'd so my time line could still be way off.

One of these days I'll roll up another character but my times tend to be concentrated for the intensity and continuity required for a mortal; a lot of free time to play in the breaks between semesters and almost none during them.

Thanks for the thoughts too, folks like you (and many of the other PC's and Imms) have kept it interesting enough that I still poke my head up here once in a while. :P
90, Bugs with bears
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How about when bears had the bug/feature of "remembering what they were wearing" so when you logged out what ever they were wearing became part of there permenant stats, so peopel would be logging in and out and getting the green stuff from the FON and logging out so they could boast the bears dam roll.
76, A couple of MASTER memories... good times
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1 - Maybe some others remember the specifics better, it was so long ago and I may have killed these brain cells... I remember after master was purged, there was a big quest for like four or five of us - Iswan (me, felar a-p), Jandor (necro), Hermitos?(or was it Godot..I think it was the player of Godot), and two others I can't remember.. Hammer maybe? Dylan maybe? Anyway we finish up the first few (easier) parts of the quest and the last part involves us having to get the staff of the handmaiden. I'm like level 40, Jandor's like 42 and the others are heros I think. We spent hours trying to come up with crazy strategies to make it work... well it didn't. We failed miserably. But the point of the exercise was for all of us to work together, you didn't think we had any chance to succeed at all (you were right, we needed an awful lot of luck) but you wanted to see the teamwork. We all got reinducted. That was one helluva fun time.

2 - I was playing Master leader Crkvenac (or was it some other master leader of mine... I'm pretty sure it was Crkvenac) and Dylan as a level 53 IMM started going on and on and on on cabal channel how she never once in her life ever left Thera without retrieving the Orb, etc, etc, etc. I played Masters when Dylan was a mortal, and she was useless at best. During these times I was pretty much a raging egomaniac (way way worse than now, even) so I figured I'd teach this liar a lesson. I bitched her out and uninducted her. I naturally got punished but goddamn I thought that was hilarious and I thought I was hot stuff for doing that. Heh.

Good times. Thinking about stuff like this makes me want to start playing again.

77, I'm getting old...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't remember purging Master, or having you get the staff of the handmaiden, or anything. Sure it was me? :P
78, RE: I'm getting old...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm pretty sure that was me.

I also think that was Crkvenac and not Iswan.
79, Phew.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, getting blamed for a cabal purge that wasn't me. I feel like Cador. Or Pico.

Someone grabs ahold of your neck and puts you to sleep.

Pray Haha Pico good one.
81, Man.. I must be getting old too.
Posted by Sebeok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or I've killed too many brain cells. Or both.
82, RE: Phew.
Posted by Pico on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shokai did it! I swear!
89, It was you!
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You just doppel'd Shokai.

I always did like trying to come up with novel new ways for my mortals to greet you and not cross the 'disrespect to Imms' line but not 'bow' 'tip' etc.. I think my best was with a drunken dwarf Baron named Sawyer who only drank beer and only used fists before the warrior specs came in. I think I just gave you a beer whenever I saw you. I tried it again with Gramgelli a couple of years ago and figured out that if you did it right, you never had to eat or drink anything but beer or ale. But of course by then, there was no Entropy, so he just stayed uncaballed and drunk. :P

Or maybe that's my memory saying what I should've done. It has been a lot of years.
91, RE: I'm getting old...
Posted by Thrakburzug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did the purge that got rid of Alodar when he was the leader and then you made me (Iukuru) leader because I was the next Master to log in.

I do remember good times back then, especially you running the quest for me to get the griffon form. iirc you had me get the necklace from the dwarf area in the past and for some reason I didn't understand how to complete the quest, probably the dwarf bread part. I know you must have been tearing your hair out at how long it took me to finally figure things out. good memories.
92, Don't remember doing the purge, but...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I *do* remember the quest for griffon. And yes, I was like "jeez, c'mon, do the BREAD!"
I had figured that quest out as a mortal and I'm notorious for thinking that if I can figure out something, anyone can, because am bad about attention to detail. To be fair, when I figured it out, I was just some random semi-lowbie, walking around with all the time in the world, not someone who was feverishly trying to complete a quest before the guy running it lost interest. :P
75, Raiding Techniques
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gotta love the good-old days when you had the Destructor, Seneschal, etc sitting at the front gate, could flee past them to smack whoever you wanted to inside, and raiding involved trying to unlock, open, and spam get all altar before anyone else could.

Damn that would have been so much easier if I'd realized then what I know now, about the order people's commands are acted upon by the system. Curse those lowbies and their get all before I could!
74, Destructorspam Linkloss
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It used to be that the big D didn't have any special attacks, he just area-attacked everything that was fighting him for several hits. I recall one particular instance when I was connected over a 14.4 modem with my Shadow ranger, Zorodan. We Shadows had about...8 people, and went to raid Battle. Myself, Dilamon, Killfax, Vsomething...I forget who all was there. Basically everyone had a Nightwalker, someone had a bunch of other charmies, and myself and Dilamon had bears. So there were about 20 PC/charmies attacking Big D.

Each round of combat, he would hit each of us proportionally to how many were fighting him (I don't know how it was coded, but it was effective). He killed most of the mobs in the first round. I lost link from the spam (I wasn't the only one) got reconnected and had wimpied with about 200 hp left. There were about 3 pc corpses, most mobs dead. I think it took about 2 rounds to achieve.

We ended up hitting him one at a time after that, I think, and took it much easier.
69, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Back in the day marriages were much more common, and I remember one of my chars getting married to see what the whole thing was about, and, of course, to get the phat lewt. Which brings me to my point: I was this paladin of the knight cabal, and this necro who had tooled me over and over and over showed up and handed me a ruby collar, from Thorgrimr. I had never seen it before (this was like my second or third character and I still didn't really have a clue about either areas or mechanics) and so I identified it and saw all those -20s on the ac and was like OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING! THANK YOU!! to this necro. He was one of the Singapore guys and he just laughed and said it wasn't that good and that he'd probably take it from my corpse in a few days...

Good times.
65, Your Entropy Bard.
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you had a drunk Entropy bard, probably one of the best drunks I've seen ever in the game. Was he the inspiration for drunk talk?

Also I remember with Rotgar, that there was a contest to bring the most different brews to one of the imms. So I go everywhere and find a bunch of different brews, I'm talking a sack full probably 30 or so. I think near everyone in the game at that time. So I give it to the IMM running the contest and ask so how many was the most anybody else has brought in and they say like 10, and I'm like look in the Bag. I got the cool never empty beer bottle, probably one of my favorite rewards. Along with my suede hat, back when entropy couldn't have limited items.

66, Not me.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never had an entropy bard. The only bard I ever had that got to any reasonably high level was Jowrgomo, who was intended to be a gossip monger and who kept a journal.


Someone has the journal entries and stuff logged somewhere, I think.

Anyways he only got to 35. I don't know who you're talking about.
67, I think it's in the Lyceum, isn't it? notext
Posted by Linolaques on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70, Hmmm
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe it wasn't a bard, not remember the exacts, other than Ishy saying that you were playing him. I think it was about a year after bards went in. I went Yup, super neat idea and execution, most be a Twist character. Droba was the first character that I've interacted with that I didn't have a pretty good idea it was one of yours. Maybe that had to do with only talking once or twice.
71, Pretty sure it's still not me.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had two Entropy heroes, ever, that I remember. Gnibbkribble, a gnome dagger spec (before dagger specs got beefed up) on a pseudo-dare from Nep, and some delf healer. In fact I don't think the delf even got to hero.

Neither was roleplayed as a drunk. In fact, I'm pretty sure I never roleplayed any char as a drunk.

Maybe you're drunk?

93, RE: Pretty sure it's still not me.
Posted by Ishmael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't recall you ever playing an Entropy bard either, let alone a drunk. I think Dave really is drunk!!!

Ahh...Entropy...how I miss you. :)

- The Paisley Giant
94, RE: Pretty sure it's still not me.
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm getting old now, I'm turned into a lightweight, one beer and silly as a school girl like you at....(I was going to add the name of the bar we went to play trivia but my old addled brain can't remember). :P Man it's good to be married to a woman smarter than me, the name of the bar was Players.

225, RE: Not me.
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is that how you come up with all of your character names? You did it for Fobrin too :p
226, No.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hunsobo, for instance, wasn't like HUlkingSOnofaBitchOwl-hater or anything like that. It just sounded like a big dumb giant name that was far enough away from Gurgthock that I wouldn't be recognized (for naming) The first time I rolled him (and deleted at like level 4), I think he was like Rokgar or something.

In fact most of my more memorable chars are NOT named like that, the exception being Qurochiho (who was only memorable for HAR! not for an actual quality char).
68, Are you talking about the Philosopher of Chaos?
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
About 9 years ago? I loved that guy...he and Pico used to have major disagreements over the nature of alignment vs. the nature of Chaos. Pico argued that a character's alignment sort of 'filtered' a character's chaotic actions toward a polar end (ie, a chaotic good character's actions would unpredictably cause 'good' things to happen). The Philosopher argued that Chaos was an 'absolute defense' of sorts, that overruled alignment and should cause a character to act completely unpredictably. It really bugs me I can only remember his title, and not his name. I think it started with a "K."
72, Kygolas, essayist in his own mind? nt
Posted by Linolaques on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not positive that is the name, but I was just thinking of him the other day.
73, Yeah, that was the guy.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was great, whoever he was.
64, Kurse-es!
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I had my first rager pre-purge. Dwarf warrior named Kurse. Got my first UNSPEAK with him at about level 32.

I'm pretty sure it was him that got charmed by some Master mage. It went something like this:

<Killing shoppies in Tar Valon, sleeping up hp>

You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You look at mageguy with adoring eyes. Isn't he wonderful?
bash mageguy
You love your master too much to do that!
Mageguy orders you to 'sleep'.
You go to sleep.

You feel time and space shift around you as you lurch violently!
(or whatever the echo was for tesseract).

You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You are blinded!
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
You shiver and suffer.
Your plague wounds you.

gt 'I'm dead.'
You tell your group 'I'm dead.'

Someone tells the group 'No, I will spare you this time, as a lesson. Though I do not guarantee you will be able to leave this place.'

You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your eyes feel heavy as you fall into deep slumber.
(or whatever the echo was for sleep back then)

<waiting - plagued, slept, blind>

You wake and stand up.
You can't see anything!
Your plague injures you.

<blind wears off>

(PK) Kurse The Black Hole

The Black Hole
Room description text - something about falling into a black hole.

Exits: None
62, An acolyte of Twist is here, grinning and selling you things.
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My earliest Twist memory. We should bring that guy back. Maybe he could sell haste potions instead of water skins to all the player haters.}(
60, Twist gets uninducted v.2
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's referred to below. I login one day, I'm like level 49. I really REALLY want to get to level 50 (and 51). I ask my buds, Saher and Nighthawk, if they will level with me, since there are no Masters on. They say sure, but first they are going to duel Loki. If I help, it'll go faster, they say.

Um ok.

So there I am, ready to duel Loki. With Saher and Nighthawk, two chaotics. Meanwhile Loki uses the "at" command to put up spellbane without us seeing it.

So I start spamming 'c acid' over and over. I ANNIHILATE myself 4 times and die.

Rahvin transfers me, says something over cb to the effect of "Obviously I have been lax in my discipline." and ungrants me, then uninducts me. He takes my leaderweapon from my corpse and eats it.

A tick later, the head of Twist decomposes. Rahvin says 'how appropriate.' and goes away.

Saher Nighthawk and Loki are all very sorry of course. I try for a while to get back into Master and fail. So, I roleplay that I have gone mad and need to lash out at anything, group with Tenfan and Dru, and level to 51 which automatically Heroimmed you back then. Morgath makes me 53 (which happened frequently back then), and 2 days later Rahvin forces me to 'title the Violet Spider', inducts me into Master, says "You're the God of Magic now. I have to go to work. Later." and quits.
61, They immorted you for spam killing yourself?!
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ha! Thats nothing, I've slept myself three times with the same damn necro - twice leading to full lootness. I love that I never save against my own spell. Make me a heroimm :P

63, No...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They immorted me for my stellar roleplay, ubertastic pk abilities (0pkwins, 5-6pklosses baby!), and generally being a good guy.

The spam killing myself was just icing on an already delicious Twist-cake.

59, Probably one of my funniest memories
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I am sitting down in Upson playing Flibber, chaotic stupid thief of many incarnations. Rotgar(DP) was on and so was Hal's storm paladin or warrior trib, can't remember his name. I'm running around being a nuisance as always when I see Rotgar and Hal's trib standing in the Captain's Office in TV. I head over there hiding and sneaking, though they can both see me, back when rangers had detect hidden. I make a quick alias, leave east, step out of the shadows, resneak, go back in and hit my alias. The alias was emote utters the words, 'oabraz'. (bunch of spaces til the line wrapped) You feel your tongue contort.

Next thing I know I see Rotgar is now Wanted! Rotgar asks why he was flagged and Hal replies for garbling him. Hal gave some reason like Flibber isn't Entropy so you must have doppled him and garbled me. DP's face turns red and I think he is about to kill Hal, literally, so I tell Hal to look at what he typed. He's like yeah? So what? I ask, is it garbled? Long silence, then Rotgar is no longer wanted. I literally fell off my chair I was laughing so hard.
55, Twist gets uninducted v.1
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So Rahvin decided one day that Master had too many people in it - we were an elite group of magi, not some clearinghouse for anyone who liked magic. I don't know the whole story, I was only level 22 and pretty much completely newbriffic (I thought I was hot #### because I knew that Wyvern Tower had a secret passage).

So I (and everyone else Rahvin sees) get uninducted. I got a quest about a day later (I'm not sure everyone got a quest to get back in, or if it was just that I kept plugging away even after getting uninducted) and I'm just a complete dolt during the whole thing. Here's a summary of what poor Rahvin had to put up with.

First he asks me to solve the following riddle and bring him the answer:
"Alone I sit, gently crying. With each tear, slowly dying. What am I?"
So I have no effin' clue. And this is pre-web, so I couldn't Google it.

So, he leads me on about 3 hours (maybe more?) of questaciousness. It was awesome, and one reason why Rahvin kicked so much ass. He leads me here, and there, and then I'm supposed to kill the queen of spiders in arachnia (damn there are some old-school areas he quested me in). He tells me she is very tough and I'll need to use this special scroll to kill her. I tell him I never practiced scrolls. I'm sure at this point he's smacking his forehead at the computer at my idiocy - a mage without scrolls practiced.

Quick tangent - I didn't have scrolls practiced because I didn't realize what each stat-level was. I had a 16 int with Twist until I was level 30 when someone told me that a 17 int would practice to 75 with TWO pracs. Good lord.

So he sets my scrolls to 100%, tells me "You've known how to use scrolls all along." and sends me on my merry way.
I die in 2 rounds. Never did find out what that scroll was supposed to do. I tried "read scroll" and got "A small scroll lies here."

Heh. So we continue on, I forget what all happened next. Finally he loads Heimdall in front of me. He says "This is Heimdall. He has 20000hp. He is level 60. He will hit you hard enough to kill you in one round." Then he casts frenzy and haste on Heimdall. "What is your most powerful damage spell?" I tell him it is fireball. "How well do you know yourself? How much damage does your fireball do?" I tell him about 50 hp. He tells me to cast my spell at Heimdall. I do, and Heimdall dies (figured out later he had obviously set his hp. Probably to 1 hp, but maybe to 50). I gain 1850 exp and was like "holy crap!".

So Rahvin tells me that believe in myself and my Magic is where true power comes from. He advances me to level 23 (had a massive exp hole from the spider queen and various other deaths), restores me, inducts me back into Master.

Then he tells me "By the way, the answer was 'A candle'. You could have gotten one by buying it in Midgaard."
56, v2
Posted by Xanthrailles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you and a couple of others challenged Loki to a duel. Rahvin kicked you all out after that also. Was it you and Pico? I seem to remember there were three of you.
54, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Favorite one was the whole mud getting trans'd to market square by I think Vilhazarog (or maybe Ra####on, it was along name =P), where he promptly went "Oops" and Pico said something like "Nothing to see here" and dispersed everyone. Found it funny as hell, even considering the mob death that followed immediately after.
48, Two favorites, both w/ my first character...
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rolling up my Knight wannabe warrior based on Monmouth's advice, and not having a clue what I was doing, I got inducted, and just getting beat on by Shadow. Spaceballs is right there...evil wins because good is dumb. So, the leaders seem not to die so much, I figure the world's much better off if die before them, so I made it my life's goal to follow along with Tallanvor and rescue him from everyone. Needless to say, lots of unneeded deaths.

Secondly, from when warriors had counter (and I can't remember how it goes, but the gist gets through) -

Assassin steps out of the shadows.
Assassin attempts to assassinate you!
You counter assassin's attack!
Assassin +++ ASSASSINATES +++ assassin!
Assassin is dead!
Assassin's corpse falls to the ground, dead.

I look around going....WTF!?
47, Ahhh...
Posted by Zargu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was times where immortals just slayed you when you immed, now a days they use weapons! Heh


An Immortal has transferred you.
The Chat Room
There is only one way to describe this room: comfortable. The most
comfortable couches and chairs are clustered in several groups creating
several little groups of conversation. Off to the side you see a large
pool, sauna, heated baths, and spring baths. Over to the other
side a fireplace blazes merrily. A huge bar lines one wall of the room.

<788hp 940m 609mv>
Your body feels infused with a new power.

Pico slays you in cold blood!
You turn into an invincible ghost for a few minutes.
As long as you don't attack anything.

who imm

<1hp 1m 609mv> <52 Elf AVA> Stellyx the Silver-Tongued, Rhymer of Thera
<54 Human DEM> Lyria dei Laleith, the Mistress of the Revels
<51 D-Elf Hea> (PK) Zargu the Avatar of the Sheathed Sword, Imperial High Priestess
<60 Arial IMP> Pico the Circulating Illogic


<978hp 1257m 1100mv 22700tnl 11 AM>
Sebeok says 'This is my favorite part.'

<978hp 1257m 1100mv 22700tnl 11 AM>
Sebeok says 'The canoewhack.'

<978hp 1257m 1100mv 22700tnl 11 AM>
Sebeok whacks you upside the head with an armored war barge!
Sebeok's canoewhack does UNSPEAKABLE things to you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Your vitality is ebbing fast.

Sebeok has transferred you.

who im
<54 H-Elf DEM> (PK) (Wizi 51) Corrlaan the Merciful, Lord of the Archons
*51 H-Drw HRO* (PK) Zilopza Ta'argna the Persistant Pursuer of Forbidden Lore, Matriarch of the Night
<53 Human ANG> (PK) (Wizi 51) Zebulus the Esoteric Watcher, Keeper of Mystic Runes
<60 Cloud IMP> (PK) (Wizi 51) Sebeok the Omnipresent Voice of Instinct

Players found: 4


Even the old chat room in asgaard has changed... :-)
46, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Trouble on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, There were a lot of fun times early on, beside Truck ambushing the gnomes by the hundreds in the swamp after you slept them. I remember once after Truck had been leading Master's and been Imm'd into Trouble, I had rolled up an assassin named Silentone (ah the great RP names). I managed to get Silentone into Master's and logged in one day to find everyone telling me congratulations. By the time I had figured out what they were congratulating me on, someone (I think it was you) had made me leader of Master's again. I can't recall if I turned it down or deleted over it because I didn't want to have a mortal leader of one cabal while I was the Imm leader of another (Entropy). I laughed my ass off because I didn't think any of you knew who was playing Silentone.

I also recall when I had another mortal named Rhuark (I think) that I was in the old Arbiters and I had talked Bladerunner into becoming the mortal leader and then talked him into making a new law that banned wielding weapons in Galadon. That was fun flagging everyone for about a week till we had to rescind it.
52, Gnolls, not gnomes, you goof.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. I remember asking Silentone to lead but I definitely didn't know you were Truck.

I remember that law (Justice, not Arbiters), and the HUGE outcry it caused. I was a mortal then, and like an idiot, I was upset about it. I was a mage for crying out loud, I didn't need a weapon wielded anyways.

53, Silentone sounds like a bit Italianish name :P
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you syllable it like Si-len-to-ne and put the weight to the syllable 'to'.
58, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember getting my first tattoo. I was sitting in my guild and sent an extensive, heavily rp'ed pray, something along the lines of "Trouble, can I have your tattoo" Next thing I know, I am ranking in Emerald Forest and poof, I have the tattoo, can't remember if I ever figured out what it did. Maybe dragon strength? Anyways, good times!
45, Nodak Memories.
Posted by Razoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your free to edit this one if you want.

I remember sitting down in the Upson lab with you, I had a level twenty storm giant cleric, yes cleric, trying to get into Masters. Well, I went to your shrine prayed for ol' Twist and then spent about an hour with you showing me all abour your religon and finally getting the ink. That is one of my fondest memories. Of course that character never went anywhere, never made it into masters, and finally probably just autoed. How's that for Nodak Conspiracy! :P Another one of my favorites was getting inked in hell on a joint Empire/Masters trip, I think because I was dogging the Masters including Guerric, over sect channel. Another cool memory makes me wish we only had camera phones back then, we would have some really fun pictures of Cador passed out at a computer in the lab from being up for 36 or more hours straight. All the NoDak people know the pose, and I can't really do it justice, but imagine Cador halfway falling off a chair, slouched all the way down, head tilted all the way back, with one arm resting on the keyboard, logged in smiting people. Ok, maybe he wasn't smiting people but he was logged in. Oh those were the good old times. These are just a couple off the top of my head, I'll post some more later when I think of them.

51, I can totally imagine that pose...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I typically got up and went home before I got to that point. Heh.
57, I have 2 words for you guys.....
Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know, not exactly CF nostalgia, but.....

44, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Beladorizid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember when when you typed in a command to get your "Knight of Thera" title, and if you somehow typed it twice it would give you "knight of Thera, Knight of Thera" You then knew you had to rank as fast as you could to haev it disappear before Cador saw you with it, or else he would title you something awful.

I also remember when Beladorizid (Storm Paladin Knight) fell "in love" with Dylan (Fire AP Master) during a cease fire with Masters. Had a lovely little chat with Cador about that with Matsumi(SP?) defending me. Matsumi later became Bria and Dylan later Imm'd.
50, I think you have that a little backwards....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty sure Dylan became Bria.

And yeah, the Knight of Thera thing was funny. Joejoebob the Paladin, Moron of Thera. Heh.
153, Dylan and Matsumi (and me!)
Posted by Radial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dylan became Bria. Matsumi became alarmed by the way Cador was acting toward her and went off somewhere else. She would later be an Imm on at least one other place.

Dylan was my girlfriend. I got her to play in the first place. Matsumi was my best friend's girlfriend. I got him to play, he got her to play.

Dylan was of the same generation as Darwin, my first CF character, who got Morgath's tattoo and was the apprentice of Xarnoth. Darwin became a Master and I had a lot of fun with him. But the con loss, very old age and big experience hole meant he never got within range of 50. In the end, he went on a pilgrimage to most of the shrines to see if anyone wanted him for anything. Naturally, they did not...so he returned to the top of the Masters' Tower where Nazmorghul himself came to take him away.

That was the best ending any of my characters ever had.

I started playing Radial, felar assassin, in Darwin's twilight period. Radial did better at the whole level gaining thing. Eventually I got to be leader of the Knights, where my "Don't attack the Masters." edicts never seemed that popular. My theory was that we had so much evil to combat that if one faction of it wasn't going to attack us, we could leave them for last...and avoid the sticky moral situation of warring with a cabal where everyone stuck together, so you'd end up fighting the good ones as well as the evil ones.

Radial immed and things looked reasonably good for a while. Dylan immed and things were generally going well there too. It took forever for me to get SH to assign me an area to do. Then...well, I spent several months not being online. Dylan had gotten very mad at me IRL and I decided I would extend giving her some space to include online as well.

Alas, this meant I didn't get my area done, as I focused on non-CF things. The move to the new site came and partway through that Cador sat me down and told me if my area wasn't done, he was booting me, because I wasn't getting the job done. Ouch. But fair, I guess.

Somewhere in all of that, I also managed to be Jareth, an evil arial Master cleric who got Nazmorghul's tattoo. I always looked up to Nazmorghul as a great roleplayer. I was probably the wussiest, least competent PKer to have that tattoo...at the time at least, maybe ever.

Radial getting denied, however, was part of what set my life on a path to actual success. Wandering around in the days after that, I found another MUD, where I met a guy I became friends with. That guy later went to a particular MUSH and I followed. There I met another guy I became friends with, whose advice helped me to get my career going.

So now I've got the house, car, girlfriend, pile of game consoles...at least in part because of Cador and his tossing me out.

So, a big thanks to Cador, wherever he is! I'll always regret what might have been, but I'm really happy with what ended up anyway.
43, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Graatchman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember as Balsamon being the first mortal to have your new magic tattoo and having you teach me the key phrase to slow myself. I was walking around emoting showing it to everyone, strutting my stuff all proud. I think this was early or mid '97. Good times.

I also still have the log somewhere where you trans'd him to you and in all caps said "YOU'RE IN BIG TROUBLE!!!!!" And then you made me master leader. Was pretty funny.
49, Funny but accurate!
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IIRC being Leader of Master at that time suddenly made you a target for anywhere from 15-30 level 10-20 mages/ap's.

So in a sense, you were in for big trouble. Or headaches.
42, RE: Nostalgia!
Posted by Svarog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first time ever that I logged on on CF. I just spawned in Galadon and found the fountain in the Sun Temple. After brainstorming for a few minutes I finally found out how to drink from it. Feeling rather extatic about my new accomplishment it took me a while to realise that I got poisoned and that I was going to die from it. It was Nazmorghul's sidge of Galadon (at least I think it was Naz.) when Faruq was hiding in the city. How long ago was that? I miss those days.
41, I remember when 'Twist' was a dance.
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even before he popularized the Ghost Dance.
40, NewbTwist v.2, or "Bashdown at the West Gate"
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So NewbTwist was really kicking ass. He'd made it all the way to level 5, had a bitchin' groupmate named Commodore who was a nice warrior type, and knew exactly how to get to homonculus' in the sewers.

Cormric (not the exact name, I don't really remember) tells you 'can you help me??'

reply What's wrong?

Cormric tells you 'come to the west gate of Midgaard. Hurry please!'

You tell your group 'we need to go help Cormric.'

Outside the West Gate of Midgaard
Cormric is here.
Deathwar is here.
Deathwar sends you flying with a powerful bash!
You yell 'Help! Deathwar is bashing me!'
(snip big bashdownfest that lasts about a round)
You have been KILLED!!
You have lost 6400 experience points.
(yeah. PK caused exp loss back then. Suckzors.)

Much, MUCH later, I learn that Deathwar had in fact been played by Cador.

39, NewbTwist v.1
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I first started CF, I rolled up a mage, got to level 2 (TWO!) and was rockin' the mud school. Even got my diploma. I didn't realize that the wimpy aggro mudschool monster was tracking me until he attacked. I fled with 4 hp left, and slept next to the Adept of Derit. The desc. on the mob (a healer mob in the center of mud school) said something to the effect of The Adept of Derit is here, protecting you.

So naturally I figured he'd kick that wimpy aggro mudschool monster's ass if it chased me.

When I died and woke up at the pit, I said "This sucks. I'm going to find a ShadowRun MUD." Deleted, and went looking. The two SR muds I found were ... well ... not good. One was like a hundred million colors, and the other one was confusing as all hell.

Went back to CF, rolled up another Twist, and the story went on from there.